Going off the rails with 'empty' alcohol calories??

Just completed my first week (this Saturday) and I am delighted with a 5 lb loss!! - However, this seemed to make me feel so pleased with myself that when I went out that evening with friends I blew empty calories on wine resulting in a 600 count over my daily allowance - haven't dared weigh myself since...... Feel so annoyed as it was such hard work to lose those pounds, why was it so easy to sabotage myself???


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I know how you feel, I was out today and the temptation from the beer tents was intense. For me I have found the only way is zero, one pint at 150ish calories would not be enough so it has to be teetotal for me, well at least until Bonfire night when I may just fall off the wagon

    I should add, just in case you may think I am preaching from an easy option, I was in the pub every lunchtime until I started on MFP just over a fortnight ago, and have the beer belly to prove it :drinker:

    Which is why I am here now :mad:
  • It's such a bummer. I wish wine had less calories... :mad:
  • I agree that you work so hard until the alcohol is around and you blow it. It happens all the time to me. Last weekend I wasn't going to drink and what do I do but drink on Friday and had way to much. At least when Saturday night came I was motivated to go for a run instead of drinking. I wish I had that will power all the time.
  • I dread to think of the empty alcohol calories that passed my lips this weekend, total binge weekend, I still managed to lose 2 lb over the week but when i think what it could have been i could kick myself.

    I too need to do the all or nothing approach as a bit isnt enough and it just sets me off wanting more, if i leave it alone, i am ok.

    I know most of my weight problem has come from years of enjoying myself way too much after a divorce and its mostly alcohol
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Just completed my first week (this Saturday) and I am delighted with a 5 lb loss!! - However, this seemed to make me feel so pleased with myself that when I went out that evening with friends I blew empty calories on wine resulting in a 600 count over my daily allowance - haven't dared weigh myself since...... Feel so annoyed as it was such hard work to lose those pounds, why was it so easy to sabotage myself???

    Let's put this in perspective. What's your weight loss goal? If it's 1 pound a week, then your goal has you at a 500-calorie a day deficit.

    600 calories over your goal means you lost one day's progress plus cut 20% into the deficit for the next day. It may also mean that you'll have some TEMPORARY weight gain due to water retention, especially if you had something salty along with that wine.

    In other words, your one 600-calorie overage is a blip, a minor bump, and can be safely ignored and simply used as a valuable lesson in the importance of self-control. Other than taking that lesson to heart, I suggest you drop the guilt and forget about it as soon as possible. Guilt never caused anyone to lose weight any faster.
  • TosaDana
    TosaDana Posts: 47
    Someone just told me to not be so hard on myself for not being motivated to exercise. I thought that was good advice so I'll repeat it! Don't be hard on yourself for having a great night out! We all go over our "limit" from time to time, but it's ok - we always get back on track. I had a few drinks myself on Friday night - that just meant a couple of extra sit ups and squats today. :)
  • I'm with you sister. Just started MFP late last wee, but really enjoy that after work beer or six. I recently quit smoking and since then have rapidly put on the pounds. Guess we will have to learn to get out and exercise instead of having that drink. Good luck to you...and by the way I gained 2 pounds since I started so hang in there.