This is my last chance



  • Valleydachs
    The only thing I've got to contribute is your motive to lose. You have to do it for YOU. Not your parents. Not your friends. Not your special friend. YOU. This is all about YOU. Do this for Ethan and no one else.

    It isn't easy. We all backslide. Don't beat yourself up but pick yourself up and start again.

    Seriously, I'm just starting again. I have 30 to drop. Exercise is my enemy. I like to create in the kitchen so the food thing can be done. Just keep it simple. Keep it fresh. No Franken food (artificial garbage) and you'll be on your way. I'm friending you today. Hope we can offer mutual support.
  • GoaliesWife123
    You've got this! One step at a time. If we spend all of our time looking at the past, then we miss out on today!
  • shearhappinessmech

    I am right there with you. It is hard but, it can be done. I am a mother of 3 and in living a very unhealthy lifestyle I am not only hurting myself but my children as well. So, I am going to do my best to stick to it and set a good example for my family. I am 32 years old but feel 60. So, today is as good as any.

    Baby steps are always a good start and always remember every little bit counts and every positive thought can or will result in something positive.

    I am here for you!!!


    Nice to meet you,

    Zoraya aka (friscoaries)
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Hi Ethan!

    Don't look at your past experiences as failures! Look at them as "training!" Now you know what doesn't work, so now you can get down to what *does*! For anyone who is starting out on their final weight-loss campaign, I highly recommend watching the HBO documentary, The Weight of the Nation. It really helps to know what you're really up against (You may think you know, but really, this four-part documentary is revelatory!) Anyway, from there, you can decide on your approach. I'm a big proponent of Slow & Steady: setting up conservative mini-goals that I know I can achieve and sustain; but others are very much of the Fast & Furious approach. Whatever you decide, MFP is a great place for support and I genuinely wish you the best of luck :-)

  • shearhappinessmech
    Hey Ethan! Just take it one day at a time. I went over my calories today...but also know I didn't work out and it coulda been worse! baby steps...all about the baby steps! You got this!!! <3
  • jimzisa
    jimzisa Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Ethan:

    First off, welcome back. That you returned with a goal in mind is a victory; celebrate it. For the rest of your journey, start slowly and compliment yourself at every turn. Just pick one thing to do every day; a walk, one push up, one goal and do it. When I started trying to get a handle on my weight, I overdid everything and quit every time I did. Finally, a former athlete friend of mine gave me the "pick one thing" advice and it worked.

    Beyond all else, be kind to yourself, won't you? Let us give you any affirmation you need and never, never, never be afraid to ask for help. We've all been there, some of us for far longer than you. We're all here to help each other.
  • steveo1111
    Hang in there and stay true to the program because it works. I was at 250 and felt the same way you do right now. My doctor said to lose weight . Its working for me it will work for you.
  • criscricket
    You can do it!!! :)
  • Christie2bme

    I just started this today. I went to a support group through my church, which lead me to this website. I am at an all time high for me at 199 lbs. my goal weight is 135. I know it won't be easy but I am looking for a group to help me through this.

  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    Each day is a new chance!

    Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. - Ralph Blum

    Just start small. Like maybe trade 1 sugary soft drink for water today and do it again tomorrow. Think in terms of 1 day at a time, or even 1 hour at a time. Lots of people at MFP will cheer you on when you succeed and help pick you up when you fall down.....including me!
  • EthanB93
    Thanks everyone for your kind words an inspiration! It really makes me feel good. I was really nervous about beginning on this trek, but I feel like there is a community here to support me and guide me along the way. Thanks.
  • angusmike
    Welcome and best of luck!

    All I can say is, set achieveable goals and set out to develop good eating and exercise habits. This web site is a great tool in assisting you to reach your goal. Don't be discouraged, but treasure every victory. Focus on being healthy in your life choices and the weight thing will take care of itself.

    Feel free to friend me if you need a diet/exercise bud. :smile:
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Ethan, I had so many things I wanted to express to you after reading your post, but I as I read down the thread, everyone covered all my thoughts! We are in good hands here, WE can do this man. Don't get discouraged, it's a long road, there will be bumps. To reach our goals takes a level of commitment maybe we haven't had before. I know the success we WILL achieve in our fitness will carry over to other parts of our lives. Good luck!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    The only time you can say "Last chance" is when you're pulling the cord on your back up chute...otherwise, you're just building experience for the next try.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...I know having good friends on here really least for me it does.
  • optigal
    optigal Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Ethan, I agree with some of the other posters.....this is not your last chance and try not to beat yourself up and take it one day at a time. One step at a time and if you have any set backs come back here....I'll be happy to help you.... friend me and good luck! Mary
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Well this is the first step!

    My only advice to you is don't lie. I mean, to yourself. Log every single thing you eat for a while. That sneaky big mac is gone in a moment but if you log it you have to face it later. Learn from each day and vow to just be a little better the next day. Go for small goals - driving past the drive through, walking up stairs. If you have a bad day, suck it up and forget it, don't let it derail you.

    And know that it is hard. But know that you can do it. :smile:
  • Maddi_InBetweenDays
    Find something sustainable and what works for you. Consistency is the most important thing. If this is important to you, you will succeed :)
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    I would have to say first and foremost, weight loss and getting healthy are not 'all or nothing' activities. You will have set backs. You will indulge. You will lose motivation. Something I realized early on was to accept that it would happen, embrace it, call it what it was, and start the next day with a clean slate. Don't consider temporary lapses in progress as total failure, because they are not. Sure, I get annoyed when I lose the same 2 pounds over and over, but I consider each time a chance at success. I lost those pounds once, so I know darn well I can lose them again. And you can, too! We all can! Congratulations for realizing your life needs a change, and good luck!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I went from 334 to 240. I eat fast food and drink sugary drinks all the time. I'm not a "food zombie" which some people turn into here.

    My advice to you is don't diet at all. Learn to eat in moderation. Just make sure you set your calorie goal. I'd recommend 1lb a week to start off and make sure you don't go crazy on fat/carbs in the end. Treat losing weight like a game. Play with your food log the night before to min/max what you'll eat. If you can commit to the plan you'll win.

    Also learn to exercise. I recommend walking its a low impact exercise and try to get an 45-60 minutes in 4-5 days a week. It'll help build some muscle in your legs which in return will help you lose fat.