1200 calories is hard!

Hey guys!

I just started using My Fitness pal in the last few days...I have yet to stay under 1200 calories, but it's getting a bit better each day so I am learning!

Any advice on the best filling low cal foods?

Rochester, MN


  • chroniclesofthinoholic
    an apple a day keeps the calories away .... ;)
    do negative calorie foods like celery and cabbages ... it fills you before a meal and actually burns calories!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Potatos,sweet potatos, salads, rice, eggs, meat, whole grain bread.
  • robynw0982
    robynw0982 Posts: 5 Member
    I had a hard time at first too. I have found that eating progresso light soups are great because they are very low cal and filling. I also eat a lot of fruit, especially melons. The easiest way to cut out calories is with beverages. It is amazing how many calories you can add a day without even realizing it. I am always looking for new friends on here to help motivate me, and my food diary is open to view if you would like to friend me. Good luck in your journey to a healthier you!

    40 lbs and counting:)

  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    1200 is a little low. O:.... but green veggies fill you up fast. i think 1400 is alot healthier but to each their own ^^. :)
  • deejed
    deejed Posts: 3
    I am on day 21 of 1200 calories. I eat either oatmeal with granola and pecans for breakfast. (300 calories), or I make a banana-strawberry smoothie with 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt and a teaspoon of honey (285 cals). For lunch I either have a smart ones meal, with yogurt and fruit, or Bumble chai tuna kit w/crackers (285 cals) with yogurt and fruit. For dinner, chicken breast with butter beans, and cottage cheese, or a salad with chicken medallions. For snacks, 100 calorie almond pack, or Natures best granola square with dark chocolate (80 cals). Weight watchers has delicious single serving ice creams that taste like the real mccoy too! (140 cals). Also, 45 calorie per slice wheat bread with peanut butter/jelly is very feeling too! Good luck! It's alot of trial and error, but you will learn what suits you best.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Agree with previous post. Adding high volume, low calorie foods... which is usually good fruits and veggies.. and some whole grains. Don't drink your calories with beverages of low nutritional value. I have a green smoothie most mornings that hits anywhere between mid to high 200's in calories. Do low calorie snacks.

    I can always try to eat at least 1200 but I frequently eat more than that, but my net is typically 1200 or lower with exercise. It works for me because when I set my goal higher, I will overshoot sometimes up to maintenance and that slowed my weight loss for a long period of time. At least if I overshoot 1200 by a slight bit, I am still at a deficit from TDEE even without adding exercise.

    Also, homemade yogurt parfaits (low cal yogurt, high fiber cereal and some berries or other fruit) is a filling and wholesome breakfast. Make sure you eat enough good fats. The fat content helps give you a full feeling.
  • codylaflamme11
    for lunch i personally would drink whey protein. its usually 160 cal a scoop its filling. and its not that bad even made with water. i would stick to eating a lot of foods with low calories and a lot of high value things like protein and vitamins. also drink a lot of water to curb your hunger. salad is low cal also. try chobani greek yogurt.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    i manage to stick to 1200 calories pretty much all the time. add me if you'd like to check out my diary for ideas

    i'm doing herbalife, so for breakfast i have shake powder and yoghurt, and sometimes some berries, but before i was doing that, i would have (and loved) a couple of slices of grainy toast with a serve (i forget if it's 1 tbsp or 2) of extra light philly cheese, a few slices of tomato, and a bit of pepper. delicious! i would have a cup of tea with that, i don't have juice, it's empty calories.

    lunch i generally have a wrap with spinnach, tomato, light cheese and either flavoured tofu or some type of veggie burger (i'm a vegetarian). you could go some shredded chicken or beef strips or something if you're a meat eater - generally the burger component of this meal is around 130cal so aim for that.

    dinner i'll have a lentil curry, a vegetable and bean ratatoulle, veggie soup or a thai red curry with tofu - i generally make a big batch of something, paying attention to keeping the ingredients 'bulky' but low calorie (ie, not calorie dense), and then i feed the recipe into the recipe builder and work out, based on the calories, how many serves i need to get out of it.

    i aim for about 300 calories per meal, give or take, and then make up the rest with a few snacks - friut, nuts, protien bars etc.

    don't give up, it takes a bit of playing around to work out what works and what to avoid, but it gets easier!

    i look at calories like money - i have a limited budget, so i look for things that look big to fool my eyes, but don't cost too much, so i can eat more other stuff.

    hope this helps
  • bjdw1
    bjdw1 Posts: 140 Member
    Bwahaha. I'm on maintenance at the moment and after running today my total allowance is 3175. Yeeha!
  • matthewbice
    Leafy green veggies like turnip greens....spinach....mostly veggies.
  • jennanmiller
    Thanks for all the help so far! Keep it coming!

