started high intensity fitness regime - GAINED WEIGHT!

hello all, im here for some advice:

i lost 25 lbs in the past year by eating healthy and doing mild cardio. about a month ago i kicked it into high gear and decided to start weight training
i am in my 4th week and see a MAJOR change, my abs are peaking, my biceps, triceps shoulders are much more defined.

about the 2nd week i saw that the number of the scale kept going up (although im still eating right and staying at the right calorie intake) - in the beggining i would drink 2-3 protein shakes a day and have now changed that to 1 protein shake a day and went from gold standard whey to hydro whey (same brand) + i incorporate high intensity cardio now before lifting weights.

the number just doesnt budge. On a given day I'm 4-5 lbs heavier than i was when i started.

i did my research and saw many wrote about weight retention when starting a new fitness regime.

I need advice on how to get this number down. Its been almost a month shouldnt my weight be stabilizing out?
(P.S i DID NOT put on 4-5 lbs of muscle in a month thats physically impossible)


  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54

    i wanted to lose the last 5 lbs before i started 4 weeks ago. (now that im 5 lbs up from that im trying to lose 10 lbs total) how do i lose that weight + keep getting lean muscles
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,906 Member
    Higher glycogen storage because of higher energy output. Not uncommon.

    And really if you look the way you want, wear the clothes size you want, and feel great, why does scale weight matter?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    Higher glycogen storage because of higher energy output. Not uncommon.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    i've came across that too.
    when will this storage eject itself from my body?
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    i've came across that too.
    when will this storage eject itself from my body?

    Why on earth would you want that? It's not fat.
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    i've came across that too.
    when will this storage eject itself from my body?

    Why on earth would you want that? It's not fat.

    if its not fat and not muscle what is that?
    what I WANT is to get leaner and not gain "scale weight"
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member

    i did my research and saw many wrote about weight retention when starting a new fitness regime.

    I know you said it's been almost a month, but give it some more time. I would put the scale away for a few weeks/month, and focus on how you're feeling, how your clothes fit, and some measurements if you really want to keep progress records.

    Also, I looked at your food diary, and noticed that you've only logged the last few days over the past month. Based on the few days you had logged, it looks like you're doing a great job, but maybe try eating just a bit more? I noticed you have your goal set to 1,200, which is pretty low for someone who is lifting. Also, make sure you're not getting too much sodium.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member

    i am in my 4th week and see a MAJOR change, my abs are peaking, my biceps, triceps shoulders are much more defined.

    Also, I just wanted to add that if you're seeing this much positive change, you are obviously losing body fat... Try to focus less on the scale.
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54

    i did my research and saw many wrote about weight retention when starting a new fitness regime.

    I know you said it's been almost a month, but give it some more time. I would put the scale away for a few weeks/month, and focus on how you're feeling, how your clothes fit, and some measurements if you really want to keep progress records.

    Also, I looked at your food diary, and noticed that you've only logged the last few days over the past month. Based on the few days you had logged, it looks like you're doing a great job, but maybe try eating just a bit more? I noticed you have your goal set to 1,200, which is pretty low for someone who is lifting. Also, make sure you're not getting too much sodium.

    Hope that helps. :)

    i havent logged in almost 7 months after reaching my goal
    i only started now because of this weight gain.

    my intake goal is about 1300-1400 (its set at 1275 but i eat more than that)
    plus days that i work out i calculate calories burned into my calculation and eat that much more

    on a give day ill eat 1300-1800
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54

    i did my research and saw many wrote about weight retention when starting a new fitness regime.

    I know you said it's been almost a month, but give it some more time. I would put the scale away for a few weeks/month, and focus on how you're feeling, how your clothes fit, and some measurements if you really want to keep progress records.

    Also, I looked at your food diary, and noticed that you've only logged the last few days over the past month. Based on the few days you had logged, it looks like you're doing a great job, but maybe try eating just a bit more? I noticed you have your goal set to 1,200, which is pretty low for someone who is lifting. Also, make sure you're not getting too much sodium.

