October 6th Bride in Need of Motivation/Support

Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for some help from this great MFP community. I had my 1st dress fitting on August 9th. The dress fit beautifully & had to be taken in everywhere! Unfortunately, it seems like since that day I have the idea in the back of my head that I met my goal and I haven't been able to truly motivate myself to get back on my diet/weight loss plan. On top of that I have just been feeling pretty blue lately which leads to only wanting to eat junk & eat it constantly. Of course, time has a way of sneaking up on you and now I have my 2nd/final dress fitting next Thursday and I am so afraid that things will be just plain awful.

I am looking for some help & support from this wonderful community of "losers" in order to feel motivated & get some support to get me back on track for the next week, and beyond. Any help/tips/kind words would be greatly appreciated!



  • jcaddy521
    HI!! I am in need of some xtra motivation as well..... my wedding date is Oct 20th!!! i am postponing my dress fitting til i absolutely have too lol..... i cant believe these past few weeks have flown by soooo fast!!! I am in the process of 30 Day Shred (Level 3 day 1 tonight) & next up I am going to try insanity ..... what have you been doing??? Add me & we can keep each other motivated if you'd like :):):)
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Ladies, I got a fitbit and that has been a huge motivator. It has goals on the website for you to meet - 10K steps, 5 mi, 10 flights of stairs, burn calories of a fairly active person, and to be very active at least some part of the day. I don't want to miss that 10K mark each day so I make sure that I get up and move to get those steps in. I also will just walk or run (depending on my muscles lol) up and down my stairs to make sure I get my 10 in each day. Only downside is that it is pricey at about $95 on amazon. Money well spent for me since I'm finally active every day.

    Hope that helps.
  • FordGal40
    I completed 30DS right before my dress fitting, since then I have tried to start it over & have failed miserably. I haven't been eating the worst, when I feel like eating constantly, its normally a 90 calorie Fiber One bar, but I know that I really need to get my butt in gear not only for next week but for the next 39 days (only 40 days until my wedding! aah!)

    30DS helped me SOOO much, I became addicted for that 30 days so I'm really not sure how I am not all of a sudden. I'm planning out my week of fitness right now, hoping that if it is written down I will be more inclined to do it.
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    My wedding is on October 6th as well. For months and months I kept procrastinating, couldn't get myself motivated to exersize or eat properly. I had an aha moment when I went to my doctor and she told me she was concerned about my weight. Since then, only 2 weeks, I've lost 11 lbs (weight I had put back on). I have not cheated on my healthy eating plan since that visit and I finally have things in perspective.

    We have 5 1/2 weeks. I keep telling myself that I can reward my self on the honeymoon and thats kept me focused. There's nothing I can say that will force you back on track, it's frustrating. I felt that way for months. Just try to refocus. Everyone is here to support you!