much needed motivation

yettica Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. My name is Jessie. I am 22 years old, I'll be 23 in just over 1 week. I have been overweight for most of my life and have had a constant struggle in most of my relationships because of my lack of self-esteem. I have tried changing the way I eat and excercise but never stay with it longer than 2 weeks. Right after I graduated high school I moved to Ecuador, South America, for school for approx 9 months. I lost quite a bit of weight from having to walk everywhere, and avoiding some of the food. I felt so confident and proud of myself, but when I got back to the US, I returned to my normal sedentary life style. Needless to say, I put the weight back on. I have not been motivated enough since then to make any positive changes.

My parents and I found out around christmas that my brother is going to propose to his girlfriend in February, and they will get married in July. I know this will be the motivation that I need to kick the terrible eating and non-exercising habits that I have. I signed up for MFP last friday and am excited to count my calories and execise everyday. (Never thought I would hear myself say that ). I have read plenty of posts on here and everyone seems very uplifting...I'm super excited to see my progress along with everyone else's. :)


  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You are going to love this site. Do some research on eating healthy and exercising. I love the site It has tons of healthy recipes and some workout videos and techniques that you can do at home. Set your goals using this site's tools and get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day - NO EXCUSES! and you will be well on your way to a more healthy and fit lifestyle. Add me as a friend if you would like to. The more support (and accountability) I have, the better. Stay focused on your goals. I wish you the best.
  • I'm new too! The two years I've been out of high school I've put on quite a bit of weight as well, but this site has been helping me for the last week to work out every day. I've seen people on here who have lost 100 lbs, and I think that if they can lose that much, I can lose 25. Good luck!
  • Welcome to MFP!! This site is an amazing place to help keep you going and to help you meet your personal goals. The support is wonderful here and the tools it provides are unmatched from any other site. Good Luck on your journey! You can do it!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome to MFP .... wishing you much success in your weight loss journey .. YOU CAN DO IT .. good luck :bigsmile:
  • Welcome, I'm pretty new to this too. 2 weeks in, 3 lbs. lost but I am really loving it. Just be honest with yourself and remember there are 52 weeks in a year and if you lose one lb. a week that's 52 lbs. in a year! Don't beat yourself up everytime you blow it just get back up and start over. Think of it this way, if you go one week without losing any, so what, that's still 51 lbs. in a year right?!
  • Welcome! I am new to this site too, I just started two weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds already! As long as you are motivated to lose the weight, you will do fine! This site is a wonderful help...I never realized just how "bad" I was eating when I thought I was being good! Just be honest and know that if you need to cheat one day, you can! Good luck to you!!
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