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Wanting to regain my self- confidence...

Hi all-
I have left the WW scene because I didn't feeling like the weight was coming off as quickly as it should. I must say when I double tracked, the fruits and veggies really add on those extra calories ! WoW.

I am on a weight loss journey since June 1, 2010 when I had my precious baby boy and gained 63 pounds in the process. I got it all off about a year later then, had some awful issues with anxiety and the docs really messed up my med's and guess what, the weight came right back to me in a state of turmoil.

My hubby is bruitally honest with me and mentions something about my weight and my self- confidence has disappeared with my weight gain. He knows it was the medication that caused this issue, but he still hints around about getting it off. And yes, it seriously irritates me.

With all that, I am doing this for myself, not for him, because I want to me myself again a strong confident women that can feel sexy in sweats lol.

Would love to make some friends on this journey!

Thanks for listening !



  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Hi, Gwen -

    I understand meds and weight gain; was 185 on a 5' 1" frame many years ago and still battle some of that due to meds...although of late I'm off almost of everything. I'm down to 130 and headed to between 105-110 (under doc's supervision). I'm 55, BTW - you can do it :)

    Welcome to MFP. There are some very well educated, helpful people, with a few trolls scattered about :) I enjoy the community and find MFP a great aid in losing weight /getting fit. Feel free to friend me.
  • I know just how you feel. I have been down that same road. My Dr experimented with so much medication within 3 months I went from 132 up to 210lbs. Everything in my closet stayed on a hanger because I couldn't even get it to go over my hips. I still live in sweat pants. My husband doesn't say much about my weight because he is over 300lbs. But I can tell that he misses the woman he married. He never wants me going anywhere with him anymore. I use to have to go everywhere with him. I felt like the trophy wife. I hated it. But now honestly I really miss it. I use to blame him when I would get upset and eat because it seemed that was the only thing we could ever do together. But I now know that there is nobody to blame but myself for allowing my self control to disappear. The medication may have caused my weight gain. But the medication didnt tell me that I had to sit on the couch and allow it to progress. I am also new to MFP. So if you would like to add me as a friend I would be honored. We can get through this journey together, and maybe even get some support and pointers from eachother.
  • I see where you are coming from. Just recently had some very grave issues with my self esteem involving my weight. It sucks the literal life out of you, I know that the people closest to me have every good intention, but sometimes the look on their faces when I tell them what I weigh, despite what I am trying to do, just is a huge downfall.
    I hope your journey is a good one! Hope to become friends!
  • gwenw1984
    gwenw1984 Posts: 4 Member
    You guys are awesome. I will add all of you! I'm glad to have found this site :)
  • Feel free to add me!!! My journey is similar to yours. I was on WW a month after having my daughter (who is now almost 2). I plateaued for about 9 months. I tried to show the employees my tracker, and even though I was doing everything right, there was still some excuse as to why I was staying the same, or gaining a point of a pound. After joining MFP I now realize that I was eating way too many fruits. I was eating several bananas in a day (as my fruit/veggies on WW) but realized that not all fruits are treated equally. I still eat bananas - but in moderation (as with all foods now). I have about 25 more lbs to go - and it's so difficult. My husband has also noticed that my self confidence isn't quite up to power still, and even though he's not as brutally honest, i'm pretty honest with myself. I would love to support you on your weight loss journey.
  • allermom
    allermom Posts: 10
    i gained 34 pounds in one month from bipolar meds,....my heart broke. all i could do was stuff my face. today is my first day on myfitnesspal.com i love it already! i read other peoples battles and see that i'm not alone. many of us are in the same rut, striving for the same goal. you can do this. forgive your husband he just doesn't get it.
  • allermom
    allermom Posts: 10
    i didn't know fruits made you gain weight?? tha's good to know
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi! I know with a commitment to your health and involvement in this community your self confidence will be sky high! Add me too, I'm new :)
  • gwenw1984
    gwenw1984 Posts: 4 Member
    They still added calories to my diet, so when I was only losing .6 pound in a week and not going over throughout the week or the weekend, I was baffled, its because I was eating fruits and veggies as zero points, with this program, you count the calories that they have.
  • Hello Gwen,

    Glad to see you here and trying to get back to "sexy & sweet", looks like to me you are already on your way. I struggled with my weight for years even from when I was only about 10 years old. When I got into my 30's my weight ballooned to almost 300lbs too so I know what you mean. I did WW, lean cuisine, herballife, counted calories,the shake drinks but nothing really seemed to get the weight off and to keep it off. I did some research and found a nutritionist that was really good at explaining what it was I was eating, not how much, that was keeping my fat burning turned off. In the last year I have slowly been changing my diet and for the most part the entire way I approach eating now so that what I put in my body helps to keep my metabolism in the fat burning mode. I know this sounds like a lot but I dropped 35+lbs in less than 3 months and have kept if off and am looking at losing another 35lbs by the end of the year. Talk about a confidence booster, nothing helps better than to go and buy some new clothes or do the things you like to do that you just can't seem to enjoy with the extra weight. We are all here for some reason, the weight loss will bring the self confidence just like the self confidence will bring around the weight loss. Just keep doing it for yourself first, then when your husband sees your self confidence return ( and hopefully a bunch of weight loss too) he might even want to diet with you. Let me know if you want some info about the person I got help from, I could send you some of her information. But, whatever you do...please don't let the medication, or the hurt you might be experiencing with your loved ones keep you from being as successful as you want to be and living the life you deserve. Take care, have some FUN, and be safe in all you do. Charlie :smile:
  • Kayd_Kayd
    Kayd_Kayd Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah, I totally get that. I started my weight loss journey with many of the same thoughts in mind. Welcome.