
Hello all! Well, here goes....Day 1 of my life style change....again. I have tried this numerous times. Hoping this will be the time it works for me! Need all the help I can get. My biggest problem is that I love food and I don't have to be hugry to eat. If it sounds good and is in front of me, I will eat it. Getting ready to turn 46, want my life to change before I turn the big 50! Wish me luck!


  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I remember day 1. I didnt even really want to start. I started losing weight because I knew I had - had done it before and just 'wasnt in to it' when I started day 1.
    Hard to say how in the world I started with such a poor attitude. But I started writing down my foods- diaries I believe are a HUGE help- so I was writing. Then a friend told me about this site- and I am HOOKED on losing the rest. I cant NOT exercise since it 'buys' extra caloires. However - after becoming near obsessed with trying new and healthy foods- I almost cant eat all the exercise calories back since these kinds of food are so filling.

    So I did it- THE life style change. My house is filled with the food I started this with- Quinoa, fruits, veg, grilled chicken, whole grain breads and cereal etc etc (a lot of this was normal food before- but Ive added a lot and am sticking with only the best)

    Im around day 45 or 55 or so (almost the 2 month mark) and Ive lost 10 lbs and have become addicted to exercise again. (was - but lost it- will NEVER lose it again!!)

    Im not sure I can log forever- or even want to- but I will until eating the proper amt is EASY for me and not to be thought about. I will lot until I can control myself in all aspects of my life so that I never gain it back. I will come back and tweak my progress if it starts to slip (once im at goal).

    This site CAN make a difference. Use it- learn stuff - ask questions- and then search the web for recipes (or here too!) But do SOMEthing- anything - to get started - and enjoy the feeling of success!
    Good luck!
  • Day 1 for me here too. I'm 38 and 246.4 pounds. That is actually a loss for me. I had bariatric surgery in March of this year and am down 61 pounds. I have already plateaued mostly due to poor choices and no exercise and am looking to jump start the weight loss again. I have to focus on my protein intake as I have a deficiency right now and on adding exercise. I am also starting back to college full time in a week so I have some big changes going on right now. I too love food and have to force myself not to eat just because it sounds good. And I hate exercise but plan to do it 5 days a week.
  • good look hun!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Welcome & i wish you luck , you came to the right place lots of support here,glad you decided to change your life.feel free to add me.My name is Holly & i'm 42
  • gpoliver
    gpoliver Posts: 87 Member
    Good luck, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    Good luck!

    You can do it this time.....every time you are tempted to eat get on here and tap away to us lot!!!!!

  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    I just turned 50, and had so wanted to have this weight gone by now. However, I hope to be a whole lot healthier this year! Wish you the best in making it happen before 47!
  • good luck!! feel free to add me!!
  • LLEB92
    LLEB92 Posts: 21
    Hello all! Well, here goes....Day 1 of my life style change....again. I have tried this numerous times. Hoping this will be the time it works for me! Need all the help I can get. My biggest problem is that I love food and I don't have to be hugry to eat. If it sounds good and is in front of me, I will eat it. Getting ready to turn 46, want my life to change before I turn the big 50! Wish me luck!

    I'm the same. I can eat, eat and without being hungry and it angers me that I do that.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    My advice, find stuff you love to eat that isn't going to hurt your health. Then you won't feel deprived, OR guilty.
  • I am starting today too & don't quite know how to use this site but look forward to learning. We can all do this together so good luck & let's get to work.