feeling depressed and alone



  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    not sure whats going on with me... starting to feel very depressed and lonely lately.

    anyone out there battling these feelings and able to offer some advice?

    I hate the idea of taking meds for these feelings, so Id love to hear from folks...

    As others have said, without knowing the full picture, it's hard to say too much. One suggestion that I would have is that to find some ways to have some small victories. If you use a treadmill, set some improvement goals over the next month and try to hit them. Don't be ridiculous but don't make them so easy to the point where they are worthless. If you lift weights, set some goals to increase your lifting over the next 30 days.
  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    Maybe you could try talking to a professional. I know people that have been helped by doing this. Good luck to you! We are always here. :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I can't speak to you in particular but I can tell you that those feelings are not uncommon. Many of us feel isolated and alone. That's why we tend to share so much of our lives online, on Facebook and Twitter and other sites with total strangers. Ours is a society of isolated, lonely people.

    But, of course, there is a clinical depression that needs to be treated medically. So, you might want to discuss this with your doctor.

    For what it's worth, you are not alone in your feelings though. I know that feeling and it's a *****. A real *****.
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    P.S. If it works, I can't take credit for it! My neighbor came over one day and found me crying in the backyard and brought me a baggie of these things. At first, I felt so good I thought she was slipping me something illegal! But no... Vitamin B Complex really has that affect on me!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I got suddenly depressed a while back. Started waking up at 4 every morning and going back to sleep, then just started losing all will to live. I went on meds and my life not only got back to normal, but was better than ever. I was such a more pleasant person. Probably should have been on them years before that, but glad I finally did in any case. It doesn't hurt that I got super endurance in the sack as a side effect.
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    thank you so much for the enouraging words. I think a good bit of it is lonliness and just wanting to share things with someone.

    I end up staying at the gym many hours just to not sit at home alone.

    this just started recently - I was never bothered much by it. but lately, it just seems to be growing stronger.

    I thought maybe it was just a phase, but its starting to hit hard - to the point of even setting in while on the treadmill at the gym .
  • thinkpositive3
    thinkpositive3 Posts: 85 Member
    Hostess Ding Dongs, Utz Cheeze Puffs and Diet Coke works for me...hahaha. Well, actually when I do slip into the depression state I have to work really hard at staying away from those things! Focus on doing the right thing diet-wise. It will give you the small victories that make you happy. Vitamins and B12 Complex also seem to help. My other guilty pleasure is cranking some 80's metal music in my headphones while I work out (I know, it's cheesy, but it works :)

    Most importantly find SOMEONE to talk to. There is something you may not know you have crammed down so deep that really gets to you, or you just may need a friendly ear. A solitary job can get you inside your head too. You need an outlet or someone to talk to. We're humans that were created to need human interaction. Hang in there! Hope this helps.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Have you tried joining classes at the gym instead of working out alone? Having 2-3 different classes a week will give you the social interaction you may be looking for.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    You know what is MAGNIFICENT? How amazing is it that, first of all, you can even bring yourself to WRITE these words - and - secondly, that you TRUST us here at MFP to be a supportive community, to help ease your bad feelings.... Hope you can get over what is (sorry- I have to use this word) "eating" away at you and end up in a deeper, more intimate place with yourSelf.... Holding you in The Light.... :heart:
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    Been there man. Was a few years back, but I joined a softball league. Got some exercise and made a few new friends as well. Really made quite a difference. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding something to put your focus on others. We tend to focus on ourselves too much without a good distraction. Maybe trying a group activity, or spending a little time volunteering for a charitable or community program could do the trick. And you always have the community here to support you. And as others have mentioned it might not be a bad idea to talk to your doc.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Sometimes low carb diets can quickly lead to feelings of depression. Could that be it?

    See a DR or therapist if you need to.

    Best to you.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    My own experience is that I felt tired and depressed which turned out to be a Thyroid issue.


