Mums loosing pregnancy weight

just wondering if there are more out there. i put on loads with my son. feel free to add, just like to see people in the same boat as moi :)


  • ilsehindle
    Hi, yeah I'm a mom with a 3 year old son. It's hard hey? trying to lose the babyweight. I've been trying for 3 years!!! Finally came upon this ap the past week and loving it so far. Wanna keep in touch
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    I got preg with my daughter when my son was 6 weeks old...i put on 150 lbs during my pregnancy!! I obtained the "im pregnant I can eat whatever I want" mentallity....when in I am..a huge fat mom lol
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    my youngest is actually 4 but I was always skinny till I had kids! I had 3 in less than 5 years and put on a lot of weight myself!
  • ashleyfs200
    I'm right there with you! I have a 6 month old and still have 50 pounds to lose! :( GOOD LUCK!
  • boggsmroz
    You just have to remember that you didn't put it on over night, so it won't come off that fast either.
    With my son, I gained 60lbs. He's 18 months now and I've lost all but about 7lbs, but don't look anywhere near as fit as I used to.
    I BF'd for the first year and just ran my first 1/2 marathon last month - the training helped lose a little bit of the weight, but it's definitely been a SLOOOW and steady process (but more slow than steady :))
  • amyglasereaton
    You are def NOT alone!! I have 2 cuties 14 months apart. I dropped all my weight & more after my son was born :) It is now almost 7 years after my daughter and I am still 55 pounds away from my goal weight! My weight has been up & down since she was born. I am now counting carbs, using Advocare products, & adding a much needed cardio & ab workout to my daily routine! I am down 7 pounds and have been at this seriously for 1 month! I feel so much better already and can't wait till I get were I want to be! :) Good Luck and don't give up!
  • arizonaladybug
    arizonaladybug Posts: 91 Member
    I got up to 197 lbs on my small petite 5'4 frame I lost about 35 lbs from breasfeeding and now Im 161 fluctuating between 161 and 164! I cant seem to loose this last 20 lbs without starving myself! It seems if I feel hungry all week I will loose 2 LBS! so I gained 35lbs with my daughter! she is one.. Time to stop making excuses for myself. Feel free to add me :)
  • KobiMari1723
    Yes I am there with you! I just delivered 4 weeks ago and have about 30 pounds to lose. I lost it with my first but it took one year and half. I am hoping for it not to take that long this time!
  • jodiegr88
    jodiegr88 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks everyone. im from a chubby family so have been fighting my genes for years and doing it well n now i gotta start from scratch haha love him to bits but i knew this would happen so have started working my *kitten* off officially 7 weeks pp im 8 now :) good luck to everyone too! xx
  • 4malones
    4malones Posts: 4 Member
    I have a 5 month old and am about 20 lbs over prepregnancy weight. I was over weight before I got pregnant, so I am really needing this app now! It would be good to have some other moms on here to help keep us all accountable!
  • jodieandris
    I have two girls, 3 yrs old and 8 months old. I was a bit overweight before I got pregnant with each baby. I am about 5'3 and I weighed 148lbs when I got pregnant with my first daughter, and I weighed 143lbs when I got pregnant with my second. When my second daughter was about 7 weeks old I weighed 155lbs. I had lost some pregnancy weight but not all of it. I joined a local stroller bootcamp class that I went to 3 times a week. I also cleaned up my diet and started eating to fuel my body. I now weigh 129lbs and I feel fabulous. I must say however, that im glad I did it earlier rather than later since I am breastfeeding, it seemed easier to lose the weight because I was burning extra calories by feeding my baby. You can do it! Just give 110% with every workout and try to eat the right foods to give your body the energy that it needs. And dont forget to drink lots of water!
  • jodieandris
    I forgot to mention that I only gained about 30lbs with each pregnancy and I worked the whole 9 months I was pregnant. I was on my feet all day and I felt great, even in the heat.
  • Lovelybby
    Mommy of two ! I put on about 70 pounds with my first then lost it all, then my second I continued to workout during my pregnancy & put on about 35 pounds and lost about 25 after my pregnancy. My youngest is 8 months and it seems like my weight wont go down! But im determined to get down to my goal and keep my butt & legs but lose this tummy & tone everything!
  • LyonsCutiePie
    Baby weight is the hardest weight to lose! I have a 16 month old son and I still have left over baby weight. I originally gained 56 lbs during pregnancy and have lost 43 lbs of it.... but I really want to be smaller than my pre-baby weight. My genetics are fighting against me, but I'm fighting to be the "hot mom."
  • karinamontiel
    I am a mama of a 1-1/2 year old son and it was hard at first. But i have been doing a 90 day challenge in which i love and have lost over 40 pounds since i had my son and have been able to keep it off. you shoud check it out and its safe for breast feeding moms in which i love it for that reason. :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I gained 61 lbs with my son! He's now 4 months old and I have 29 lbs to lose to get to my pre-baby weight. Then another 70ish to get to my goal weight as I've been a fat chick since I was 17/18. Feel free to add me!
  • FluffyToFab
    FluffyToFab Posts: 99 Member
    I have six kids and birthed 4 in 3 pregnancies.. The last being twins... I'm in the same boat.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I gained 50 lbs with my last son. Lost it all and then some :) I'm also 6 sizes smaller :D
  • Racerrgirl21
    Racerrgirl21 Posts: 31 Member
    was weighing 235 before having my son, then lost 10 pounds and gained them all plus 40 pounds in my pregnancy. Once I had him, I went down to 245 and lost weight. I'm 225 right now and still struggling with losing but I got rid of the baby weight pretty fast doing zumba!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    I have a 6 month old. Gained about 40 lbs during the pregnancy. I'm still breastfeeding so it has been a struggle. I've been at it for 3.5 months and lost 6 lbs... I've just started eating maintenance and trying to work out several times a week. I'm definitely feeling less hungry. It is yet to be seen if I'll loose weight.

    You can do it!!! Keep going!