How many of you actually eat all your calories?

I have ben noticing, maybe its just me? But I hardly ever eat all my calories, looking back the whole month Ive been on this I ate 1 time all my calories( went over 32). Ive been noticing that on average Im eating anywhere from high 900's- 1200's. About once a week Ill hit 1400. Im 6'3, male, 239.5. I know they say starving yourself will cause you to gain weight, but hell Ive lost 22 pounds in a month and it was easy so I'm not thinking I need to change anything.

I am not starving myself, I feel hungry at times but try to limit snacking to good times of day ( like not snacking before I goto bed, or an hour or so before I know I'll be eating and drink alot of water when hungry to hold me over. Today I actually forced myself to come close by eating a slice of angel food cake with my strawberrys I bought topped with a little coolwhip.

I wonder how many people don't come close to eatting there calories as well? Its really easy for me now that Ive adopted my eating habits from eatting everything to eatting smaller healthier portions. Anyone else come short everyday as well? I haven't seen any negative effect at least for me personally, my body is loving the reduced diet and taking the fat with it, cant complain!:drinker:


  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    I have ben noticing, maybe its just me? But I hardly ever eat all my calories, looking back the whole month Ive been on this I ate 1 time all my calories( went over 32). Ive been noticing that on average Im eating anywhere from high 900's- 1200's. About once a week Ill hit 1400. Im 6'3, male, 239.5. I know they say starving yourself will cause you to gain weight, but hell Ive lost 22 pounds in a month and it was easy so I'm not thinking I need to change anything.

    I am not starving myself, I feel hungry at times but try to limit snacking to good times of day ( like not snacking before I goto bed, or an hour or so before I know I'll be eating and drink alot of water when hungry to hold me over. Today I actually forced myself to come close by eating a slice of angel food cake with my strawberrys I bought topped with a little coolwhip.

    I wonder how many people don't come close to eatting there calories as well? Its really easy for me now that Ive adopted my eating habits from eatting everything to eatting smaller healthier portions. Anyone else come short everyday as well? I haven't seen any negative effect at least for me personally, my body is loving the reduced diet and taking the fat with it, cant complain!:drinker:
  • kararu11
    kararu11 Posts: 4
    Well I wish I could say I dont eat my calories everyday, but I do.
    Any tips on foods that keep you fuller longer?
    I have been doing this for a month now and working out vigorously, but have maybe lost a pound or two. I dont have alot to loose..only lke 8-10lbs but that seems so much harder :)

    I feel that I also need to eat the calories that I burn after reading some of the other blogs on here, but I think thats why I may not be loosing..I think that I need to keep to my strict 1200 a day and not go up to 1400 or 1500 because I do alot of cardio that day...what do you think?

    summer is almost here! help!
  • mrsksanchez
    mrsksanchez Posts: 64
    i don't either and i've lost 26lbs since april 1st. matter of fact i just forced myself to eat a cup of strawberries with cream cheese dip to get to atleast 1200 caloriesbecause it told me i need to eat atleast that to keep my body from going into starvation mode
  • On the days I exercise (45 minutes to 1 hour on elliptical & 1/2 hour of weights) I definitely don't eat all my calories, but on days I don't work out I do.... I've heard tell you should never drop below 1200 calories per day... not sure how true that is....
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss, that's a lot in such a short time. When I first started it was cold weather and snow so I never got outdoors much except to walk about a mile and I ate all my calories. But here lately I have so many projects going outdoors, gardening, painting the garage right now and mowing the yard I rack up a lot of calories, which is impossible for me to eat them all. The weight loss has slowed down but I am toning up my body. I find that I get fuller faster now to and can't eat very much. But that's how it is going for me right now. If I could eat all my calories I would.:ohwell:
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I eat all of my calories whenever I track them (most of the time) sometimes I don't have computer access.
    I haven't really been adding in exercise though because mine is so sporadic. I am with my girls 24/7 and it makes it difficult to really work up a sweat when they both require lots of attention.
    I try to semi-plan my meals before hand so if I know I am going to make a light dinner I will have a bigger breakfast and so on.
    Your amount of weight loss is great though. I want you to know I am jealous. I wish I had a mans metabolism.
  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the input. I was wondering if I was the only one out there. Granted when I first started it was tough to limit everything but like you said, now you get fuller quicker. My main problem Ive come to realize that got me in this situation is when I used to eat, I would continue eatting until I was truely full, not almost full, I mean dam I can't think about eatting anything else for a few hours because I had so much x. Then before bed, swing by my little rachael ray's kitchen, maybe do some dishes while stealling cookies or another piece of cake and goto bed full again. Not to mention all the beer, ummmm beeeeeerrrr! I guess eatting lot healthier choices makes me have less calories.

    Anyways, thanks again!:drinker:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Congrats on losing that much weight! that's awesome :) I have to admit that when I first started on this site I never ate all of my calories, and yes I did lose weight. I am however eating all of my calories now and I'm still losing weight, so I guess it all depends on how you're feeling. I personally think that for a 6'3" man 900 calories is not enough! lol Even when I wasn't eating all my calories I stayed about 1000. Anyways, that's just my oppinion, if what you're doing is working for you and you feel like u can live healthily (? lol) like that for the rest of your life then you go guy! lol
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I normally eat all/go slightly over. My BMR according to my heart rate monitor is over 3k calories, whereas mfp suggests 1500, so if I go a little over its not a massive issue for me.
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    This is only my second day on this...yesterday, I didn't reach all my calories, but I was close...some days, I just don't eat much at all ...and I know it'll tell me that I need to eat more...
    other days...I can't NOT eat...those days...I will have no problem reaching my calorie intake
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    It's near impossible for me to eat all my calories. I eat a huge breakfast (two servings of Kashi + 1 cup milk), a huge lunch *(two slices of whole grain flax bread +boca patty+ veggies) and dinner (usually the same as lunch with extra veggies or tilapia). I always have a 24 almonds after my workout.

