Frustrated with weight loss! Need more motivation or inspir

Ugh, it seems like so much work! Balancing a six year old, a full time job, and a full time education is beginning to take it's toll. The most upsetting thing to me is that with all this work... where are the results? I work out two to three times a week for an hour to an hour and a half each time. I include cardio and strength training, in the first week I lost three pounds, went to the doctor three weeks later and I'd gained 7lbs!!! I loose precious time with my son going to the YMCA to workout and precious homework time but I can't work out at home because its just ineffective, constant interruptions and the workouts just aren't challenging enough. I feel good with my workouts at the Y but am frustrated that I am not seeing results faster. How does one stay motivated?

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    First of all... I KNOW THE FEELING! I have a 3year old and sometimes feel that I don't get enough time with him. Just remember that the time you are away from him at the Y is going to benefit him too. He's going to have his mother around a lot longer because she cares enough to take care of herself! An hour now could add years later!

    Second... the scale... it is possible that the scale you use to weigh in on and the one at your doctors are going to varry in their readings. My philosophy is I stick to the one that I use the most and that's the one in my home. Don't beat yourself up over it, you could have been having a bad day, been retaining water or the nurse was rushed and didn't read it right... there are a ton of variables that could explain the 7lbs...

    Third... this is a lifestyle... there are no quick fixes... I know that doesn't sound to inspiring because we all want to see results. Keep in mind that it's not about being skinny it's about being healthy... it's about being the healthiest person you can be for yourself and your son.

    Keep at girlie... You can make it, just take one day at a time!
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    If you see that as a lifestyle change instead of focussing on the pounds, you may realise that they will go away.

    I know what you mean as I'm a single mom with a six yrs old and a full time job. My challenge was to do exercise as I cannot leave home if he doesn't want to come with me as I have no support system. I ended up buying a WII fit that I can use in the morning before he wakes up and a Pilates and as well one Active one. Was giving me a bit of variety and allowing me to do all that from home and not spend too much time commuting. I agree waking up at 5:00am is not a piece of cake but it was worth it. Because it was not as intensive as going to the gym, I tried to do those 5 times a week. Not perfect but it worked for me without stressing me out too much.

    Since then, I've moved to the gym as well (mainly because I needed to get out of the house for the few days that I don't have my son), but I feel like it's eating all my spare time, but I feel so much better after exercising that it's worth it

    Keep up the good work and I'm sure very soon it will pay off.
  • MyFamilyRox15
    MyFamilyRox15 Posts: 25 Member
    Ugh, it seems like so much work! Balancing a six year old, a full time job, and a full time education is beginning to take it's toll. The most upsetting thing to me is that with all this work... where are the results? I work out two to three times a week for an hour to an hour and a half each time. I include cardio and strength training, in the first week I lost three pounds, went to the doctor three weeks later and I'd gained 7lbs!!! I loose precious time with my son going to the YMCA to workout and precious homework time but I can't work out at home because its just ineffective, constant interruptions and the workouts just aren't challenging enough. I feel good with my workouts at the Y but am frustrated that I am not seeing results faster. How does one stay motivated?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    Hello ebudreau!
    Hang in there!
    Try to just take it one day at a time.
    Try not to be so hard on yourself!
    Have you been taking your measurements?
    Sometimes your good efforts will show up there instead of on the scale?
    Keep in Touch!
    I will be checking back when I can to see how you're coming along!
    Congratulations on that Full Time Education!!
    You certainly have a full plate!
  • ebudreau
    I will have to check the measurements against when I started. That I haven't done admittedly. Thanks everyone for all the words of support.