Frustrated in Colorado

Fiskmama Posts: 15
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I have been pregnant or nursing for the past 4 years, but finally am taking some time for myself. I have baby weight and then some to lose. So far I'm not making much progress, so I could use some virtual friends to kick my booty! I have worked out for 30 min 15 out of the last 17 days and have yet to see a lasting result on the scale. Of course my eating has suffered some as I recently celebrated my birthday and allowed myself to indulge a little, but still! Needless to say I'm frustrated and, though not at the point of giving up, very discouraged.


  • CJeffs
    CJeffs Posts: 7
    I am kind of in the same boat as you. I have never had such a difficult time losing weiht. I had aI baby on December 4th. I wanted to lose about 15 lbs before returning to work in February. Since I only lost 3 and I go back in February I don't think that will happen. I would love to have an internet buddy for support.

  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    hey!!!! first off, great job with your workouts...15 out of the last 17 days, that's fantastic!!! don't be frustrated if your scale is not changing, you could have lost inches in your measurements, firming up. so take your measurements. personally, i measure waist, hips, arms, thighs & neck. i noticed a difference in my measurements before i noticed a difference on the scale. i'm battling baby weight also so i feel your pain :tongue: . please don't get discouraged, it is worth it in the long run. weight loss takes time & patience. so stay positive, we need to be healthier so we can keep up with our kiddos!!
  • What work outs are you doing. Also try and make sure you eat protein wityh every single meal, your digestive system has to work much harder to digest protein and will help.
  • RussDM
    RussDM Posts: 2
    Are you logging everything you eat and what exercise you are doing by day? This website is very useful if you use it to the letter. Log all your food and all your exercise and you should find out where the problems are. Track carbs, protein, and fats. Your total daily calories should come from the following ratio's. 45% carb, 30% protein and 25% fats. My wife has lost 110 pounds in a little over a year with this method so it works. Good Luck.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    Hey Colorado, I'm from Colorado as well! I'm having the same problem. I go to the gym almost every day and eat my calories and the weight has been coming off so slow. My advice is to measure yourself and maybe hide the scale for a while. Weight can fluctuate from day to day. I've noticed if I dont weight myself as often I dont get as discouraged if the scale isnt going down. Good luck in your journey!
  • I am using my elliptical trainer, getting my heart rate into my target heart rate zone for 30 min a day. I have been tracking every thing I eat and usually do have some protein in each meal. I'm not sure about my percentages though. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check on that.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Are you eating some of the calories you're burning? If not, it's possible you're not eating enough for the amount of energy you are using and your body is holding on to all you give it. With 30 min on the elliptical, you should be eating your goal calories plus some of your calories burned to be sure you have enough fuel for those workouts.
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