    When I exercise, I burn up to 800 calories according to my HRM and it's near impossible for me to eat all 800. Sure I can eat an avocado with my sandwich or whatever but even with those extra calories, I still won't be able to eat those extra calories.

    But on days that I don't work out, (one day a week) I always eat all my calories.
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    I guess that leaves me the only that ever eats all her calories:sad: :sad: I personally think my body needs the fuel.I actually think that 1200 is not enough for me because I mean come on there is no way a person that weighs less then me should be eating the same amount of calories!! We all got here for one reason - either eating too much or not enough of the good stuff--so I take it as a learning experience. I eat about 1400 calories and actually don't think twice because if that is what my body needs to stay healthy I am on board !! Here the 1400 calories comes from 1200 I am allotted and the other from exercise.
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I guess that leaves me the only that ever eats all her calories:sad: :sad: I personally think my body needs the fuel.I actually think that 1200 is not enough for me because I mean come on there is no way a person that weighs less then me should be eating the same amount of calories!! We all got here for one reason - either eating too much or not enough of the good stuff--so I take it as a learning experience. I eat about 1400 calories and actually don't think twice because if that is what my body needs to stay healthy I am on board !! Here the 1400 calories comes from 1200 I am allotted and the other from exercise.

    Nah - you're not the only one!!! Now, if I could just keep down to my calories . . . :laugh: I generally eat all my calories and if I have any exercise calories I eat them too!! I will be tearing down fence this weekend and putting up new fence - doubt I'll eat all my calories for that! :noway:
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    I guess that leaves me the only that ever eats all her calories:sad: :sad: I personally think my body needs the fuel.I actually think that 1200 is not enough for me because I mean come on there is no way a person that weighs less then me should be eating the same amount of calories!! We all got here for one reason - either eating too much or not enough of the good stuff--so I take it as a learning experience. I eat about 1400 calories and actually don't think twice because if that is what my body needs to stay healthy I am on board !! Here the 1400 calories comes from 1200 I am allotted and the other from exercise.

    Nah - you're not the only one!!! Now, if I could just keep down to my calories . . . :laugh: I generally eat all my calories and if I have any exercise calories I eat them too!! I will be tearing down fence this weekend and putting up new fence - doubt I'll eat all my calories for that! :noway:
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks I was starting to think I was alone in my self indulgence of calories:laugh: :laugh:
    I guess that leaves me the only that ever eats all her calories:sad: :sad: I personally think my body needs the fuel.I actually think that 1200 is not enough for me because I mean come on there is no way a person that weighs less then me should be eating the same amount of calories!! We all got here for one reason - either eating too much or not enough of the good stuff--so I take it as a learning experience. I eat about 1400 calories and actually don't think twice because if that is what my body needs to stay healthy I am on board !! Here the 1400 calories comes from 1200 I am allotted and the other from exercise.

    Nah - you're not the only one!!! Now, if I could just keep down to my calories . . . :laugh: I generally eat all my calories and if I have any exercise calories I eat them too!! I will be tearing down fence this weekend and putting up new fence - doubt I'll eat all my calories for that! :noway:
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    whoops sorry my quote ended up on the top of it --:grumble: still trying to figure that one out:cry:
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I eat all my regular calories and my excersize calories... sometimes I have 100 over but I try to stick as close as I can. I'm going to have to live like this for a long time... and dieting got me where I am today. So i'm going to try it this way because I feal great and I'm loosing .
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    whoops sorry my quote ended up on the top of it --:grumble: still trying to figure that one out:cry:

    Yeah - if you put the cursor at the end of the secont
    then return a couple of times it will leave the quote in the blue box and your new stuff separate. :happy:

    Never alone in indulgence!!!
  • barracudamuscle
    barracudamuscle Posts: 313 Member
    Yea I agree its fairly low, but right now Im trying to turn and burn so to speak. While being deployed Im trying to put it to my full advantage that im away from all the outside sources like my hot fiance cooking up a new concocktion of food in the kitchen ( god I love here cooking, I mean her dessert, I mean her.. crap nevermind moving on)

    And I have exaclty 27 days until my love bird comes out for a much needed visit(A expensive congical visit:laugh: ) . How bad *kitten* would it be to see her again for the first time in 2 months and be 50 pounds lighter? Obviously Im reaching for the stars here but I guess its just my nature to go all in on stuff. Ive lost about 22, maybe a little more Ive dodged the scale the past few days, and its been a month about, so at this rate ( which now ive jinxed myself with a 1 month plateau) I could be possibly 40 some pounds lighter by the time she gets there, then I might go for an extra 15 pounds to put me below 200 and not be considered "Fat" by that dam BMI.

    On another note, did you guys see the Penn and Teller show called Bull Sheat? They do a thing on weight loss like all the drugs etc, its all a marketing thing as you guys know already theres no fix it pill, but the BMI thing was as well. Alot of actors and atheletes were considered obese, Micheal Jorden? I forget the rest. I personally know I am not ever going to look like a calvin klien underwear model just due to genes, but I feel I'd be happy again at around 200-215. I recommend you guys watch that episode I think its season 3.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I do. I'm allotted 1850 before exercise. Today, I groomed and longed horses for over an hour, rode for an hour and a half, and this afternoon I mowed grass with a pushmower for almost 3 hours. Supposedly, I have 2000 cal. left to eat. Sorry, ain't no way, no how!

    But usually, I come pretty close, within 200 cals or so. And I'm losing 2lbs a week, pretty much on the money.
