Obese and doing Insanity.

Hey guys! My friend and I are going to be doing Insanity starting tomorrow. Last year I weight 318 pounds and I currently weigh about 280 now. I know this program is more for people who are already in shape looking to get into better shape and don't have a whole lot of weight to lose. I was just wondering if there was anybody out there who started the program or is doing the program currently who is around my weight at all, and could share their experience with me. Even though I have lost 40 pounds I have still yet to lose any inches in my stomach area so I thought this would help a ton with that. Would love to hear from anyone! Thanks!


  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I'm thinking about getting Insanity once I lose more weight etc. I applaud you for trying it now! That's awesome!!! I haven't lost any in my stomach either so I'll be interested in seeing what responses you get!! :glasses:
  • cb76597
    cb76597 Posts: 9
    I am starting Insanity again myself. I already did the fit test, my results are awful. I want to loose 10lbs by Oct1. I have done it off and on. You will loose, just go as hard as you can. I too struggle with my stomach. Hip Hop Abs was probably the best for my stomach, but I have never gotten dramatic results in that area doing any program. I know how hard it can be to target the stomach. I wish you success!
  • Carolina_Skys
    Carolina_Skys Posts: 21 Member
    I have seen the commercials and always watch them. I'm very intrested in knowing the answer to your question. Congrats on losing 40lbs!!!!:smile:
  • ridge1980
    ridge1980 Posts: 46 Member
    I would just be careful with any high intensity workout like that. Just modify, modify, modify. :) I did insanity for about a month and I ended up with a bad lower back, but it was my first insane cardio workout. I wouldn't say don't do it. Just be careful and listen to your body. Way to go on all your work!!!! Congrats!!!!
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    I currently weigh about 168 lbs and started at 225. I am on week 3 of insanity, and can't imagine doing it when i was at 225. However, it should be ok, so long as you take breaks when needed, go at your own pace, and modify moves if necessary. Don't worry about trying to keep up with the people in the video-they have done multiple rounds of insanity and even they take breaks. Good luck!!
  • TallCurvyMuscles
    Not designed for you. There is a reason that the people on the DVD are at the top of their fitness game. Notice no one is obese.

    Why does everyone want to start at the top. Start slow and work up to it or just endure injuries.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    Thanks guys! I am losing inches in my waist but not my stomach. I have a thinner friend who is getting really good results. I assume I will have to modify some of the exercises, but I am willing to try. Heck, 30 DS to hard for me. But I dont wan to give up before I try (:
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    I would just be careful with any high intensity workout like that. Just modify, modify, modify. :) I did insanity for about a month and I ended up with a bad lower back, but it was my first insane cardio workout. I wouldn't say don't do it. Just be careful and listen to your body. Way to go on all your work!!!! Congrats!!!!

    I agree, be careful and modify the workouts so that they are just outside of your comfort zone. I tried the fitness test and went all out... ended up pulling both hamstrings really bad :/
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    If it ends up being too much I will avert back to 30 DS seeing how the last time I did it I was also 15 pounds heavier.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Great question!! I was wondering the same thing :)
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    Please be careful. If you get injured or mess up a joint you won't be able to work out for a long time. I would work up to it. I have seen people really hurt themselves.
  • cutiepieinchi
    I am over 200 and dont think it is for me yet so I have started out by doing the c25k program. I think that you can do it but modify where needed. The program can also be hard on your back and knees. Good luck lady!
  • SaraRhiannon421
    SaraRhiannon421 Posts: 34 Member
    Have you tried the 30ds? I feel like that will get you results and be easier since its designed for heavier people to be able to do but get similar results
  • DangerDiv
    hiya! I want to say that a lot of the people I know who did this (I haven't) and had amazing results also did a separate workout in addition to it. one girl i know did cardio every morning and then this right after or some time after.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Thanks guys! I am losing inches in my waist but not my stomach. I have a thinner friend who is getting really good results. I assume I will have to modify some of the exercises, but I am willing to try. Heck, 30 DS to hard for me. But I dont wan to give up before I try (:

    I hate to be negative, but if 30DS was too hard for you I would not recommend Insanity (I have done both). I think your attitude is amazing and it's great that you want to go all-out, but I don't want you to injure yourself or just get really discouraged. I'd work on completing something like 30DS first and then move up to something like Insanity. Trust me, it's called Insanity for a reason... it's like nothing you've ever seen before.
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    Thanks guys! I am losing inches in my waist but not my stomach. I have a thinner friend who is getting really good results. I assume I will have to modify some of the exercises, but I am willing to try. Heck, 30 DS to hard for me. But I dont wan to give up before I try (:

    I weigh 260 and I'm doing 30DS. I'll admit that the first day I felt like I was going to die and I had to modify the jumping jacks a little because it was too hard on my knees but I kept going and made it through day 5 now. It does get easier the more you do it. Don't give up on it just yet. Modify if you have to. Doing it modified is better than not doing it at all. If you think 30DS is too hard, insanity is 20 times harder. I'm not even going to try insanity until I'm out of the 200's. Maybe you will be able to do it but please don't get frustrated if you can't. You will find something that works for you and that you enjoy.
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    I am in pretty good shape (military, marathoner, weight lifter) and Insanity damn near kicked my butt. I would say good luck to you but don't get your hopes up. Be prepared to take ample breaks and modify some of the movements. I would be more worried about your joint health than anything else. It is intense.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys! I will try day one tomorrow and see how it goes. If its not for me yet I will go back down to 30 day shred. Thanks all!!!
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    when i was that weight or around that weight i started with C25k and 30 ds i just started insanity im on week one i am at 213 and im doing fine so far but ive been doing other stuff to get here it is still intense and very hard even for me and some of the moves i have to modify like the push ups but im still doing it ... If you do try it just be very careful and listen to you body like every one else is saying.
  • rippedT
    rippedT Posts: 1 Member
    I did Insanity for a month and it was very challenging. At that time I weighed 206lbs. I say try the fit test and see how you feel. It's a very intense workout and I would not recommend it to anyone who does not exercise 3-5 day/week consistently. Ripped in 30 is another good one and I also LOVE turbo jam by Beachbody. I hope this helps.