"Eating back" Exercise Calories - Simple breakdown



  • marc8686
    marc8686 Posts: 199 Member
    This is a very interesting thread, thank you for posting this information, and I am very new to this, but according to this equation, I end up with 912 so perhaps I am reading it wrong.

    10x weight in kg 730
    6.25x height in cm 992
    3 x age 170

    730 + 992 - 170 - 161 = 1391

    1391 x 1.375 = 1912.625

    1912.625 - 1000 = 912.625

    However I did notice that if I add 170 rather than subtract it, I end up with 1380 which sounds about right to me?

    I'd really appreciate it if you would take a look at this :)

    first, your height in 992 cm? thats like 32 feet...and i think the age is wrong in that math also. so ill just have to assume your math is correct since i dont know your actual height. if you come up with your TDEE (1912 by your calculations) and subtract 1,000 and it falls below 1,200 calories, it doesnt really apply. the absolute minimum caloric intake per day is 1200. you will just have to keep a calorie net intake of 1200 and have a deficit of apx 700 calories instead. thats what happens when you get closer to a correct weight, you cant lose 2lb per week anymore. 750 calorie deficit is an average weekly weight loss of 1.5lbs so still not bad.
  • marc8686
    marc8686 Posts: 199 Member

    HEE HEE I just see this calorie back thing a lot.

    I don't know about eating back calories or if it works for others but I reached my goal not doing it so it depends on the person.
    i notice you joined MFP last month...........its been said multiple times that eating below your 1,000 calorie recommended deficit isnt going to hurt you overnight. those people who have a year of exercising and weight loss ahead of them its a bigger concern than the person that just wants to drop 10 lbs real fast. you may very well be able to get away with it for a month before your body reacts, everybody's body is different
  • Chrisswa
    Chrisswa Posts: 71
    Thankyou for the answer and helping me out !! Sometimes too much info in this ole brain can be too much so hence i asked .... again thanks for taking the time to answer it makes sense now .... have a wonderful day
  • marc8686
    marc8686 Posts: 199 Member
    So sick of seeing this argument on these forums. What the OP fails to mention is everyone's body is different. Yep shocker I know but every single person on this board has a different body. Some are short, some are tall, some are thin, some are fat. YOU need to find out what works for you.

    yes, everybody's body is different, but our bodies were all designed on the same FUNDAMENTALS. we differ on low carb diet, low fat diet, etc diet working best, or what kind of exercise tones us up best, but when it comes to the basic IN vs OUT.......there's no controversy. if somebody "severely" cut calories for a year straight and it never hurt them they had a much lower BMR or TDEE than they thought they did so they werent cutting like they thought they were. this is simple math
    Eating your calories back may work for some people, but it doesn't work for everyone. I can't believe some people actually eat 2500-3000 calories a day because they are exercising like crazy and then ask why they aren't losing any weight.
    lots of body builders will eat multiple thousands of calories a day and "exercise like crazy" to get fit and bulk up. if this what im talking about wasnt true they wouldnt bother with the extra caloric intake because clearly it just doesnt matter what you consume vs what you burn.

    in essence.....the RULE is what i have been saying this whole thread. if theres a 5% minority out there that have actually managed NOT to get screwed over by having too high of a calorie deficit this is the EXCEPTION, not the rule, QUIT telling the masses they can have a huge deficit and be ok, because if its true AT ALL, it only applies to a very very slim portion of society.
  • As_Sweet_As_Pea
    As_Sweet_As_Pea Posts: 56 Member
    Thank You very very much!!
  • marc8686
    marc8686 Posts: 199 Member
    Thank You very very much!!
    no problem :)
  • marc8686
    marc8686 Posts: 199 Member
    I guess this thread has run the extent of its life, lol. too bad, lots of time and good information
  • Thanks Marc! I needed this answer and understanding the logic behind it makes great sense! My stopped progress totally makes sense now.
  • Hi I am new and have 140 lb to lose. I have lost 14lb in first 3 weeks but gained a pound today and yet I started the gym this week. Are you trying to say if you burn 200 calories on exercise you should then eat them?? I am currently on 1500 a day but am doing around 200 to 300 calories in exercise which I do not use. I stick to 1500 no matter what exercise i do...is this wrong?? Thanks for advice
  • p.s If for some reason I dont exercise I only have 1200 calories
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    This is why I let MFP determine my calories based on my personal info and average amount of exercise I will do.

