been here for a month

hi ive been here roughly a month now, getting into the swing of things eating well and exercising every day im struggling at the moment due to the fact im taking prednisolone for a crohns flare up.
every time i post on the comunity forum no one replies?? im in the uk so dont know if its due to the time zone but finding it disheatning x


  • KayBrenner
    Hello, I just joined yesterday and i am still getting used to the site. I am in the US. It is pretty humid today. Good luck.

  • ItsFinallyHappening
    ItsFinallyHappening Posts: 65 Member
    Don't get disheartened - we are here for you!
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh, no! Maybe it is the time zone. Don't give up! Prednisone stinks, but think of how much worse it would be if you weren't watching your diet. You're doing a great thing for yourself by sticking with it!