Turbo Fire - Low Impact?

Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
I was interested in trying Turbo Fire, but currently can only do low impact due to a screwed up knee and ankle. Does this set include low impact? And is it still a good workout?


  • Trinichica
    Trinichica Posts: 18 Member
    Turbo Fire low impact is included once you have the turbo fire DVD....it is not a separate DVD. It is incorporated into the workout. At any point during the DVD there are three instructors on the stage, Charlene Johnson does the high impact and Alley does the low impact part of the workout. Alley is ALWAYS there to show you the low impact moves to the workouts being done, and YES they are effective.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Thanks so much for your reply! I have a ton of workout DVDs, but I'm always getting bored and wanting something new. I already love Turbo Jam, so thought I might want to try Turbo Fire.
  • Trinichica
    Trinichica Posts: 18 Member
    I found turbo fire to be fun. I am on month two now, actually today I started it over, just to make sure I didn’t deviate from the calendar. Admittedly month two can be a bit monotonous but in doing it every week you will realise just how quickly you are getting stronger. If you don't do cardio regularly, make sure and do the prep schedule workouts before starting the hardcore schedule workouts, all of this is found in the DVD package so, commit and have fun.:smile: