30 Day Shredders????

Hey everyone! I just completed my first day of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I want to hear from anyone who has tried it. Success, failures, whatever! Any advice? Can't wait to hear!


  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    Hi . . . .I recently finished the 30DS. I loved it! I definitely felt it pushed me to my limits!
    I did have great results but they weren't on the scale. My scale isn't budging but my clothes are way too big and I recently found a pair of pants in my closet that are two sizes smaller than my baggy clothes now . . . and they fit! Don't expect big numbers on the scale!

    I am now into my second week of Jillian's Ripped in 30. I am enjoying that as well. I mix it up and combine with time of my ellyptical machine!

    Good luck!
  • kiely13
    kiely13 Posts: 185 Member
    Literally just went out and bought it!
  • ralee39
    ralee39 Posts: 7 Member
    @bmfoley congrats! That sounds awesome. I'll be super happy with feeling/looking better, even if the number doesn't exactly change. Great to hear a success story. Good luck with ripped, my friend recently started that also..
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    On day 3. Joined a 30 day shred challenge that started on August 25th. Love it so far.
  • CocoLuxe
    CocoLuxe Posts: 5 Member
    I was just about to ask the same questions! I started 30DS today as well and I am inlove! I have friends who have done it, along with maintaining their diet and doing other exercise, and gotten amazing results.

    I wanted to know if anyone had any tips on how to get the most out of 30DS. Also if they did Level 1/2/3 for 10 days each or if they switched it up.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback and good luck reaching your goals!
  • printererror
    printererror Posts: 48 Member
    I think I'm starting next Monday, after all my summer vacations are officially done and over with. I'm excited. And scared I won't be able to walk...

    What kind of weights did you guys use? I'm thinking five pounds is a good start for a first timer.
  • eggfooyumyum
    eggfooyumyum Posts: 42 Member
    There is a group for "September Challenge - 30 Day Shred" starting soon! Already a lot of interest if you are looking for support. The plan is to do pics before and on days 10, 20, & 30. Hope to see you there!
  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there! I am just about to finish the shred. I have 4 days of level three left, and although it still kicks my butt, I am definitely stronger! I started out at about 143, and I am currently 137 and have lost 6.5 inches. Good luck! It's definitely worth the hard work, but be sure to stick to your calorie goals in order to maximize your results!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I just finished day 27. I already have the Ripped in 30 DVD ready to go on Friday!

    I only lost about 3lbs on the shred, but I lost at least one size, probably 2. You can see the changes all over, especially in my arms and shoulders. They are really sculpted! My tummy is getting flat (and you can see little abs!!!) and my thighs and hips are really shrinking. I usually eat back my exercise calories just because I'm always hungry, so maybe I would've lost more weight if I didn't eat them back, not sure.

    It's REALLY hard the first few days of each level, like to the point that you really won't want to do it anymore and you'll make excuses. Don't stop!! It's only 30 days. I promise it's worth it.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I finished my first round about three weeks ago. I lost 7 lbs and 1 jean size. I only used the big Smart Water bottles as my weights and took 5 rest days in no particular order, just whenever I felt like I needed a day off. I am starting my second go around tomorrow morning and will be using 5 lb weights. I'm going to incorporate my elliptical also. Good luck to everyone!
  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    I think I'm starting next Monday, after all my summer vacations are officially done and over with. I'm excited. And scared I won't be able to walk...

    What kind of weights did you guys use? I'm thinking five pounds is a good start for a first timer.

    I started with 2 pound weights, but quickly moved up to 5 pound weights when I realized I needed more resistance.
  • felicia_s
    Hi!! I just finished day one today as well. I gotta tell you, I am truly proud of myself. It was so hard for me, but I actually completed the whole thing. Wow. I am sore and tired but really happy...psyched. I am anticipating good things. When I finish the 30 day shred, I am going to start her Ripped in 30 (I bought that first, but it was too hard for me).

    I've seen some of the before and after pics of some of the people who have done these workouts and I am soooo amazed. I hope we have good results as well.

    I took some pics yesterday and will take some pictures after I'm done with the 30DS and then again after I'm done with the Ripped in 30. I haven't lost weight in the last week, but I am working really hard on my exercise and diet, so I'm sure I'll start seeing a slow drop in my weight soon. I'm just going to keep at it.

    :) Felicia
  • ralee39
    ralee39 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone! It sounds like this is definitely a good one to do. I will definitely join the September challenge. I need all the encouragement I can get to keep it up!
  • jodilo88
    jodilo88 Posts: 63
    I tried it years ago and quit because it was hard...too hard at the time. Now I'm taking it on in September...we'll see how that goes.
  • kellya009
    kellya009 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on level 1 day 6. One tip is be prepared around day 4/5 to get super hungry... Make sure u get enough protein!
  • kiely13
    kiely13 Posts: 185 Member
    Just did Day One Level One. :happy:
  • Sassybecky
    I finished Day 19 yesterday. I really like the workout program and the fact that it takes up such a small portion of my day (27 minutes when you count the warm up/cool down) so I can squeeze in the workout before work or right afterwards and still have time to get everything done in my day. I have one more day until I move up to Level 3 and I am nervous about that, but so far I've been able to complete Level 1 and 2 so I'm sure I can handle it.

    Oh, and I've lost 2 lbs so far.
  • chubtofit
    chubtofit Posts: 67 Member
    Doing Day 5 after supper tonight. I really look forward to doing it. Love JM and the way she makes you feel that she's right there in the room with you. I find I never quit doing an exercise even if it feels like I'm dying because I feel like she's going to reach through my TV and give me hell.

    Everyones posts and pics are so motivating. Regular people like me that can prove this really works...inspiring. Can't wait to get to the 30 days and take my measurements and then start the ripped in 30.
  • israelichick
    5 day update going to try and upload the picture here let's see if it works


    I hope one of these works
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I loved it. It was the first exercise plan I did post-baby.

    Before is me 3 months post-partum, and After is after the 30-Day Shred at 4 months post-partum:
