Beach Body Program

I slowly become accustomed to the work out routine I do 3 to 4 times a week (basically, it's 30 min. of step + 10 minutes of cardio-boxe + some muscular exercises, squats, ab crunches, biceps curls, etc.). The other 2 days I work out, I do the whole routine of Kathy Smith in "Lift weight to loose weight". (And I love it).

A year ago, one of my best friend landed me the Slim in Six program from Beach Body. I haven't done it totally, because I found it a little bit "dull", but It was somewhat pleasant to work out.with the DVD. Now that I feel a little bit better and more in shape, I am interested to start a new Beach Body Program, but with someone more encouraging then Debbie Siebers.

As I am really overweight, I am somewhat afraid that some program will be to hard for me (at least for my joints).

I am hesitating between Turbo Jam, Brazil Butt Lift or maybe Project You by Kathy Smith, but I don't know which will suit me best.

Any advice on those ? Any tip to help me make my choice ?


  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Bump ! Would love to have some answers.
  • Wyoruby
    Wyoruby Posts: 175 Member
    I personally love Turbo Jam and anything Chalene Johnson does, I have all her work out videos!!! I think Turbo Jam would be a great option because there is always the option of doing everything low impact and then work your way up to the harder stuff the fitter you become. Plus she is totally motivating and encouraging!!! Which is something that everyone needs.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    The only workouts I've done have been Beachbody. If you find them too difficult the option to modify moves is always available. I had terrible stamina and would just walk in place when it got too hard and then jump back in. I haven't done Kathy Smith. Loved Brazil Butt Lift but for overall body conditioning Turbo Jam is probably the better option.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I did the Slim in 6 and I enjoyed it. Debbie is really easy to follow and my muscles feel it at the end of the workout. I have also done some of the Jillian Michaels workouts and find Debbie extremely less annoying than Jillian.
    I don't have the best coordination when learning new things and Debbie makes it easy to learn the moves, then she has some more intense workouts that literally kick my *kitten*.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    brazil butt lift is a killer. id like to think that im pretty fit, but ive already quit the program twice. i have to stop at least two times during each video. sometimes because im sweating so much/ cant catch my breath, and sometimes because my muscles are worked to failure during the buns part. id say its totally a great workout, but not worth the 60 dollars if you arnt gonna actually do it. ive seen a huge improvement in my arm shape and saddle bag area/ side of thighs. my boyfriend is starting power 90 (which i guess is a p90x for beginners?) maybe look into that?
  • runningchick70
    runningchick70 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm a Beachbody coach. I can help you find something that will work for you, if you'd like! I swear by Beachbody products. They will get you results. Feel free to friend me on here!
  • SheilaParker
    SheilaParker Posts: 49 Member
    I would go with Turbo Jam. They always have one person that does the low impact moves for you to follow.
    Then as you become more conditioned you can move up to the higher impact moves as you feel comfortable. I absolutely love working out with Chalene and she is extremely motivating!
  • geo1437
    geo1437 Posts: 38
    You are going to think i am crazy for suggesting this but have you thought about insanity? I'm a 5' 9" tall guy, and when i started insanity i was 219lbs. According to all the charts that made me obese. Now besides th obvious weight issue that i have, 4 years ago i completely blew out my left knee (torn ACL, MCL, and a partial tear of my patelle tendon), i have had my right knee scoped once a few years back, and lastly i have 3 bulging discs in my lower back.

    the point is i certainly under stand your concern over your joints. i wear a brace on me knee most work outs, and for alot of the ab work,i have to modify the positions to acomodate my lower back. and if soemthing gets to be too much...i simply jog in place.

    I have just finished my first month of the program, i am down 16lbs, and i am able to run 4 miles not stop. my stamina has increased, but more importantly so hasn't the muscle structure in my legs. This gained muscle has vastly improved the strength in both of my knees, and the upp body work in the dvds has helped strengthen my core and back. Also i have noticed along with my weight loss i have been able to perform all of the movements now with MUCH better form.

    Now i am certainly not telling you to rush out and buy insanity, i just wanted to let you know that it is certainly an option.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Project You by Kathy Smith is a beginner level program so you may find it a bit less challenging than you're looking for. I find Debbie Siebers a bit boring so I've never done Slim in 6 although lots of people LOVE her and have found success from that program. Personally I'm a Turbo addict and think Chalene is a fantastic motivator and instructor; however, like Geo1437 I am currently working my way through Insanity and LOVE it (ok I love/hate it but still :wink: ) Regardless of what you think your fitness level is you can do one of these programs. The key is to modify when necessary and go at your own pace. If you like the idea of a dancey kickboxing type program then Turbo Jam (or Turbo soulmate workout) is what I would recommend. If you're looking for more of a boot camp style program then Insanity is the way to go. Both are full body focused whereas Brazil Butt LIft or RevAbs are targeted to a specific body part. The other program you might consider is Rockin Body by Shaun T. This is a high energy (but not jumping focused) dance based workout and you will sweat but you won't die. It's a lot of fun and the music is great plus right now it's on sale from Beachbody for $19.95.

    I hope you're able to find something you love and will stick with. That's the entire key to success. Feel free to friend me if you need a buddy! Good luck!

  • gemmalianne84
    I'm doing insanity. It's really hard but it will get you results. I've just completed week 1 and I love it. Really recommend it x
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I was really overweight too when I started using Beachbody programs. I started w/ ChaLean Extreme b/c I heard how important strength training is. I LOVED IT! It was extremely easy to follow and Chalene is awesome! I then moved on to INSANITY and did 2 full rounds of it!!! Another great program!!! I moved off of Beachbody to go after TapouT XT and that was by far the best program EVER!!! I'm on to P90X now and liking it so far!!

    Personally I don't think you can go wrong with any program as long as you enjoy it and you keep pushing play!!!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Wow, thank you so much for all those advise.

    I really don't feel that I am ready for Insanity right now, I'm pretty sure it's an incredible program but i feel insecure just looking at the videos...

    Most of you suggest that Turbo jam will be a better bet. I'll probably go on with that one.

    I'll also look for Shaun T Rockin' Body, it's a good special and I love to "dance" my work out, so I'll probably buy those two. And then, maybe I'll be ready for Insanity ?! Hope so !! :)
  • joleabean
    joleabean Posts: 3 Member
    I have a LOT of these programs. Right now I'm doing Les Mills Pump and throwing in some Turbo Fire here and there but I started with Turbo Jam. I think it's a great program, not so hard as to be intimidating and make you want to give up...and it's easy to modify and go at your pace. Once you are able you can add all the intensity you want to make it challenging. Oh, and you will love Chalene!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Bonjour Neighbour! :flowerforyou: I agree with Turbo Jam, Chalene is a great instructor. You can modify the moves & if I can keep up with her at 61 yrs old, you can too. Learning the moves on any workout, or even certain dance moves, takes a bit of time, don't worry about that, just tell yourself you can do it.:drinker: