How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Jasminebianca
    Jasminebianca Posts: 15 Member
    Once a week for me on the same day and same time! This way I don't get discouraged! I'm steady dropping 2-3 lbs a week!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I weigh everyday, but only log it once a week.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    monday mornings for me after my walk...but I have been really tempted to "peek" today..trying hard not to
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    Once every morning, and record it on Sunday mornings (my day off from exercise and dieting).
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Too often. I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom. :embarassed:
  • PaigeJMP
    PaigeJMP Posts: 25 Member
    every saturday morning
  • You're right, it is addictive. I know logically weight can fluctuate a lot day to day, but still hop on daily. Someone else mentioned they took their scale to a friends house to get rid of the temptation. I think that's a fabulous idea.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Once every week on a Saturday
  • usually every 2 or 3 weeks.
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    Twice a week.
    Once on Tuesday. (This is the one I record in my journal, and on MFP) I also take my measurements biweekly.
    Once on Thursday. (This is the one I use for the tracking grid on the 100+ lb group I belong to on another site)

    Sometimes I'll hop on out of curiosity, but I have SO much to lose that I don't want to get frustrated with daily flittering.

    My scale is about 5 lbs shy of just about every scale I've ever found anywhere else (the doctor, the gym), but I'm looking for movement, not an exact number. I could adjust it down, but then I'd have to change all my weigh ins and everything on MyPlate and my ticker and SoulCysters, and that just seems too much like work.

    When I get closer, I'll probably go and road test scales until I find one that gives the "right" number. *lol*

  • mskatee
    mskatee Posts: 33
    I weigh myself at the gym--it's an added incentive to go there!
  • Once or twice a month when I remember too and when I feel I've made enough progress to like what I'll
  • Normally once a week but because I've just started dieting again I've weighed myself 3 times this week. But it will be every monday morning from now on.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Log twice a month.
  • I weight myself every morning; I do this not because I am obsessed about the numbers, but so I can see how my sodium and fluid intakes, among other things, are affecting me. I am treating my weight loss as a personal lab experiment, so all the information I can gather about myself (number of steps a day off a pedometer, body and weight measurements, nutrition and fluid intake, exercise frequency and intensity, etc) the better! This helps me to better know myself and what is my normal, this way if I am getting sick or something is out of my norm I can notice it and hopefully do something about it!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Once a quarter. If I can be bothered. My mirror is my weighing scale.
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    I weight myself every morning; I do this not because I am obsessed about the numbers, but so I can see how my sodium and fluid intakes, among other things, are affecting me. I am treating my weight loss as a personal lab experiment, so all the information I can gather about myself (number of steps a day off a pedometer, body and weight measurements, nutrition and fluid intake, exercise frequency and intensity, etc) the better! This helps me to better know myself and what is my normal, this way if I am getting sick or something is out of my norm I can notice it and hopefully do something about it!

    Same here. I learned quickly that sushi with soy sauce will cause a drastic spike the next day! The only day that "counts" and gets logged into MFP for me is Friday mornings.

    For me, seeing the daily fluctuations has actually made me less concerned about small day to day changes- it's the bigger trends that count, not the fact that I gained .4 lbs since yesterday.
  • I weigh myself every saturday morning, but I try not focus on just weight loss itself. I'm more concerned with having a healthier lifestyle. So as long as I'm eating right and exercising regularly, I try not to get too bummed out if I don't lose as much weight as I wanted to.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    As little as humanly possible..scales are the devil's spawns....:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    every time i am in my bathroom. but i only record it once a week.