    1200/day is what my app started me at based on wanting to lose 10 pounds at a rate of 2 lbs/week approximately.
  • bjdw1
    bjdw1 Posts: 140 Member
    Bwahaha. I'm on maintenance at the moment and after running today my total allowance is 3175. Yeeha!

    ha I do ADF(Alternate Day Fast) On my eating days, I can cut wit 3,500-4,000 calories a day.

    I wouldn't be able to do that, being hungry (which I would be on a fasting day) makes me very grumpy / short tempered. Not good for someone who works in customer service.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    If you only have 10 pounds to lose, 2 lbs/week is not a wise rate of loss choice. Go with 0.5/lbs per week. Much more sustainable.

    The closer you are to goal weight (within 10-15 lbs) the slower weight loss is.

    Short story: Eat more. 1,200 is really quite low.

    I'm 5'2" ~125 lbs, I maintain by eating 1800-2000+ per day.

    1500/day + exercise calories = weight loss for me.
  • rhondawparker
    rhondawparker Posts: 26 Member
    I'm so glad to read this ... When I started MFP I was allowed 1270 cal/day and I rarely had problems staying within that limit, but after losing 12#, I was lowered to 1200 cal/day and I feel hungry and have struggled to only eat that few ... in fact I have GAINED back a pound. I am glad to read others ideas of what to eat to feel full and hope to get back on track soon!
  • eric83607
    eric83607 Posts: 2 Member
    Try some salmon. You should be able to find the pouches of the stuff for about $1 a pop. Paired with the 100 calorie "snak bags" of popcorn, and you've got a pretty healthy, filling light meal. for only 160 calorie
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Hey guys!

    I just started using My Fitness pal in the last few days...I have yet to stay under 1200 calories, but it's getting a bit better each day so I am learning!

    Any advice on the best filling low cal foods?

    Rochester, MN

    why are you trying to stay under 1,200??? even 1,200 is too low, I think, for you right now. as was said, go for .5 lost a week. slow and steady.
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    Eggs, Jennie o turkey franks, trader joe's breakfast or the 99% fat free burritos, wheat bread with turkey or any choice of meat, cheese, lettuce, string cheese, yogurt, all fruit, cottage cheese, veggies, weight watchers ice cream. If I have pasta, I get the trader joe's pasta in the frozen section so everything is basically measured. I stay away from all fast foods, except In & Out and I would get the basic hamburger with no cheese and no ketchup and without fries. Its just a different way of eating...
    Eating out is the hardest...I love Apple Bee's cause they have calories on their menu. I hope that gives you some ideas. :)
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    I have trouble getting to 1200 calories. Feel free to look at my food journal if you would like. I'm full most days! I started by getting rid of a lot of processed foods,sugars, salt and bleached white flour.
  • olgamarie_t
    olgamarie_t Posts: 58 Member
    i do 1200 cal and been doing a little less some days. im tiny im 4'11'' and i dont exercise so thats okay for me.I have been losing like a pound per week. i eat every 2 to 3 hours
    breakfast: is proteins and fruit only with my coffee and green tea ,so the tea taste better i put 1/3 stevia (no calories) and a few drops of lemon.
    am snack :a low sugar,low cal fruit like pear with green tea again ,
    lunch: protein,veggies,small portion of carbs, green tea and another fruit.
    pm snack: a yogurt and coffee
    dinner: protein,veggies and small or no portion of carbs. try not to eat too late preferable not after 6, if i get hungry at night cause i ate early then another yogurt or if i didnt exceed my cal intake a low cal ice cream or fruit bar
    Also drinking lemon water or a no calorie drink like crystal light to keep full in between snack and meals.
    Good luck
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    an apple a day keeps the calories away .... ;)
    do negative calorie foods like celery and cabbages ... it fills you before a meal and actually burns calories!
