Was anyone overweight during their childhood or teen years?



  • herbalkitty
    herbalkitty Posts: 185 Member
    I was always chubby for as long as I can remember, I was bullied at school because of it and I always struggled when we did running, or anything physical really, I was last everytime we did cross country :(
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    I struggle from depression, and in high school it was pretty bad. I kind of always went back and forth with my weight due to not eating properly when depression got bad. I'm working on it now though, which is all that really matters. :)
  • emmamma
    emmamma Posts: 6
    I started gaining a lot of weight when I was 6 or 7, right around the time I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. For the past 14 years of my life, I have been overweight and struggled trying to lose it. I'm finally losing the weight now, and I feel great! I'm getting my diabetes under control, and my self esteem that I lost over the years is coming back. I'm hoping to get down to my ideal weight by this time next year.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I was chubby, and because kids can be very cruel, I was teased all thru school till I went thru puburty, and I did loose weight. I have always struggled with weight issues, in one way or another.
  • gooellie
    gooellie Posts: 39
    I was it was the most frustrating thing i broke out of obesity and just over weight for my 10th grade year but by the end i was back to being obese saddly!
    im trying so hard now! i always think back to the days where i was obese as a child and being like 8 or 9 and already having boobs which was just fat! i graduated high school at 230 240 pounds it takes a mission to make the cap and gounds look fat but i did!
    so now i want to lose weight because im graduating college june of 2014 so i want to make it look amazing!
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Good lord, the doctors had a field day with me. 11 1/2 lbs at birth (in my family, 10 lbs is considered normal), in the 95th percentile for weight for the majority of my childhood, and went from 180 to 270 lbs in my 4 years of high school.
  • Peteshaped
    Peteshaped Posts: 37 Member
    I've been fat since I was around 10. Before then I was overweight but not massively so. I was given steroids as a kid to help with a medical condition, and together with low self esteem, comfort eating and general laziness I just grew. Sure I was bullied and stuff at secondary school, but that's what kids do - pick on those different from themselves to support pack mentality so I don't blame them now. As a result I ended up bullying others to try to gain acceptance - something I regret massively since.

    Some things I have been trying to do to fix where I am:
    * Be more active
    * Be better at portion control
    * Make healthier choices more often
    * Not be too hard on myself if I have a bad day and let it get me down. This previously would be the largest cause of me giving in

    Being fat throughout your life, or having it sneak up on you later in life still leaves you in the same place. For me, coming to this site has been the first thing that has given me decent hope of being able to succeed though. Meeting lots of random strangers who give you support just seems to be good. You can post when you are having a bad day and you'll get support. We all want the same thing.

    So good on all of you - you're in the right place, and you're doing the right thing. As I just read "I don't know how to lose 50lbs, but I do know to lose 1lb 50 times". It's a great quote and I plan to exercise it :)

    So feel free to add me if you want another friend - you'll get where you're going.
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I was a fat baby, a fat toddler, a fat kid, a fat pre-teen, a fat teen and now I'm a fat adult.

    Fat has become part of my identity.

    I don't know what it's like to be thin or fit, I don't know what it will be like for me when I reach my goal. I don't know if I will be happy. I have hopes, but it's all conjecture, really. And all this not-knowing is rather frightening.

    Will my hard work will pay off?
    Will I be bitter that I had to do so much to get to what most consider "the starting point"?
    Will I always feel so separate from people?

    Everyday I have to fight these fears and have hope and optimism for my future self. My better self.
  • happypath101
    I was not overweight - but I thought I was. My grad dress was a size 5 and yet I felt huge. I, too, grew up in a poor family. I sometimes went to bed hungry. My mom could bake for cheap and she was a great baker. I developed a huge sweet tooth. And, for completely different reasons, an equally huge lack of self-esteem.

    It's odd how much what we think about ourselves affects the way we see ourselves. It also has a lot to do with media, unfortunately. I grew up in a time when Cindy Crawford was touted as having curves. Seeing J. Lo. and Byonce and the like has been great for my self-esteem. I'm happy my young neices see curvy healthy images all over the place. I never did.

    Anyhow, by the time I was 22 I was as big as I felt.

    It's more complicated than that, I know. And, yet it's not.

    Thanks for the post. It's an interesting topic and I love hearing about all of our unique journeys.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I have NEVER been skinny.
    I've been obese my entire life.
    Almost 300 lbs in grade 10.