    Keep It Simple Sir.

    ^^^^^^ This is so true!^^^ There becomes a time that all this gets so confusing and can be frustratiing. My motto is to keep it simple. However, thanks to the OP for posting a detailed breakdown.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Hi I am new and have 140 lb to lose. I have lost 14lb in first 3 weeks but gained a pound today and yet I started the gym this week. Are you trying to say if you burn 200 calories on exercise you should then eat them?? I am currently on 1500 a day but am doing around 200 to 300 calories in exercise which I do not use. I stick to 1500 no matter what exercise i do...is this wrong?? Thanks for advice

    No, I don't think this is wrong. If you're only burning around 300 cals, then eating 1500 seems pretty fine to me. It's what I do and it works *shrugs*
    If I burn about 1000 cals from exercise, I might eat half of the cals back because I know my body will be hungry enough to need more nutrients.
    As long as you don't NET under 1200, you're fine :P
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Great post x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    1500 calories, don't eat exercise calories unless I'm hungry for some as advised by several dietitians .. 74lbs.down and I am definitely not in starvation mode! when I eat at maintenance I maintain also... when you are closee to goal you need to eat more but not so much if your still quite over weight. it is.not a one size fits all, please stop throwing starvation mode around! Thanks!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi I am new and have 140 lb to lose. I have lost 14lb in first 3 weeks but gained a pound today and yet I started the gym this week. Are you trying to say if you burn 200 calories on exercise you should then eat them?? I am currently on 1500 a day but am doing around 200 to 300 calories in exercise which I do not use. I stick to 1500 no matter what exercise i do...is this wrong?? Thanks for advice

    you just joined the gym. your muscles will hold water... give it a few weeks to even out x
  • clbowman11
    clbowman11 Posts: 117
    I love the way you depicted this. I understood why you'd need to, but I read it anyway and I couldn't have thought of a better way to but it. (:

    Well done.
  • clbowman11
    clbowman11 Posts: 117
    Hi I am new and have 140 lb to lose. I have lost 14lb in first 3 weeks but gained a pound today and yet I started the gym this week. Are you trying to say if you burn 200 calories on exercise you should then eat them?? I am currently on 1500 a day but am doing around 200 to 300 calories in exercise which I do not use. I stick to 1500 no matter what exercise i do...is this wrong?? Thanks for advice

    you just joined the gym. your muscles will hold water... give it a few weeks to even out x

    And you're already on a deficit at 1500 calories and that's supposed to help you lose x amount of lbs a week. If you are exercising away 200-300 calories that's putting your total net calories at 1200-1300 a day, because you are not eating back your calories your using through exercise. If you weren't already on a deficit it might make sense to not eat the calories back. But, that is assuming you don't exercise that's how many calories your body needs if you don't exercise. Eating too little while exercising can actually hurt your weight loss goals. And you may lose weight, but it could quite possibly be muscle mass...
  • Bump to reread & absorb later!!

    Thanks for the info
  • RoseCompose
    RoseCompose Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad this thread got bumped again - very interesting read.

    In the end my takeaway is reinforcing what I already knew: keep weight loss at no more than 2 pounds per week. My activity burn is 1770 per day and my net calorie goal is 1200. I eat some of my 200-300 exercise calories back but rarely all of them. Is that bad? No, because I'm still within my 1-2 pound weight loss per week goal.

    I'm new here but I gather this topic has been discussed many times. Frustrating for the vets I'm sure, but thank you for enduring it one more time for the newby! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi I am new and have 140 lb to lose. I have lost 14lb in first 3 weeks but gained a pound today and yet I started the gym this week. Are you trying to say if you burn 200 calories on exercise you should then eat them?? I am currently on 1500 a day but am doing around 200 to 300 calories in exercise which I do not use. I stick to 1500 no matter what exercise i do...is this wrong?? Thanks for advice

    you just joined the gym. your muscles will hold water... give it a few weeks to even out x

    thanks x
    and ty all for reply xx