How do you want to eat when you reach maintanance?



  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Honestly I'm very happy with the way I eat now, I guess I will have to adjust calories or amount of exercise or whatever but I don't foresee any major changes.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Nothing changes cause I have never starved myself on this weight loss journey... I eat great, have plenty of food, and have lost a ton of weight and the best part when I hit maintenance I get my calorie deficit calories back so I will be able to eat even more at maintenance.. Best of Luck....
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Lean and green so I can stay MEAN!!!
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    I will continue to eat the same way so it will continue to be a norm for my children.
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    When I reach maintenance I want to eat close to 2000 calories a day. I want those calories to be nutrient dense. No shakes and no starving to get to goal weigh here. I wanna eat like a real thriving human.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I plan to work on more toning once I get down to about 114 or 115; so I'll probably eventually increase my calories and be eating more protein then I currently am.

    Either way, I want to make sure my diet is balanced after I hit my goal --> my big downfall was the fact that I was ALWAYS hungry, makes it difficult to eat a small portion when you're always hungry. :(
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I eat whatever I want and I maintain right now. I eat carbs and protein and fat, it's AWESOME!!!

    this is my lifestyle, so it has to be something I can live with and so far it is.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I'm going to eat exactly as I am right now, I might 'cheat' a bit more but nothing major.

    I eat to be healthy first, looking good nekkid comes as a happy by-product.

    (edit) And I want to quit tracking everything, this is the ultimate goal. Get framework, eat within that and forget about the details.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've been in maintenance for nearly 2 years (in 2 more weeks, it'll be 2 years) and I eat what I want, when I want it. Yes, there are things I don't eat anymore (fast food and pop), but I avoid them because I don't like how they make me feel vs because I've decided they are "off limits".

    This is the only life I have to live and I plan to enjoy it. I refuse to turn food into something bad or off limits. I enjoy it in moderation.
  • robynw0982
    robynw0982 Posts: 5 Member
    I am looking at this as a lifestyle change, and I never want to go back to eating the way I did. Looking back now on the way I was eating 10 months ago disgusts me. There are times when it is okay to eat something bad, but I will not let that become an everyday thing.
  • robynw0982
    robynw0982 Posts: 5 Member
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    The weird thing is, I have gained weight eating less calories AND exercising 1 hour a day (I used to have online logs at WW Online to prove it). I just can't eat white bread all day like I used to and processed food. It makes for insulin spikes galore. I think if you're body is not as screwed up as mine, you can definitely lose weight eating whatever you want and a calorie is a calorie.

    I have experienced a man I worked with 2 jobs ago in the past that went on and on how "a calorie is a calorie and does not matter", plus he didn't understand nor care how insulin plays a huge role of the body processing things (how insulin spikes can make someone like me gain weight). He had wandered into my conversation after work with another workmate and dominated. I am still pissed off about that years later and on my high horse I need to get off. this is the first time in my life that weight loss is not a huge effort with hunger pains and migraines. So you might say I am writing this post to affirm this for anyone in my position.

    *chuckling* I'm on Metformin because my insulin response is pretty much buggered. I can't eat "whatever I want", with no awareness of what it will do to my endocrine response. I was gaining weight on a 1200 calorie AHA diet (lots of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, very little meat, no fat to speak of). So obviously, that doesn't work for me.

    So I'm *on your side* about how insulin response is affected by food, and how not every calorie affects the body in exactly the same way. Food is not universal in it's impact, because humans are not a closed system with no mitigating factors except food. If you put wood, or jellied gasoline into a coal fired engine, the response is going to change as compared to feeding it coal. Same thing with human digestion.

    I always get people getting angry and defensive whenever the words "low carbohydrate" come out of my mouth. Look, it works for me. It's not restrictive. I'm not suffering. I'm not starving myself. I'm not making anyone else eat it, and I figure humankind survived for thousands of years without whole wheat pasta and breadsticks, so I'll probably be okay for one measly lifetime. It's not for everyone. But allow me the knowledge of what my body needs.

    I've never been a big eater. My BMR is about 1300 calories (Karch-McArdle) at my present weight. If I eat 1800 calories a day, I'm overstuffed and uncomfortable. So I shoot for 1500 and have a window of about 1400-1600 allowing for exercise and whatnot. As I lose weight, the numbers may shift and change. Or they may not, since eating at that level will about hit my TDEE for 130 lbs. *shrugging* Frankly at the end of the day, managing my dietary intake to control my blood sugar is more important than the exact number of calories I'm taking in. My body tells me when I'm eating badly for MY needs, and it's not subtle about it.

    *tucks soapbox back under the couch and goes for a walk*

    Sorry. Guess Betty needs a time-out. *sheepish laugh*
