Thinking of doing C25K

I've been exercising 3-6 times per week for 2 and a half months now. I go to fitness classes including dancing, yoga, and spin, take long walks, and use the elliptical. I LOVE working out. I hate running, but I want to be good at it. For me, being able to run a few miles in a decent time is a measure of fitness. I currently run a mile in twelve minutes and couldn't imagine going for a second, even though I can endure a tough spin class or spend an hour on the elliptical no problem. Should I try the C25K program? I was looking at the plan and like that it incorporates walking and running at first (I love walking). If I do choose to do the program, I wouldn't want to give up my fitness classes but rather replace the elliptical with C25K, or do C25K before a lower impact workout, such as yoga. How does the following schedule seem?

Monday- Cardio Jam Class (60 min) and Abdominal Class (30 min)

Tuesday-Spinning Class (45 min) and Yoga (60 min)




Saturday-Yoga (75 min) (and Spin-45 min?)

Sunday-C25K and Yoga


  • JesicaS82
    JesicaS82 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a huge huge huge advocate of C25K! You should totally do it. It's only a couple of months too so if you hate it, it's temporary :) But I truly think once you get into it, you will fall in love with running. Here's a little background on my C25K experience:

    Last August I was about 60lbs overweight. I did not do anything other than sit on the couch when I was home watching TV...totally depressed. I knew I needed a change, but didn't know what. My "runner" friend suggested it so I gave it a shot. I figured it was only 3 days a week so I could suffer through it for 2 months lol... I hated it at first, but slowly my lung capacity and my endurance built up and about halfway through the program I fell in love with running and never looked back. It is now my passion. I did C25K in Sept & October, ran my first official 5K race in November and went straight into half marathon training (Dec-Feb) and ran my first half marathon in March. Never looked back. It's been a year of steady running and I am 50lbs lighter, sleep better, have so much energy and am not depressed anymore...all the good endorphines make you feel amazing. My skin also looks healthier and has a rosy glow :) You should totally give it a try. Plus it's good the way you have it set up on your schedule to have a day between each run for your muscles, ligaments & tendons to recover and get stronger. It will help prevent injuries!

    Couple more things... if you have an iphone or droid get the app Ease into 5K by Bluefin Software! It is amazing...tells you exactly when to walk or run, lets you make a playlist, tells you all your stats as you're running and has a journal you can store info about your run so you can review it to stay motivated. Plus it's only $3bucks!

    And, I would most definitely go to a specialty running store and have them fit your foot for the best type of shoe for your biomechanics, stride, & pronation. This will prevent tons of injuries to your muscles, tendons, knees, hips, ankles etc... most people that start out and aren't in the right model shoes for their body will have some type of issue. It's worth the time and $$ to get fitted.

    Anyway I apologize this answer is so very long, but running is my passion. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask! :) Also, I got your message and read it! I am going to look up all the info you gave me about vegetarianism and read up and then I will get back to you with all my questions again hahahaha!! :) Seriously though, thanks so much for the info and for taking the time to respond! I'll be your go- to runnergirl, if you'll be my go-to vegetarian :) Deal??? Have a great weekend!
  • DonC77
    DonC77 Posts: 92 Member
    Definitely worth trying. I just finished week 1 and must say am fired up to start week 2. I work out 4 sometimes 5 days a week and just position my run days on rest or upper body lift days.

    Jesica, great information!
  • I just recently started using the Couch to 5k I've been training to do a sprint triathalon and i'm fine with biking and swimming but I am not a runner and don't particular enjoy running....However with this app Ive found that its easier to follow than trying it on my own..I'm not trying to be the fastest just want to be able to do it without walking eventually and this def seems to help good luck
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I think your schedule is fine. Could I suggest you also explore putting a bit of weightlifting in there too? It really does help. If you don't have access to a weight room, try some bodyweight based resistance.

