Know any good smoothie recipies?

Hi guys, I recently bought my first blender and started making smoothies. I only know how to make one kind, with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries in it. I'm not a much into fruits, so I don't know any other types of smoothies to make. How do you guys make your smoothies? What are your favorite ingredients to add? I should also tell you I'm allergic to bananas, so I unfortunately I can't include those. :(


  • 3 cups spinach
    2 cups of ice
    1/2 banana
    2 tbsp natural peanut butter
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    6oz unsweetened almond milk

    it tastes like peanut butter in my opinion,its good. you can omit the banana. it also can be regular peanut butter if thats all you have.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Give this a whirl.

    Have fun, don't forget to keep your hand on the lid. :drinker:
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member has smoothie recipes.

    My favourite is raspberries, strawberries, almond or hazelnut milk, pb2, drinking chocolate (just a tsp), and protein powder. I add blackberries as well if I can get hold of them or sometimes nectarines.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    I love a tropical smoothie, which is pretty much mangos, oranges, peaches, and other orange and yellow fruits. Berry smoothies, which are generally strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are my top =D experiment with adding small amounts of spinach and other veggies to get more nutrition into the mix.
  • Scouter123
    Scouter123 Posts: 12 Member
    This one is completely different, no berries, but still very healthy, and tasty too:
    Leftover boiled or roasted squash or sweet potato (1/2 cup)
    scoop of vanilla protein powder
    1/2 a frozen banana (oops, could maybe just use ice?)
    spoon of flax sees or chia seeds
    1 cup of cold water or unsweetened almond milk
    sprinkle of cinnamon and/or nutmeg
    Tastes like pumpkin pie, creamier with the almond milk than water. The squash/sweet potato/yam is higher on the glycemic index so has calories BUT tons of fiber (same with the seeds) and brightly coloured foods have lots of anti-oxidants, if you are going to eat calories make them nutritious ones. Sorry, I forgot about your banana thing when I started this....

    Combo of pineapple and coconut water is nice also (+ ice, +/- seeds or almond milk)
    Just get creative!
    This recipe is from the new Looneyspoons Collection cookbook by janet & Greta Podleski, pretty much everything I've made from it is yummy (and has the nutrition info for each recipe included), healthy eating that's pretty easy and tastes great.
  • Scouter123
    Scouter123 Posts: 12 Member
    The other good ones I like are:
    peaches (canned or frozen)
    orange juice
    (+/- almond milk, bit odd with the acidic juice, but like an Orange Julius or creamsicle)
    chia or flax seeds or flax oil (1/2 tsp only, taste disappears)
    frozen green grapes
    frozen honey dew melon
    lemon-lime gator aid
    (great on a really hot day)

    No bananas this time!
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Bananans give such a strong taste anyway !! Dont like them that much.
    Favorite: mango-rasberries-strawberries (with a bit of orangejuice)
    or replace the mango with pineapple. yum yum :)
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'll definitely try some of the things you suggested! :)
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    1 Tbs reduced fat peanut butter
    1 Tbs uncooked oats
    Crushed ice
    water or skim milk

    1 scoop mixed berries protein powder
    4 berry frozen blend
    water or skim milk

    Cookies and cream protein powder
    crushed ice
    water or milk
    coconut flavoring