MFP goals/settings

So, I just weighed in this morning, pleased to see I'd lost quite a bit again (pleased but worried I'm losing too fast, but that's a whole different post!), and thought I'd have a mooch around the other settings etc.

I noticed my deficit had gone down from 490 to 460, thereby cutting my projected weight loss to 0.9lb per week (from 1lb). I know this won't make a massive amount of difference, but is this how it's supposed to be, with the deficit getting gradually smaller? I've lost about 1/3 of what I want to, so I still have quite a way to go, and am thinking if my deficit keeps shrinking, I'll get to a point where I won't have one, before I've finished losing!

Now I know that when I get near to my goal weight I will *need* to cut the deficit and lose more slowly, I'm thinking around 0.5lb per week for the last few lbs, in order to up my calories a bit to prepare for maintenance...but surely I'm still ok to keep myself at a 500-cal deficit at this stage?


  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    anyone? :smile:
  • MerBear1985
    I think this is simply just that now that you have lost some weight you don't "need" as many calories therefore if you don't change your daily limit the "deficit" will decrease. Every 10lb or so maybe just re-check what 20% of your TDEE is at your new weight and adjust caloric intake appropriately? Or you can just take the slightly slower rate of loss.