
My diary is public

Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas as to why I have been stuck around the same weight for the last 90 or so days?

5'2", female, 33, breastfeeding a toddler. Weight is stuck around 136-138. Am I not eating enough, too much, etc?


  • snowchj
    snowchj Posts: 45 Member
    Eat less, exercise more, or both.

    Also, is that a recent photo? I realize it's a retouched portrait but you look awesome. You might be done dieting.
  • mfunderburgh
    mfunderburgh Posts: 47 Member
    Eat less, exercise more, or both.

    Also, is that a recent photo? I realize it's a retouched portrait but you look awesome. You might be done dieting.

    Thanks, that was from May. I'll try to post a recent pic. Just dont want to go to low on cals since I am still Bf'ing. Just trying to get back to pre baby weight 123-125ish.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    You might want to wait until you're done breast feeding. I have no experience or proof, but it would make sense to me that since you are still doing that you probably have a decent amount of milk weight that you can't really do much about until you stop. It probably isn't 10lbs worth, but it probably is a decent amount. Other than that, I've heard a lot of people mention that when hitting a plateau if they up their cals for a few days and then go back to what they were eating before it kinda kickstarts the whole system. I haven't tried this yet, but it seems to work for many. Good luck!
  • hollywoodguy99
    hollywoodguy99 Posts: 25 Member
    If your not doing any resistance training, you need to add it in. That will usually help blast through a plateau.

    You don't need to go to the gym, push ups, crunches, dips and pull ups can all be done at home. Invest $20 in a used dumbbell set (5-8 lbs) and you can exponentially add in other exercises.

    Youtube has a video of 8 minute abs on it, and there is an 8 minute timer available as a free app for your phone. This a great routine and short investment of time.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Days you are over it looks like your sodium is quite high. I would definitely suggest trying to keep your sodium lower.

    You should also check out threads on mothers losing while breastfeeding. They will have more info on how to balance a calorie deficit with adequate nutrients.
  • nunep
    nunep Posts: 21
    You are a food source for your baby. Make sure you don't cheat your baby out of healthy nutrition. Eating less will not help you or your child. Eating SMARAT will and s/he should be your first priority. Your body does burn additional 300-500 a day because your it works on producing milk for your little one. Why won't you start over on your diet when you are done breastfeeding and keep on working out? BTW, love your picture, you look great!:smile:
  • I am stuck as well. I lost almost 50 lbs a couple years ago. Quit smoking in January, and gained 20 pounds. Now I am trying to get that back off but its not budging. I work out 3-5 days a week, changing it up often, and I am eating better. Its very frustrating since the first time it came right off.
    If you find something that works, would love to hear!

  • mfunderburgh
    mfunderburgh Posts: 47 Member
    If your not doing any resistance training, you need to add it in. That will usually help blast through a plateau.

    You don't need to go to the gym, push ups, crunches, dips and pull ups can all be done at home. Invest $20 in a used dumbbell set (5-8 lbs) and you can exponentially add in other exercises.

    Youtube has a video of 8 minute abs on it, and there is an 8 minute timer available as a free app for your phone. This a great routine and short investment of time.

    I've been doing the 30 day shred at home.. on day 7!
  • mfunderburgh
    mfunderburgh Posts: 47 Member
    Days you are over it looks like your sodium is quite high. I would definitely suggest trying to keep your sodium lower.

    You should also check out threads on mothers losing while breastfeeding. They will have more info on how to balance a calorie deficit with adequate nutrients.

    Thanks didn't notice that
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Based on your stats, the fact you are breast feeding, and probably active with your child, I would calculate you around 1800-2000 calories daily. I have a feeling you might be under eating. Breast feeding alone requires and additional 300-500 calories. Also, 30DS might not do much for you since you are already in a good range for weight. You really want something that incorporates heavy weight training (like a chalean extreme or p90x). They are much more efficient at cutting body fat, which is what gives you a tight, lean body.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I second the resistance training. Muscle will up your BMR so you want to add that if you can. Also, if you are looking to break a plateau cut your carbs for a week or two. Try in half but don't lose your veggies and fruits. Cut the grain carbs as they offer no nutritional benefits (other then fiber and you can get that from fruits/veggies).

    Those 2 should help you break the plateau.