Looking for serious,dedicated people who have a LOT to lose!



  • I think I fit the profile! FR Sent :smile:
  • walshn8
    walshn8 Posts: 4
    Hi! I have about 80 pounds to lose and I'm trying to do it with a healthier diet and exercise.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Send a Friend Request.

    I dont have a ton to lose but i've helped 100s lose a ton!
  • lisamlc
    lisamlc Posts: 61
    Hi, I will send you a friend reuest. I have a target loss of 149lbs (for now - might aim for more when I get there!) which will get me just inside a healthy BMI for my height. I am really serious about this. Have been on here for a month now and have lost 14lbs. I also want to get the 'has logged on for 365 days' message :) I exercise most days for at least 30 minutes and am eating around 1300 calories a day. I would be happy to support you :) Oh and well done on the 50lbs :)
  • mamaward64
    mamaward64 Posts: 143 Member
    Your opening post may have sounded cold but only to those that are quilty. I for one hide alot of what I do but that has gotten me no where. If I were to open up my diary I would want honest feedback and support. I have a whole lot to lose but am reaching my 50s and am probably too old to hand out with the youngsters. I wish you all the best young lady. Congrats on your sobriety. BTW I am serious.
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you guys, so much! I was so worried I came off as a B-word. Haha. I'm just so, so serious about all of this and I need people who are on my level!
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member

    Thanks Dan, I'm actually already eating 20% under my TDEE. I figured it out a while ago. (:
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    I like your post because of how straight talking and honest you are, you remind me of me and ive lost friends being like that , some people can take it and some cant.

    I had someone unfriend me just recently because i made a comment about their diary not being viewable, they took offence and blocked me, but water off a ducks back, as i do not agree with people who write comments like...good job, great day, well done etc etc when they cant even see what that person has ate that day, that person might only have ate 500 cals that day and getting praised for doing so.

    Anyway feel free to take a look at my profile and diary all of which are viewable and if you'd like to add me please do so.
    I have great friends and support on here and i also consider myself a good friend and great support to many on MFP.

    I was 278lbs when i started, almost on the 20 Stone mark (think thats what kicked my *kitten* into action), so i made a start, then found MFP, best find ever.
    Im now at 255lbs and want to get down to approx 126lbs, so i have to lose another 129lbs, its a long road but im in no hurry.

    You will find no exercise on mine but thats down to health problems and surgery etc, very proud of myself that ive achieved what i have so far without the help of exercise.
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    I like your post because of how straight talking and honest you are, you remind me of me and ive lost friends being like that , some people can take it and some cant.

    I had someone unfriend me just recently because i made a comment about their diary not being viewable, they took offence and blocked me, but water off a ducks back, as i do not agree with people who write comments like...good job, great day, well done etc etc when they cant even see what that person has ate that day, that person might only have ate 500 cals that day and getting praised for doing so.

    Anyway feel free to take a look at my profile and diary all of which are viewable and if you'd like to add me please do so.
    I have great friends and support on here and i also consider myself a good friend and great support to many on MFP.

    I was 278lbs when i started, almost on the 20 Stone mark (think thats what kicked my *kitten* into action), so i made a start, then found MFP, best find ever.
    Im now at 255lbs and want to get down to approx 126lbs, so i have to lose another 129lbs, its a long road but im in no hurry.

    You will find no exercise on mine but thats down to health problems and surgery etc, very proud of myself that ive achieved what i have so far without the help of exercise.

    Oh, trust me, I know all about losing friends. Both because of my honesty, and my sobriety. But the ones who can deal with those parts about me are some of the greatest people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I sent you a friend request. (:
  • feel free to add me if you'd like! i'm on the site quite frequently focusing on loosing weight and keeping this change in my life permanent. &* am always here for constant feedback, support, & encouragement! congrats on your weightloss so far!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're most certainly welcome to add me! I have a friends locked diary, so you won't see it otherwise.
  • jodilo88
    jodilo88 Posts: 63
    Hi! I'm pretty much in a boat identical to yours.

    I'm JoAnna, I'm 24, and to date I'm about 223 lbs. at a height of 5'1". I have a current goal weight right now of 150, and we'll see how I look/feel from there...to be at a healthy BMI the most I could be is around 130 or so but I feel with my curves/hourglass shape that may be a bit low for me. So if I want my goal weight, I have about 73 pounds to go - if I want to be at a healthy BMI, it's about 93.

    Hopefully we can be friends on here, I'll send you a request and we'll see if we can motivate each other to lose this weight. I've just started honestly working out this week after changing my diet for the past ten months, and I've already dropped 7 pounds (I started around 230). 7 down, 73-93 to go :)

    What do you recommend though - healthy BMI or a little more weight but possibly not looking like a weird curvy stick? =P
  • allielite11
    allielite11 Posts: 24 Member
    I added you! :) I'm looking for the same kind of friends on here. Serious and dedicated!! I've got about 150lbs. to lose. Please add me if you are here for the long haul!! :)
  • i want to scream and cry b15 vitamins are my best friends they keepn hunger at bay so i can eat when i NEED to but i get bored and eat is my biggest issue grrrr so if i can do soemthign on the computer or my phone or clean i wont eat!!!! well ill eat just not when im not supposed to and then by the end of the day im tired as all get out but all my old MFP friends have stoped texting so boooooo no more time consuming motivation
  • Hi Kristina
    My name is Anne & I have been doing this as long as Wheelie_UK has had his account here. I started with him to give him support & not need to cook to many different meals. I didn't have an account at first & didn't know how much I weighed, I only got an account because I was told I was losing weight & didn't believe them. Wheelie_UK said the only way to prove that I was losing weight was to check what I weighed & keep a record. As I was doing this with him to give him support, I may as well set up an account of my own & then I would be able to see if I was eating the right amount for me. when I weighed myself I was 280 pounds, which did surprise me as I thought & felt I was a lot heavier. There is no real way to tell how much I have really lost, but now I am weighing myself & keeping a record here I will at least know from now on. My goal is to lose over half my body weight & get down to 126 pounds if I can.

    I am disabled & need to use a wheelchair when I go out & about. I have Arthritis in every joint, I get Migraine headache every so often, I have Osteoporosis in my Spine & my Spine has at least 3 crushed Vertebra at my last Xray. I am always in pain & some days are worse than others, But at least I am alive. I believe that every day I live is a blessing, as years ago I had a Motorbike accident in which they didn't think I would live because I had head & spinal injuries.

    Things have never been easy for me, but after the accident at least I could say I have my life. Since the accident I have been Married twice & Divorced twice, had my Daughter who is now 22 years old & met Wheelie_UK on 8 August 1996. I am still in a relationship Wheelie_UK & this I have never regretted it, I love him very much.