combating a sweet tooth

i have a baaaaad sweet tooth. any suggestions??


  • I made a recipe that I found on the low carb forums.
    I tried it today and it's AMAZING!

    Healthy Instant Chocolate Cake

    Makes 1 large serving

    1/2 Tablespoon unsalted butter**
    4 teaspoons half and half cream OR lite coconut milk
    1/16 teaspoon sea salt
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    1/2 beaten egg
    5 Tablespoons almond flour, gently packed
    2 teaspoons coconut flour
    2 Tablespoons erythritol OR 2 Tablespoons Truvia
    3-4 packets good-tasting stevia OR scant 1/16 teaspoon pure stevia extract (if using erythritol)
    1 Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (recommended: Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder)
    1/8 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon vinegar (apple cider or white)
    **For a dairy-free/paleo version of this cake, use coconut oil or nonhydrogenated organic shortening and lite coconut milk. You can use a tablespoon of honey and the listed amount of stevia to sweeten it.

    Add butter, half and half or coconut milk, and sea salt to mug. Melt for 30 seconds on HIGH in microwave, or until butter is liquified. Add vanilla and drizzle egg into mug while whisking it with a fork. Add the dry ingredients and whisk thoroughly with fork until batter is smooth and evenly mixed. Whisk in vinegar. Slap the bottom of the mug with the palm of your hand 10-20x to pop air bubbles. Place in the center of the batter a square or two of 70% cocoa chocolate or sugar-free milk chocolate for a gooey, melty center. Microwave mug on HIGH for 1 minute, 15 seconds, or until batter has cooked through. Let cool 1 minute. . Eat!

    Another(But I tweaked it with Sugar Free Cherry Jello,so it was more like cherry cheesecake)

    3- 8 ounce packages of Philly Cream Cheese
    25-30 Splenda Packets or equivalent sugar-substitute
    2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
    3 whole eggs
    1 cup sour cream

    How To Prepare: Preheat Oven To 375 Degrees F

    1. Soften cream cheese in a large bowl.
    2. With an electric mixer, blend cream cheese ALONE until creamy and of an even consistency.
    3. Add sugar, vanilla and sour cream and blend until incorporated.
    4. *Important* Add eggs ONE at a time and blend after each until incorporated into batter.
    5. Spray a 9 or 10 inch glass pie pan with Pam to prevent sticking.
    6.Add Batter to pie pan.
    7. *Important, but not necessary* Place first pan in a larger pan filled with water. This prevents the cheesecake from cracking and keeps it moist inside.
    8. Place both pans in oven for 45 minutes or until somewhat firm in the center.

    Number of Servings: 8

    Carbs per serving - include all nutritional information if known: I'd say about 5, maybe less depending on sugar substitute you used.

    Preparation Time: 15 minutes
    Effort (Easy, Average, Difficult): Average
  • Buy dates. They're sweet, they're high in fiber and EXTREMELY low in calories. A BRILLIANT substitute for sweet foods.
  • This might sound weird, but when you feel like eating something you really shouldn't, brush your teeth! I find this works most of the time. I don't know why it works, but it does. Mouthwash might work too.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    This might sound weird, but when you feel like eating something you really shouldn't, brush your teeth! I find this works most of the time. I don't know why it works, but it does. Mouthwash might work too.

    im TOTALLY trying this!!!
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    The mouthwash/brushing teeth thing really works. For now I am chewing different flavors of sugar free gum when I get that urge! I still have a sweet tooth though. It's the one thing I cannot seem to conquer. I can do zero sugar but I dont know how to do it in moderation!
  • I, too, have a bad case of sweet tooth. So now, since I am on my weight-loss journey, whenever I have the urge to eat something sweet (and for women, it's true once a month, at least!) I reach for dark chocolate: 70% cocoa is best. A fairly large square is about 50-60 cals each, and I find that if I eat really slowly usually two would be more than enough for me.

    Good luck. :-)
  • NoellBlue
    NoellBlue Posts: 3 Member
    Drink sugar free soda, and juices...that helps me out. Sugar free drinks are also usually low cal too. :drinker:
  • BSummers321
    BSummers321 Posts: 94 Member
    Yes dates are amazing, they're so sweet you feel like your eating chocolate. Bananas are great too, love adding it to my oatmeal/porridge.

    Low calorie hot chocolate/cocoa is great too.

    I would buy dark chocolate, but I'd probably end up eating the whole bar! :laugh:
  • I do too. I find if I don't eat anything sweet it goes away. The moment I start to indulge I can't stop. I've been eating really sweet grapes the last couple of days. I drink too much diet pepsi. If you need to give in, give in, but try to figure out how many calories you consumed and then try and exercise it off.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    For me it was cold turkey. Substituting just made me miss the stuff I couldn't have. Now (6 months later I don't miss it any longer.
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    Blend one small banana with 6-8 small or medium frozen strawberries and some ice cold water. Yum. Only about 120 calories and 100% healthy.
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    I LOVE dates.
    Also buy 85% dark organic chocolate and savour a square....mmmm.

    Also try making some home-made baked treats

    1 cup oats
    1/4 cup dried coconut
    2T PB2 powder
    40g lite margarine
    50g sultanas
    little water as needed

    Mix all the above and form using a teaspoon into small domes. Bake in a moderate oven for 10 minutes.
    Makes 20.

    37 calories each and nice when you just need a 'bite' of something with your coffee etc.