    Growing up I was always the biggest at my school and even though I had a lot of friends - it was tough.
  • gooellie
    gooellie Posts: 39
    I was chubby, and because kids can be very cruel, I was teased all thru school till I went thru puburty, and I did loose weight. I have always struggled with weight issues, in one way or another.

    omg right!!! i was bullied so much through my life!!! it was at its worse senior year in high school! and you know what bothered me my two worst enimes were obese!!! i had a guy he weighed at least 300! and he told me i need to go kill my self im so ugly! it really hurt my self esteem i would sit there and eat my lunch alone since my one true realest friend had the other lunch period!

    another time that really bugged me was i got to class a little early to my math class and sat in the front because i have bad vision and these girls sat around me and through the first couple of weeks they sat by me and told me to get lost that im to fat and no one wants to be around fat people!

    this is just two of the many occasions that i had of being pushed around and made fun of! ugh people are just so mean!!
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I was a normal weight until I turned 10. Up to that point we lived near all of my cousins and family. We were a very outdoors type of family. We rode dirtbikes, went up in the woods hunting and fishing. All the good active types of things for a tom boy to enjoy.
    When I turned 10, my mother, sister and I moved 180 miles away from the rest of the family. So no more hunting, fishing, dirtbike riding, all of the fun avtive things that let me be a normal sized kid. I didn't know anyone in the new place we moved, so I just stayed home watching cartoons and gaining weight.
    I never went on a date or to a high school dance. Never got to enjoy any of the "fun" high school stuff. I hated high school and all of the mean hateful things that I was called. When people talk about the great high school memories, mine was the day I ran away and never went back.
    I have been overweight ever since. Right now in my size 6/8 I am smaller than I have been since that age.
    And I will say it feels amazing.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I was always chunky. It sucked.... ppl were *kitten*.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Oh honey, I was a fat baby, a fat toddler, a fat child, a fat teenager and a fat adult. There's not a single time in my entire life that I have ever known what it was like to be thin! I understand the teasing all too well. I don't even know what my problem was except that there was always junk food in the house and I was allowed to have pretty much whatever I wanted. My Grandfather and Uncle were fat, my mom was fat and I was fat and that's just how it was. I was never taught to eat the healthy stuff. I was made to eat carrots ONCE that I can remember. I'm only just now realizing that "healthy" doesn't have to mean "flavorless"...
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    I was a fat baby, a fat toddler, a fat kid, a fat pre-teen, a fat teen and now I'm a fat adult.

    Fat has become part of my identity.

    I don't know what it's like to be thin or fit, I don't know what it will be like for me when I reach my goal. I don't know if I will be happy. I have hopes, but it's all conjecture, really. And all this not-knowing is rather frightening.

    Will my hard work will pay off?
    Will I be bitter that I had to do so much to get to what most consider "the starting point"?
    Will I always feel so separate from people?

    Everyday I have to fight these fears and have hope and optimism for my future self. My better self.

    I could have written this myself! I have no idea what it feels like to be thin or if I ever will be thin or just a lot healthier! I got excited when I could sit cross-legged yesterday though without feeling like my circulation was being cut off, haha!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I gained all my weight when i was between 11/13 due to depression and started loosing when i was 26.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I was overweight as a child, but thinned out in my teens and by 17 was underweight. Then gradually put it back on through my 20s. I have never been properly overweight as an adult, but was borderline for a few of years while pregnant and breastfeeding.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I was overweight from like 9-13 years old. Then underweight around 16-17 years old. Now overweight again, yippy... just 5 pounds away from normal BMI
  • cr8zyamy
    cr8zyamy Posts: 46 Member
    I was never skinny like my sisters. I can remember being 150 pounds in 5th grade, but I was already 5' 5" tall. This put me right on the border between normal and overweight. The biggest problem I had was my mother telling me I was fat and various other things too. I never felt that I was pretty or attractive, then I joined the military. Imagine my shock and surprise when guys started talking to me and complimenting me. I'd look around to see who was behind me because of course they could not be talking to me right? Turns out, I was never fat to begin with, I just wasn't tall and skinny like my sisters.

    Now, 20+ years later I am currently obese per my BMI. I am not at my heaviest, that was back in December, but I still have a long way to go. Looking back, I can see that I was healthy, not fat, not skinny, just right. Getting down into the 160s will put back into the normal BMI range.
    I wish you success on your journey to a healthier you.
  • cr8zyamy
    cr8zyamy Posts: 46 Member
    I was it was the most frustrating thing i broke out of obesity and just over weight for my 10th grade year but by the end i was back to being obese saddly!
    im trying so hard now! i always think back to the days where i was obese as a child and being like 8 or 9 and already having boobs which was just fat! i graduated high school at 230 240 pounds it takes a mission to make the cap and gounds look fat but i did!
    so now i want to lose weight because im graduating college june of 2014 so i want to make it look amazing!
    I completely understand, I did not look good in my gown for graduation in June, now the cap, that was another story, I looked good in the cap.