Help! Jumping jacks burn???

Hey guys- okay, so I'm at a loss. How many calories do you burn doing 600 jumping jacks? On one site I read it's about 2-3 cals a jack depending on your size, on another I read it's about 10 calories per 100 (there is no way I only burned 60 calories!!!) MFP has two selections, one says I burn 85 cals for 2 minutes, another one says I burned only 20. -.- ANY ideas??? ANY one???? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Do you have a Heart rate monitor? Everyone is soo different...and honestly..I dont even know how 100% on HRM are..but that would be your best "guesstimate"

    This probably doesnt help :ohwell:
  • LaurenLite
    :sad: No heart rate monitor. But my heart "beats fast." LMAO. :bigsmile: I tend to do them in spurts of 100-200 at a time. I think it usually takes around a minute and 1/2 for each set of 100.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Generally all those standards are set too high..even the machines at the gym..if I monitor my is 100 more calories on a machine..then the reading I am getting....

    Just gauge on the low end :tongue:
  • jzsor12
    jzsor12 Posts: 69
    HRM is the only way to know for sure sorry
    but on MFP it's about 11 calories per minute? I think
  • mrsmark2010
    so 600 takes you about 9 min (1.5min per 100). I'd guess no more than 90. THat is a rough guess. And with that being said, that would be if you did them all together. I very rarely burn more than 10cal/min on the highest intensity stuff I do (insanity or maybe bootcamp HIIT cardio day). It also depends on your size/fitness level.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Take your pulse after you do them then and use the heart-rate based calorie burn calculator at to figure out what effect it is having on YOUR body. That's what I do since I don't have an HRM either. It's the closest to accurate thing I can come up with.