Scared outta my mind

gayje Posts: 230 Member
I don't know why but I'm scared to go to the local Zumba class. I've never done a group exercise and I can't get through 30DS without collasping in an asthmatic heap on the floor at home so I'm kinda not wanting to put myself out there in public to do it with on-lookers. I know ppl would be sympathetic but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm worried the instructor won't want to take on me as a liability in her class.

I've called her and left a message hoping that she'll meet with me ahead of time to discuss the issue but still, I'm afraid of the answer and that it'll be NO. I want to exercise in a group for the support and feeling of commradary with others who are on the same path as me to loose weight.

Any suggestions? Any Zumba instructors on the board who would like to tell me what they would do?


  • mccabe_cj
    mccabe_cj Posts: 14 Member
    Have you ever tried using your rescue inhaler about 20 minutes before your workout? Do you still have problems with asthma if you do so?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    what about trying it at home first?
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Have you ever tried using your rescue inhaler about 20 minutes before your workout? Do you still have problems with asthma if you do so?

    I absolutely have to use my rescue inhaler prior to exercising. I don't just have asthma, I have lung disease so I'm very well versed in how to *try* to control attacks. It is just so bad most of the time since I've gained this weight that even with twice daily maintenance and rescue inhalers the asthma attacks come on during all exercise. I had an attack while mopping my kitchen floor today. I hate not being able to breathe and this is why I'm worried that an instructor will tell me I cannot attend her classes. She might initially allow me to but when she sees what'll be all over.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Why do you want to do zumba, if you think it will be so scary? If it's just about exercising in a group, there are lots of other less-intense groups, like yoga or pilates. Zumba seems to be very popular now - a lot of people do it - but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be the best one for you. It doesn't sound like a good idea to be doing an exercise that will make you unwell, unless you have a passionate desire to do zumba in particular.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    what about trying it at home first?
    I don't own Zumba at all. I do have it on reserve at the library to try it but have to wait for it to be my turn to check it out. That would be helpful to do though at home first.
  • Surreykat
    Surreykat Posts: 6 Member
    I went to a few Zumba classes & was worried about my asthma as well. I had a word with the instructor at the beginning of the class & she was fine with me taking a 'break' if I felt my asthma coming on. I did take a few breaks, just stood to the side of the class & kept my feet going until everything calmed down. There were other people taking 'breaks' for various reasons as well.

    Good luck & I hope you get it sorted, zumba's a great workout. I'm about to start going to aqua Zumba!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    take it easy, and screw everyone else. You're there for you. I was super nervous my first time I did Zumba too. Sometimes it feels good to just fight your fears :)

    Good luck!
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Why do you want to do zumba, if you think it will be so scary? If it's just about exercising in a group, there are lots of other less-intense groups, like yoga or pilates. Zumba seems to be very popular now - a lot of people do it - but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be the best one for you. It doesn't sound like a good idea to be doing an exercise that will make you unwell, unless you have a passionate desire to do zumba in particular.

    t doesn't matter what type of exercise I do. The end result is major asthma attacks. I like the Zumba I've seen so far, it looks like fun, that's why I want to do it. Exercise should have that element of "fun" and it's not the Zumba I'm scared of, it's being told someone doesn't want my "un-well" butt in her class...
  • ChristyU74
    ChristyU74 Posts: 234 Member
    I have several people in my Zumba classes that make it more of a low-impact work out. You don't need to do all the hopping or jumping...maybe just start off taking it easy. It is a really fun workout and the people in my classes are really supportive of one another. Give it a try!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Aren't group classes for people who are also trying to get fit, not only those who are already? If the instructor tells you no then you need to find a different gym. EVERYONE is a liability no matter the fitness level.
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    There are different levels too. I found a local church that was doing one and I think it was Zumba Gold. I have a problem falling all over my own feet, but this was easier.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I would stay in the back of the class so that way if you need to stop because of an attack you won't be in the middle where you would feel more obvious. :) Hope you try it and it works.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Why do you want to do zumba, if you think it will be so scary? If it's just about exercising in a group, there are lots of other less-intense groups, like yoga or pilates. Zumba seems to be very popular now - a lot of people do it - but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be the best one for you. It doesn't sound like a good idea to be doing an exercise that will make you unwell, unless you have a passionate desire to do zumba in particular.

    t doesn't matter what type of exercise I do. The end result is major asthma attacks. I like the Zumba I've seen so far, it looks like fun, that's why I want to do it. Exercise should have that element of "fun" and it's not the Zumba I'm scared of, it's being told someone doesn't want my "un-well" butt in her class...

    Ah, okay. I can see how an instructor might be concerned if you stopped breathing - if I were a fitness instructor and someone in my class were to collapse and stop breathing, I'd be very concerned, because I'd feel some responsibility. Can you get a note from your doctor first? I find gyms tend to want approval from doctors - I think it's some legal thing. Then it's your doctor, not the instructor, who is responsible if anything happens.
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    I agree with everyone - just go at your own pace. Take many breaks - everyone is there for the same reason, and everyone knows what it's like to be just starting out.

    I have athsma also and I almost always stop during a break in class and use my inhaler. No big deal.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Have you ever tried using your rescue inhaler about 20 minutes before your workout? Do you still have problems with asthma if you do so?

    Was going to suggest the same.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    what about trying it at home first?
    I don't own Zumba at all. I do have it on reserve at the library to try it but have to wait for it to be my turn to check it out. That would be helpful to do though at home first.

    Have you tried YouTube? I was looking at a few clips this morning. Some are only 5 minutes long, but maybe a few short bursts of it could help you decide if it's really something you want to persue.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I'm a type I diabetic, and I have gotten really scared going to group exercise. A new activity could send me into bad hypoglycemia, and I thought "I'll pass out! I will humiliate myself! I won't be able to leave if it's bad!" And what has actually happened: I've taken a break, and no one seemed to care. I've left the class, and no one seemed to notice. I've sat on the side, and joined when I was ready, and no one seemed to mind. Classes I attend reguarly, I tell the instructor "Hey if I leave, don't take it personally. I have health issues." None of the other class people seem to care what anyone does, they are too busy watching thier dance moves in the mirrors! I would suggest stand in the back near the door, take it REALLY easy, and listen to your body. Take care of you, leave or take a break if you need to, and have fun!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Zumba is like a cult, stay away from it like the plague!!!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    When I go to zumba there are people of all levels in the class, some are very high energy, jumping and sweat pouring, other are more low-impact. People sometimes have to take a break, they just go to the back or go out to the bathroom for a song, then come back when they are ready. No one thinks twice of it. It's definitely a good idea to let the instructor know what's going on beforehand so she won't think you're leaving because her class is bad. Life is about challenging yourself, get out there and try it! Zumba is a ton of fun, even for someone like me with 2 left feet! Hey, sometimes I'm even going the wrong direction, and no one has ever said anything mean or rude to me. The important part is that you are trying!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm a type I diabetic, and I have gotten really scared going to group exercise. A new activity could send me into bad hypoglycemia, and I thought "I'll pass out! I will humiliate myself! I won't be able to leave if it's bad!" And what has actually happened: I've taken a break, and no one seemed to care. I've left the class, and no one seemed to notice. I've sat on the side, and joined when I was ready, and no one seemed to mind. Classes I attend reguarly, I tell the instructor "Hey if I leave, don't take it personally. I have health issues." None of the other class people seem to care what anyone does, they are too busy watching thier dance moves in the mirrors! I would suggest stand in the back near the door, take it REALLY easy, and listen to your body. Take care of you, leave or take a break if you need to, and have fun!

    She is so right in every way! Everyone is so concerned about themselves they hardly notice.