Getting Confused, Am I Eating Enough?

I have my calories set at 1300 per day which according to MFP should allow me to lose about 1 1/2 lbs a week. However, my BMR is currently 1551 and I read somewhere your calories shouldn't be lower than your BMR.

I haven't really done much exercise yet, been too busy packing up our house for a move next month, so no calories to "eat back".

So should I add calories back in? I don't want to screw up my metabolism by going too low, but I also don't want to stall any potential weight loss either.

I don't know what to do, waah!!!


  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 165 Member
    Not sure but I would think that packing house and hauling boxes about would count as exercise. It's not something that would be done as a 'normal' part of your regular days.

    I'm not sure about the BMR thing...
  • Eating the amount of calories your BMR states is to maintain the current weight you are at, in order to lose weight, you need to eat a lower about than your BMR so that your body uses the nutrition stored in the fat cells of your body. Also, I agree with the previous poster, packing your house up should count as excersize and is even in the data base as "Moving household items". so you should include that in your diary.
  • gjsmommy
    gjsmommy Posts: 90 Member
    I don't think you are eating enough. Read the link below and decide what's best for you. I came across it a few weeks ago and upped my calories accordingly.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Eating the amount of calories your BMR states is to maintain the current weight you are at, in order to lose weight, you need to eat a lower about than your BMR so that your body uses the nutrition stored in the fat cells of your body. Also, I agree with the previous poster, packing your house up should count as excersize and is even in the data base as "Moving household items". so you should include that in your diary.

    I think you're confusing TDEE and BMR.
    BMR (Base metabolic rate) is the minimum your body needs to keep your organs working and your hair growing. Any movement (like getting out of bed) is not included in this number.
    TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the amount of calories your body needs to do everything you do during the day, moving, eating, sleeping, anything.

    So to stay at your current weight you eat calories equal to your TDEE. To loose weight the general idea is to substract about 10-20%, but staying above your BMR.
  • Noo, Bmr is not maintenance, it's what your body needs to maintain normal function even if you were in a coma. Your TDEE is what you need to be creating a deficit from. I think one of the best methods is to find out your sedentary TDEE, create a 10-20% reduction as long as it's not below your BMR, and eat back half or all exercise calories.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    Not sure but I would think that packing house and hauling boxes about would count as exercise. It's not something that would be done as a 'normal' part of your regular days.

    I'm not sure about the BMR thing...

    I agree, that would most likely not be part of your normal day. My calories are supposed to be 1200 a day and honesty I am a bit confused about that whole thing. I'm afraid to eat more than that because I sure don't want to gain weight but it is going slowly.
    Anyway, just wanted to know that you're not in this alone. I always need more friends. I sent you a friend request.
    Take care and God bless,
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Eating the amount of calories your BMR states is to maintain the current weight you are at, in order to lose weight, you need to eat a lower about than your BMR so that your body uses the nutrition stored in the fat cells of your body. Also, I agree with the previous poster, packing your house up should count as excersize and is even in the data base as "Moving household items". so you should include that in your diary.

    Your BMR is the amount of calories you would need for basic body funtions to keep you alive, think if you were in a coma. It's not the amount you should eat in a normal active day. You should NOT go below this level.
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    Careful you don't get misinformed here. If you need to then google BMR and TDEE.
    Your BMR is what is considered the amount of calories your body requires just to keep your organs functioning and keep you alive and well. This is the amount of calories burned if you were to just lay in bed all day doing nothing.
    Most of us don't just do nothing, like you said, even moving house is going to require a bit more calories in.
    The general idea is you eat AT LEAST your BMR. Now, that said, some people do go for a low cal diet of around 1200 minimum. If you want you can try this but I would recommend for consistent and healthier weight loss to eat your BMR plus a few hundred cals depending how active you are. TDEE is the number you eat for maintaining your current weight. This number is your BMR plus the calories you burn throughout the day moving around and excercising or whatever you get upto!
    For instance, I had my BMR tested for free at a local university. Mine is 1330. I walk around 5km each day and am on my feet. So eat 1500 calories a day for weight loss and it works for me.
    Even search for info on BMR on the boards theres lots of good info. Good luck :D
  • Love_2_Shop
    Love_2_Shop Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the replies, I am going to look into the TDEE thing a bit more.
  • I am pretty confused. I started using this program almost 2 weeks ago and entered my info and my goals of 2 lbs per week. My fitness pal put me at a goal of 1200 calories of food per day. I track all my excercise also and it only warns me if I go below 1200 in eating. It does not tell me to eat more if I have excercised more. If following the program puts me into starvation mode, why am I following the program. I am under the impression that I should not go below 1200 per day to avoid starvation mode but I can excercise as much as a want and not eat more calories. Does anybody know the real deal?
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Careful you don't get misinformed here. If you need to then google BMR and TDEE.
    Your BMR is what is considered the amount of calories your body requires just to keep your organs functioning and keep you alive and well. This is the amount of calories burned if you were to just lay in bed all day doing nothing.
    BMR is for when you are sleeping or in a coma. Resting Metabolic Rate is when you are resting but awake - ie laying on the couch all day.