Wedding binge!! Whats the damage

Hey guys,

So I was at a friends wedding yesterday and basically I binged totally as you, drink, cakes, canapes, sandwiches...the lot. I would guess I could have put away anything in the 5000-6000 calorie range. For about the last2-3 weeks before I was eating really really clean..exercising a lot and had lost a lot of weight...7-8 pounds.

Today I feel really really bloated. I weighed myself this morning and it seems I have put on 5kg in guessing this is water etc too but it is shocking really and does make you feel really guilty.

I was going to just go on another junk binge today I felt so know the old "in for a for a pound" mentality (always seems to catch me out). I walked to McDonalds...eyed up the desserts in the queue but somehow held out and just ordered a cappucino (skinny).

I definitely feel better that I have stayed strong far! But am I ok in thinking yesterdays binge wont have had a major effect on my body and that I should be back to the weight I was in few days.???

I probably had been under my ideal weight with an eye on the wedding coming up but I dont want o have wasted 3-4 weeks work on 24 hours of binging.



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Binges are a lot of calories at one time and you usually lose them quickly (not to be too explicit on the subject).

    DON'T EAT A LOT TODAY! Really, that's just silly.

    Eat a nice light diet today, drink lots of water, some fruits and veggies and go forward. Make sure you have low sodium. You'll get rid of the bloat and you'll feel better.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    some of that weight might literally be the food still in your system! and remember... none of us got heavy from one day of bad eating. jut get back on track and you will be fine. A little extra activity this week might help you make you feel better both physically, and mentally too.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hey guys,

    So I was at a friends wedding yesterday and basically I binged totally as you, drink, cakes, canapes, sandwiches...the lot. I would guess I could have put away anything in the 5000-6000 calorie range. For about the last2-3 weeks before I was eating really really clean..exercising a lot and had lost a lot of weight...7-8 pounds.

    Today I feel really really bloated. I weighed myself this morning and it seems I have put on 5kg in guessing this is water etc too but it is shocking really and does make you feel really guilty.

    I was going to just go on another junk binge today I felt so know the old "in for a for a pound" mentality (always seems to catch me out). I walked to McDonalds...eyed up the desserts in the queue but somehow held out and just ordered a cappucino (skinny).

    I definitely feel better that I have stayed strong far! But am I ok in thinking yesterdays binge wont have had a major effect on my body and that I should be back to the weight I was in few days.???

    I probably had been under my ideal weight with an eye on the wedding coming up but I dont want o have wasted 3-4 weeks work on 24 hours of binging.


    don't blow it for SURE just because you think you might have blown it...Last night I seriously took a look at my losses because I feel like I haven't really lost much the last few months. Turns out that despite several *binges* (i'm low carb, so if I totally blow my carb count I consider it a binge even if my calories are OK) I am still losing 4-5lbs a month.

    Forget last night ever happened and keep with your eating plan and you should be back on track within a week.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Binges happen. Go back to eating clean today. You may be surprised that you lose more this week. Sometimes shocking your body has that effect. 1 bad day can't undo weeks or months of good days unless you allow that bad day to become everyday :) Best of luck to you!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Yesterday is gone! Today is a new day, just jump back on..It will all even out! Good luck 2 you! Just look forward not back:-)
  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.
    — Dalai Lama

    Yesterday is gone. Take care of yourself today and plan for tomorrow.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Assuming an average guy has a maintenance level of about 2500 calories... the most you could have gained from a 6000 calorie day is one measly little pound. So... big whoop. You might reach your goal weight a week later than anticipated.

    Think of it as a minor detour in the road. Go around it and get back on course.
  • vltaylor35
    i have found that i i lose the binge weight quite quickly if i get straight back to calorie counting and working out. everyone is different but for me, a 6000 calorie binge would probably leave me 1- 1.5kg heavier. im certain you couldnt have put on 5kg in a day!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have recently been on holiday for 3 weeks the first 2 I really watched what I was eating enjoyed myself but didn't overdo it. The 3rd week the weather was awful the kids played up and hubby was a miserable git so I relaxed a lot. The first 2 weeks I ate slightly above maintenance and probably double that 3rd week. I gained 9lbs over this duration but have lost 4 in 1 week. I don't think 1 day will do much damage. With 1 binge day I usually lose more as long as I get back on track next day. Drink loads of water and eat cleanly.
  • batigol1985
    Well I survived yesterday...had 2 pints at the day after wedding type thing...felt great. Then today hit...lets just say you know its going to be a tough onbe when your breakfast is a McFlurry...went downhill after that but I had been so good for last few months and eating ridiculously clean that a blow out was always on cards...

    Back on the bike tomorrow though...not looking forward to the scales in the morning at the gym though :(