Looking for friends that want to lose 50+lbs. :D



  • ksimon09
    I am in the same boat as you. I have about 75 lbs. to loose and cannot continue to buy new clothes each season because mine are too small! My health is changing for the worse and just turning 40 made me open my eyes. I lost my mother when she was a young 42 due to her poor health choices. I don't want my kids to suffer a loss like I did.
  • hawaii86442
    Please add me as a friend. As of today I have just lost 50.1 pounds. Two years ago I weighed 196.6--I have a photo some where and I will share it with you. I originally lost 43 pounds last year and regained about 8-9. Thats when I decided I couldnt regain the weight I struggled with to lose. My daughter told me about Fitness pal and I logged on. Now I am.as of this morning at 50.1 pounds lost. I couldn't have accomplished this without the supposrt of this group.

    Good luck with your goal,and I will be there to help you stay motivated.
  • SimplyEee
    SimplyEee Posts: 57 Member
    My story is simular as well. My goal weight is 165! With mini goals, would like to be down 15 by Halloween, and 30 by Christmas!! Let's do this!!
  • gregre04
    gregre04 Posts: 91
    My starting weight was 212 but when I joined I was 209. I will be 50 years young in feb. my goal is to lose 48 more lbs by then. I get frustrated easily and I get on my scale at least 15-20 per day. I used to have 2 scales but that started driving my crazy so I got rid of one. Ya I know I'm still crazy!! I have an 8 year old granddaughter and I try not to let her see me get on the scale so often. I hope there is someone that can help me through this...I also have a scale at work :grumble: