Family and the Dieter

Does anyone else have the issue of living with their spouse and teenager both of whom have no weight issues? My husband only does beef, and no vegtables. My son eats everything. However I work full time with a pretty high stress job and I don't necessarily like to cook and no one else does either. This week I find myself fixing my dinner and their dinner with resentments buidling as well as cravings. Thoughts, suggestions for an in between?


  • I'm a daughter of two very fit parents who have never had a problem with their weight. They eat everything. I was raised eating anything I wanted. Unfortunately, I did not get their gene. I have to face seeing them get desserts while I just stare. It is very hard especially since I'm the child. Don't get discouraged and mad though. Maybe you should just sit both of them down and ask them to please help you because it truly means a lot to you. When I did that with my parents, they adapted to my eating habits. I am sure that your husband and son will make accommodations in their life for you. Goodluck and don't give up!
  • melly7171
    melly7171 Posts: 54 Member
    I have your same problem. A husband who is a healthy weight but only eats meat, A 15yr old son who is so picky he donsnt like much at all he could live on sausages and noodles, a 19ry old son who is fairly over weight will eat anyting and everything if he dosnt like what i cook will go out and bring home takeaway and a 12yr old daughter who thinks a banana is fine for lunch
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'll just keep trying to do what I am doing. Made hamburgers for lunch and I had a chicken wrap. Just keeping alot of items I can cook easily for me. I see alot of crockpot for the family.
  • **Dinner at my house** (my mom makes lunch)

    I make my stepdad a salad (He's really big)
    If my mom feels big she has like a grapefruit but mostly I don't make her anything
    I make my sister (12) a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich
    I make my brother (14) a Peanut Butter and Golden Syrup sandwich (We don't eat PB with jam in SA :P) or I'll just make him what my sister's having.

    OR I'll make noodles for both of my siblings.

    I have low gi seed bread with some veggies... We all have different stuff...