Question for the ladies

Little TMI but am curious as to how others deal with this. Every month when I have my TOM I feel completely famished and have 0 energy. This month was particularly bad. My cravings during this time are off the richter scale. I don't indulge in everything and still try to stay within my macros but it's driving me crazy! I've heard excercising helps for some, but speaking from experience, it does not help me. If I attempt to do any strenuous cardio I get dizzy and lightheaded. I almost killed myself on the eliptical last month! I do try to do light activity like walking or gardening. Does anyone else experience this and how do you deal with it? I'm wondering if my iron is just way too low and that's what's causing it.


  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    Know exactly how you feel, I'm not a sweet person but when it's TOM I crave sweet things like crazy and feel shattered. Infact it's TOM now and it's so hard to resist my cravings, at times I give in and give my body what it craves. I feel when we crave it's our body speaking to us and telling us what it needs!
    When I was younger I never had craving or any other symptoms as I've matured I feel my bodies needs have changed and my cravings are it's way of speaking to me just my choice on if I listen to it or not :)
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    What about strength training instead of cardio? If running during your TOM gets you light headed, maybe lighting weights, which you can do slowly but with a heavy weight, might be more up your alley. Your doctor could tell you if your iron is low, but if you want to boost it, look for foods naturally high in iron, or try cooking your normal food in a cast iron pan so that it leaks iron mineral into your meal.
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I just got over my TOM and my cravings were awful. Sweets are my thing. So I made me some muffins that were high in fiber with dark chocolate chips and that seemed to help.
  • alg121710
    alg121710 Posts: 16 Member
    I read in a magazine that your metabolism is higher during your period and you may be burning extra calories because of it. I am hungry all the time during my period but I try to eat healthy foods and reap the benefits of having a higher metabolism for those days. :)
  • CocoLayla
    Hello ladies! Try staying away from sugar, caffeine, refined carbs. Of course working out is a good one as well. These things aggravate PMS and create sugar swings. Eat almonds, berries, gluen free bread, plain yogurt, lean meats, fish, veggies.
  • AthenaArcher
    AthenaArcher Posts: 41 Member
    carb cravings before your period -is totally normal. When you are about to have your period your estrogen levels drop and with that your serotonin (a neurotransmitter in your brain that regulates your mood and keeps you happy). Serotonin is made in the gut and the more carbs you eat, the more readily it is made. Basically, when your estrogen drops, your serotonin levels also drop and with that you start craving carbs because eating them will rebalance your serotonin levels. So, you're completely normal. You may want to have some things handy that take the edge off, such as dark chocolate (85% plus), hot chocolate made with water, or anything else that is low in sugar but gives you a little sense of pleasure. There are plenty of brands that produce a small dark chocolate bar, so you don't cave in entirely. A little bit is all you need.Good luck! :happy:
  • jillebean60
    jillebean60 Posts: 78 Member
    During your TOM you need to make up for blood loss by drinking more fluids and I would suggest eating more iron rich protein. When you're starving- it's your body's way of trying to get you to take in something you're deficient in..... namely hemoglobin :)
  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    I've noticed since starting MFP and actually tracking things like food and exercise that I am also different one week out of the month.
    I noticed that for one week I feel completely drained and exercise tends to add to that feeling for me.
    I tried this past round to just make sure I had good, healthy foods around to choose from that would satisfy the cravings without totally throwing me off for that day.
    Bad, but I did slack off on my workouts during that week though. I just felt so tired!
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    My period is pretty awful. I crave everything - I drink way more water than I normally do. Working out sometimes helps, and sometimes I dont feel like I have enough energy to walk down the street! I also get it really bad emotionally too the week before my period. So I take an anti-depressant the week before my period and it helps balance my emotions at least. In regards to the cravings, I just know it will happen so I try to eat better the other 3 weeks of the month and make sure that when I do get bad cravings that I have healthy foods available in a pinch. Sometimes it's no fun being a lady :)
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Can you add some extra sleep, maybe skip a normal evening activity? I find I need more for a few days, and with fewer waking hours I have fewer in which to eat. :) Also, I rarely eat red meat, but when have PMS, look out, I want steak and burgers! Green tea seems to help with the energy and hydration as well.
  • wheelinqueen
    wheelinqueen Posts: 60 Member
    I'm actually going through my TOM now and I've found that the days I don't work out are the days I have the worst cravings.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes. Me too. When its that time, the usual things I eat dont keep me full as long, so Im hungrier all day long...and I tend to let my self eat more (bad) foods than I should. But I suppose it all evens out for me. I mean, I dont go eat an entire cake or whole bag of chips or anything (I crave carbs, seriously bad) but I do cheat more. And I can definitely tell in my workouts that I dont have the usual stamina.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    maybe try alittle light yoga or pilates. I don't like to do hardcore cardio during that time of the month. I say indulge alittle, if you want that piece of chocolate or that soda go for it. But don't beat yourself up over it. It's not like you do it daily, which is when it becomes a problem.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I don't wanna say its all in your head, since its mostly not, but it really is. Once you get into the habit of working out through your period you'll probably notice the cramps subside while you exercise. Eating a little more might give you some energy too. I give into some cravings but I just try not to go so far.

    Oh yeah and don't take any iron supplements unless you have a test saying its low. I started taking some iron because I figured it couldn't hurt but it made me feel pretty nauseated for the day.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    I usually give in and just eat... the cravings are so bad and I feel like I'm starving... ugh!
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Don't be fooled by your craving, I guarantee just because you are craving chocolate, a cheeseburger, or cheesecake that it does not mean that your body is needing it. Your body is asking for something, but not that stuff. That is all fat and you do not NEED that. You are technically losing blood, hence, the fatigue. Drink water to rehydrate, keep eating healthy, exercise, and it will all pass.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Don't be fooled by your craving, I guarantee just because you are craving chocolate, a cheeseburger, or cheesecake that it does not mean that your body is needing it. Your body is asking for something, but not that stuff. That is all fat and you do not NEED that. You are technically losing blood, hence, the fatigue. Drink water to rehydrate, keep eating healthy, exercise, and it will all pass.

    You're not really losing blood. Your body already built up the lining, its just being shed on your period. Your body as a whole isn't losing any additional blood. If that was the case, you'd be tired the week before and not during.