    I'll add you to my prayers:)
  • Missanticipated
    I suffer with bad anxiety and mild depression and my doctor recommended a herbal remedy called st johns wort because I didn't want to go on meds but I've not tried it yet so I can't tell you if it's any good it might be worth giving it a go though. I have just moved to a foreign country, there's a language barrier, my hubby's away for 2 months with work, i dont have a job yet and I have very few friends here. So I understand how it is to feel lonely. My only advice is try to get out and about with friends as much as you can. Even if it's just for a walk or a bike ride, it's nice to get out the house and socialize. Or family if you get on with or are close to them make the most of it and try see them as often as possible. Also my lovely dog keeps me sane most of the time but it's nice to have human contact lol.
  • phatech
    phatech Posts: 6
    Hi, I have suffered from depression for a long time. I don't know what your circumstances are, but if this is something that happens often there is no shame in talking to a counselor who may be able to help you ascertain exactly why you feel down or why you are worrying .
    On the other hand it just might be one of those glummy days. Count your blessings, don't let the pity party take up residence in your head. You have lost a considerable amout of weight and that is something to feel good about. Think about how your health is improving and how fit you have become, not to mention the way you are looking in your clothing.
    Take your mind of yourself and do some volunteer work, that always helps me. I try to keep myself busy, so that I don't have time to concentrate on all the little things in life that just make life, life. Be greatful for being alive, I don't know if you are involed in church but having God in my life and a church affilation, helps me know that "this too shall past."
    You are not alone, look at the responses you have received and know that this site and its community are here for such a time as this. Be encouraged knowing that you are not alone.:flowerforyou:
  • Alyrod27
    I've actually gone through something similar. It sucks, but you just have to get out and do something it keeps your mind busy and then you will start feeling better! Hope it helps!
  • Jers43
    Jers43 Posts: 100
    It happens sometimes. I just try to put all the noise out of my mind. Close my eyes focus on the good stuff. It is out there. Sorry your having a rough time. Anxiety can be a killer watch it don't let it snow ball. Talk to someone if you have to .
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    You may not need medication. Perhaps seeking a counselor/ therapist will help you talk through and discover the root of the problem. You will also learn how to work with the problem and acquire techniques to handle or overcome episodes of depression.

    I have suffered with depression. I have seen a counselor. And I am studying to be a counselor. So I do not give this advice lightly. :) Good luck to you and I pray you feel better soon.
  • jimzisa
    jimzisa Posts: 19 Member
    Dude, you are killing the progress-o-meter so first of all, be kind to yourself and celebrate the victory. This said, I went through a very depressed state of being a few months ago as well. I had been struggling with finding the best workout routine, got stuck in a rut with what I was doing and I stopped seeing the progress I had hoped to see and, more to the point, found that my life wasn't changing the way I'd imagined it would with the progress I had made.

    In the end, I went to the MD - mine is a board certified medical nutritionist as well - and sat for a long consult. He ran blood work, ordered a couple of relevant cardio tests and, based on the results, he changed EVERYTHING about what I ate and how I worked out. No meds for the depression though, he was convinced I didn't need them; he was right. We started a lot of long, endurance based cardio. I returned to cycling as my primary calorie burn mechanism, we dropped the weight-lifting in favor of more brutal full body hard conditioning and core work. As far as diet, he cut way back on the protein intake and balanced carbs and fats for a better fuel mix to support the workload. He also revamped the vitamin and supplements I was taking, added a testosterone supplement (the only Rx I take for anything), added vitamin D and a few over the counter supplements. Oh, and the big addition: St. John's Wort. OK, so it's a natural antidepressant, but it has no contraindicated effects and metabolizes completely every day.

    The point, to this blather? I changed everything with a little help from someone who knows more than me and it worked. And last, but not least, socialize. Find a few workout groups with a diverse membership. I ride with 2 different cycling clubs and have met a lot of cool people. Also, I started running with a few people, mostly better than me, but I've found some good ones who can offer support without judgment.

    Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge.

    Good luck to you. You're not alone.
  • robertthesnail
    Forever Alone.
  • Mistila
    Mistila Posts: 38
    In addition to all the good psychological advice everyone is offering, I would suggest trying a good Vitamin B Complex like the one from Nature's Sunshine. This is like an instant happy pill for me; within an hour of taking it, I feel more energy, more positive, more outgoing, thus helping me cope with any feelings of loneliness or depression MUCH easier. Over the years, it has completely replaced my need for antidepressants and that feels great! Just wanted to throw the idea out there in the mix of other good stuff!

    Amen!!! I do this too!!