    Hope that helps. :)

    although some of my measurements went down

    waist 26" - 25.5"
    hips 36" - 35.5"

    i have been feeling "pudgier" in the last week or so i just feel like im carrying something extra on my body.
    ive also read about this glycogen storage:

    "This additional water is not the same thing as water retention where excess water is held between cells; the water attached to a glycogen molecule is inside the cells, which makes it healthy. Nevertheless, it can increase your body weight by as much as 3 – 5 pounds. This weight gain is only water weight, not fat weight, therefore it should not be of concern to the athlete or fitness enthusiast that experiences this type of weight gain."

    will it not come off for as long as i lift weights??
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I think you are confusing scale weight with body composition or something like that. It sounds as if you'd rather see the scale go down, but have your body stay the same size or even get bigger? That would be cray cray.
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    I think you are confusing scale weight with body composition or something like that. It sounds as if you'd rather see the scale go down, but have your body stay the same size or even get bigger? That would be cray cray.

    you clearly did not read my concern. I DO NOT want my body to stay the same - i wouldnt be weight training .. i want to get more muscular and leaner but at the same time i wanted to lose an extra 5 lbs of fat THAT is why im concerned over the weight gain on the scale.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I think you are confusing scale weight with body composition or something like that. It sounds as if you'd rather see the scale go down, but have your body stay the same size or even get bigger? That would be cray cray.

    plus what you "feel" like is subjective. obviously the measurements say that you arent pudgier. shouldnt this alert you that your "feelings" on what your body is doing are pointless and possibly even out of touch with the reality of the situation? :frown:
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    you clearly did not read my concern. I DO NOT want my body to stay the same - i wouldnt be weight training .. i want to get more muscular and leaner but at the same time i wanted to lose an extra 5 lbs of fat THAT is why im concerned over the weight gain on the scale.

    Did too. Did you read the replies? We told you it's likely glycogen, not fat. You are losing fat as evidenced by your body measurements going down. To spell it out for you: It's working!

    edit: correct typo like -> likely
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Throw your scale out! If you are getting smaller why does it matter what the scale says?
  • Esq88
    Esq88 Posts: 54
    you clearly did not read my concern. I DO NOT want my body to stay the same - i wouldnt be weight training .. i want to get more muscular and leaner but at the same time i wanted to lose an extra 5 lbs of fat THAT is why im concerned over the weight gain on the scale.

    Did too. Did you read the replies? We told you it's like glycogen, not fat. You are losing fat as evidenced by your body measurements going down. To spell it out for you: It's working!

    is glycogen storage permanent or only in the first X amount of days/months of when you start working out.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    you clearly did not read my concern. I DO NOT want my body to stay the same - i wouldnt be weight training .. i want to get more muscular and leaner but at the same time i wanted to lose an extra 5 lbs of fat THAT is why im concerned over the weight gain on the scale.

    Did too. Did you read the replies? We told you it's like glycogen, not fat. You are losing fat as evidenced by your body measurements going down. To spell it out for you: It's working!

    is glycogen storage permanent or only in the first X amount of days/months of when you start working out.

    Pretty permanent I would think as long as you continue working out. If you stop exercising, you will most likely see the scale drop too as you release a bunch of water weight.

    Rookies look at the scale. The more advanced look at body compostion. Would you rather hit your goal "scale weight" and have 30% body fat and look like crap, or hover 5-10 lbs over goal weight, with say 18% body fat and look sexy and toned?

    If you look at sexy bodies on the internet or magazines, or real life, does it matter one iota how much they weigh?
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Calm down and ignore the scale. Pay attention to measurements, how your clothes fit, and those muscles you mentioned.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    you clearly did not read my concern. I DO NOT want my body to stay the same - i wouldnt be weight training .. i want to get more muscular and leaner but at the same time i wanted to lose an extra 5 lbs of fat THAT is why im concerned over the weight gain on the scale.

    Did too. Did you read the replies? We told you it's like glycogen, not fat. You are losing fat as evidenced by your body measurements going down. To spell it out for you: It's working!

    is glycogen storage permanent or only in the first X amount of days/months of when you start working out.

    As long as you keep working out.

    Every time I stop working out, I'll drop 3 pounds in about a week--it's the water and glycogen.
  • 1331048
    1331048 Posts: 1
    Gained MUSCLE!
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member
    I think you are confusing scale weight with body composition or something like that. It sounds as if you'd rather see the scale go down, but have your body stay the same size or even get bigger? That would be cray cray.

    you clearly did not read my concern. I DO NOT want my body to stay the same - i wouldnt be weight training .. i want to get more muscular and leaner but at the same time i wanted to lose an extra 5 lbs of fat THAT is why im concerned over the weight gain on the scale.

    I'm sorry, but this doesn't make sense. "I want to get more muscular and leaner" to me, at least = "I want to gain some muscle and lose some fat." ... Gaining muscle and losing fat means that the scale will go higher while body fat percentage goes lower.

    You already said you've lost some inches. I really think you're over-stressing this...