25 lbs with pics

I've never posted a pic on here before, so I hope this works.

About me:

H: 5' 8"
SW: 205
MFP SW: 197
CW: 177
GW: 135

I never had trouble with my weight growing up because I was very active. I swam competitively for 9 years and I ran cross country for 5. In my sophomore year of college, I put on weight going from 150 to 175. I had a tough course load and a lot of extracurriculars, and I made a habit out of inactivity and eating a lot. Over the next 2 years I tried to be more active, and I made it to the gym somewhat frequently, but my sweet tooth took over and I continued to put more weight. When I came home for mother's day this year, we took a family photo. When I saw the photo a few weeks later, I realized how much the weight had gone to my face. I knew I had to make big changes. Since sweets have been my biggest problem, I cut them out entirely. Also, I started running daily with my dad. I had a set lunch that I packed for work, and I would eat 2-3 big/cheat meals a week. I had never had success losing weight in the past few years, but I now realize that it was because I wasn't controlling my diet. So far, I have lost 28 lbs and I'm still going! I am still amazed when I step on the scale and I've lost more weight. I keep thinking that something is wrong with it and it's not real. The first pic is the family photo that made me realize I had to make a serious change, and the other two are to show the difference now.


The one on the left is me a couple of weeks after the family photo, and the one on the right is me on the exact same shirt and sweater from 2 weeks ago. :) Neither are very good for showing where I was or where I am now, bu there is a huge change in the fit of the shirt and sweater. the shirt doesn't even touch my stomach now. It hangs out around me like a tent.


Thanks for reading :)


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