    Strength training helps with weight loss. It also helps with injury prevention for runners.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I am a huge huge huge advocate of C25K! You should totally do it. It's only a couple of months too so if you hate it, it's temporary :) But I truly think once you get into it, you will fall in love with running. Here's a little background on my C25K experience:

    Last August I was about 60lbs overweight. I did not do anything other than sit on the couch when I was home watching TV...totally depressed. I knew I needed a change, but didn't know what. My "runner" friend suggested it so I gave it a shot. I figured it was only 3 days a week so I could suffer through it for 2 months lol... I hated it at first, but slowly my lung capacity and my endurance built up and about halfway through the program I fell in love with running and never looked back. It is now my passion. I did C25K in Sept & October, ran my first official 5K race in November and went straight into half marathon training (Dec-Feb) and ran my first half marathon in March. Never looked back. It's been a year of steady running and I am 50lbs lighter, sleep better, have so much energy and am not depressed anymore...all the good endorphines make you feel amazing. My skin also looks healthier and has a rosy glow :) You should totally give it a try. Plus it's good the way you have it set up on your schedule to have a day between each run for your muscles, ligaments & tendons to recover and get stronger. It will help prevent injuries!

    Couple more things... if you have an iphone or droid get the app Ease into 5K by Bluefin Software! It is amazing...tells you exactly when to walk or run, lets you make a playlist, tells you all your stats as you're running and has a journal you can store info about your run so you can review it to stay motivated. Plus it's only $3bucks!

    And, I would most definitely go to a specialty running store and have them fit your foot for the best type of shoe for your biomechanics, stride, & pronation. This will prevent tons of injuries to your muscles, tendons, knees, hips, ankles etc... most people that start out and aren't in the right model shoes for their body will have some type of issue. It's worth the time and $$ to get fitted.

    Anyway I apologize this answer is so very long, but running is my passion. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask! :) Also, I got your message and read it! I am going to look up all the info you gave me about vegetarianism and read up and then I will get back to you with all my questions again hahahaha!! :) Seriously though, thanks so much for the info and for taking the time to respond! I'll be your go- to runnergirl, if you'll be my go-to vegetarian :) Deal??? Have a great weekend!

    Thanks for this information. I have also been thinking of doing the C25K plan
  • I have just finished week 2. I hated running when I was at school, but find myself actually enjoying this. Well, so far....

    You can download onto an MP3 player/iplayer here:
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    I love Couch 2 5k! I just did it today!!!
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    Highly recommend C25k!!! If you get an app on the phone though do the C210k since it has the c25k incorporated!!! Best thing I ever did!!!!
  • I've just finished week 1 and going on to week 2. Like most others here i hated running but it's something i want to be good at! So far i would definitely recommend it, it's very realistic in terms of the goals. Good luck!
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for all the wonderful support and advice! I'm starting tomorrow (and dragging my husband along, too). Jesica our info exchange sounds like a plan :)
  • C25K is the best thing I have EVER done for myself. Do it, it will be hard but stick with it. I can't describe how proud you'll be of yourself by the time you finish.
  • i JUST posted this on another forum about C25K ... so i am just gonna copy and paste my response:

    i'm a BIG BOY who is trying to have a healthier lifestyle ... I want to run ... I want to BE a runner!! I want to love it and crave it, like I crave that bag of Doritos!! I have recently started C25K, and so far, so good. I actually really, REALLY like it!! And so far, I have been successful. I even ran my second session in the pouring rain, because I was not gonna be discouraged on the second time!! i am on week 4, and i couldn't complete the W4D1 session on wednesday ... but then friday morning i NAILED it ... hopefully i can crush it again in the morning!! i LOVE C25K and i LOVE the fact that i look forward to running!!

    DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! you will feel AMAZING!!
  • Wonderful.. so glad I downloaded it. I started out with C25k got to week 2 day 2. My cousin told me about couch to 5k and started that with her. I'm not sure she's continued on it but I am on week three workout 1. Can't wait to complete it and go back to c25k. I also downloaded 10k. Like most I hated running. I would start out strong and something in my mind would just be like what are u doing and start walking. I run on the treadmill 5.0 with the program. I would make excuses before... I can't run because I'm top heavy. It's a lie. Great Program. Highly recommend it!