using reciepe builder

i just want to know that when entering in my reciepe when it asked how many serving next to food i have chosen if i keep it at 1 serving that is correct.


  • scottg1024
    scottg1024 Posts: 224
    If you do that, you'll have to divide all your ingredients into the single serving amount. For instance, if your recipe takes hamburger and you use 1 lb to make the dish, you can only add into your recipe the amount that a single serving would contain. I've struggled with this myself - trying to guess on a home-made concoction how many servings I will get from the finished item. The other thing is, I don't think you can change the amount of servings once you are done. It takes some practice, some trial and error. But you'll see it come together when you get it right. Sorry that's not much help...
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    well depending on how big the serving is and how much you make, it might be 1 or it could be more than 1, and you can use decimals if it makes an uneven amount (e.g. 4.5 servings). Does that answer your question?
  • mfaine
    mfaine Posts: 84 Member
    Depends on how many people the recipe is intended to serve. I use it a lot for as a shortcut for adding multiple foods that are normally eaten at the same time but aren't necessarily what you'd normally consider a recipe, so it can be useful to have it be a single serving sometimes.
  • cashew1b
    cashew1b Posts: 59 Member
    When I use recipe builder my number of servings depends on what I am making. For example: Tonight I made Chili. A huge pot of chili for my husbands work. I took the opportunity to measure out how many cups were in my huge pot. (I put water in the crock pot to find this out.) It turned out that my recipe was for 21 cups of chili. So, in my number of servings I entered 21. I have also found it helpful to put what I deem a serving size next to the recipe name. So I have "Chili 1 cup" or "Homemade mashed potatoes 1/2 cup"

    Hope this helps.
  • cashew1b
    cashew1b Posts: 59 Member
    If you do that, you'll have to divide all your ingredients into the single serving amount. For instance, if your recipe takes hamburger and you use 1 lb to make the dish, you can only add into your recipe the amount that a single serving would contain. I've struggled with this myself - trying to guess on a home-made concoction how many servings I will get from the finished item. The other thing is, I don't think you can change the amount of servings once you are done. It takes some practice, some trial and error. But you'll see it come together when you get it right. Sorry that's not much help...

    If you click on the servings after you've made the recipe it can be changed. (as well as ingredients or the name) I just recently learned this trick.
  • scottg1024
    scottg1024 Posts: 224
    ^^^^^^ This. I've done this as well. Some times you have to work it out, and if the servings don't come right at the end, just re-enter the recipe (delete the original) and you KNOW it will be right next time.
  • scottg1024
    scottg1024 Posts: 224
    If you do that, you'll have to divide all your ingredients into the single serving amount. For instance, if your recipe takes hamburger and you use 1 lb to make the dish, you can only add into your recipe the amount that a single serving would contain. I've struggled with this myself - trying to guess on a home-made concoction how many servings I will get from the finished item. The other thing is, I don't think you can change the amount of servings once you are done. It takes some practice, some trial and error. But you'll see it come together when you get it right. Sorry that's not much help...

    If you click on the servings after you've made the recipe it can be changed. (as well as ingredients or the name) I just recently learned this trick.

  • cashew1b
    cashew1b Posts: 59 Member
    If you do that, you'll have to divide all your ingredients into the single serving amount. For instance, if your recipe takes hamburger and you use 1 lb to make the dish, you can only add into your recipe the amount that a single serving would contain. I've struggled with this myself - trying to guess on a home-made concoction how many servings I will get from the finished item. The other thing is, I don't think you can change the amount of servings once you are done. It takes some practice, some trial and error. But you'll see it come together when you get it right. Sorry that's not much help...

    If you click on the servings after you've made the recipe it can be changed. (as well as ingredients or the name) I just recently learned this trick.


    No problem! I actually "signed up" for MFP when my sister was staying with me and on a diet so that I could cook "my food" and she would be able to get the nutritional data. It was only about 3 weeks ago that my brick hit me and I decided to lose this bum I had been sitting on. Right now.. sodium content is my biggest enemy. The recipe builder has really opened my eyes to what I was eating and feeding my family. Time to make some changes.
  • LoveAddison
    i think i figured that one out its like are you using 1 box or two because for my particular reciepe i measured it out by cups and it was 14 cups even i just confuse myself sometimes
  • LoveAddison
    i was not referring to to the number of serving for the whole receipe, oh geez i dont know how to explain this. I believe i figured it out. It was the number of servings listed at the bottom of the page not the top right. Thank you though:flowerforyou: