1200 calorie a day people



  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I've been on the 1200-calorie plan since starting MFP. Sometimes it's hard, but mostly I'm getting it. It's the emotional eating that nails me. >.<
  • marybell82
    marybell82 Posts: 122 Member
    Im on the 1200 calories a day thing too.. but weekends i do go over, i just need to be more exact... i still have 15 pounds to lose and im getting anxious.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    well I really want to , does that count? people who have hypothyroidism are on a totally different level, I cant seem to lose but I always eat back my exercise cals so..... I have eaten 1200 before and lost so Im gonna do it again hope I lose!! Your not alone a lot of people do !
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Me and I understand. I am really short and only weight 106 (goal of 105) as of this morning so my BMR is really low and my TDEE is as well. A lot of people dog me too for only eating 1000-1100 calories however my TDEE is 1501 and if I eat 500 less then that it is 1001 calories a day. I am half the size or a third of the size of some people on this board yet they are saying I am starving myself. No, I am just eating for my own height and weight.

    I also don’t really eat back my exercise calories or if I do I only eat back 1/2 at the most and that is on a hard workout day or long day. I lost all my baby weight from baby number 2 however want to get really toned and trim and ready before I get pregnant again for number 3. I didn't gain a lot with baby number 2 however would like to be as fit as possible this time around so I will have less to loose. Did the same thing the last time too ;) I am more toned and fit though with this one…. Trying to work off my genetically larger thighs in proportioned to my body, heheh. First thing that goes is my boobs and tummy, heheh.

    Eating 1200 calories or less really depends on what your height and weight are. However, if your doctor okayed that then it is hopefully is fine. :) Do not listen to the crazies on here… Opinions are like butts…. Everyone has one and most of them stink! ;)
    If you are very lean, as you are now, a 500 calorie deficit may be a bit unnecessary. At this point, you'd be lucky to lose .25 lbs of true fat per week. Also, that 500 deficit assumes the entire deficit is from food (TDEE of 1500 down to 1000). If you are exercising on top of that, then your deficit is in fact greater than 500. So if you are consuming 1000 calories of food, down from 1500, and exercising at 300 calories a day, that's a sum deficit of 800. 800/1500 is a massive 53% deficit and will not benefit one as lean as yourself.

    This quote proved my point which is.....Do not listen to the crazies on here… Opinions are like butts…. Everyone has one and most of them stink! ;)

    This guy says I would be lucky to lose .25 of true fat per week.... I am almost at goal and at 16% body fat which is equivalent to an 8% for a guy. I got there doing this which according to him “will not benefit one as lean as yourself” HAH. Yes and bees can’t fly either. I totally must be fat then and stole the picture I have from someone else, heheh.

  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    I aim for between 12 and 1400 because that's what works for me and keeps the weight coming off in steady, small increments. Listening to all the unsolicited advice you get, albeit usually from well meaning people-be it about babies or weight loss is a sure path to insanity and self-doubt. I learned with my first born to just smile and nod graciously, while letting it slide in one ear and out the other and go home and do what works for me --and feel good about it because I am NOT a totally clueless imbecile and I am not doing anything unhealthy or extreme. I've found I have to do the same with weight loss advice because so many people are on one bandwagon or another pounding that drum as hard and as loud as they can, just convinced that they have the magic answer and nothing else will work and sure that everyone who isn't doing it their way is on a dangerous path of destruction and ruin. (How melodramatic is THAT!! ha ha) A friend of mine made a good point recently during a conversation about this topic, that most any weight loss plan WILL work if you stick with it long enough and really, really follow it. Problem is most of us are impatient and jump ship and try to find a new plan when the results don't come in the timing or way we were hoping or expecting. So nothing has time to produce the long term effect of just steady perseverance little at a time. So if your doctor put you on this plan -- tune everyone else out. If you absolutely have to, you can find a gracious way to say, "Hey thanks for sharing but doctor's orders trump all advice to the contrary. I'll be fine." :o)
  • fhill1
    fhill1 Posts: 11 Member
    That is a smart way to think about things. I think that I would do the same. I'm on a 1200 calorie diet and I sure make every single calorie count.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I lost 150 lbs!!! The only reason I gained it back was because I got pregnant with my daughter.

    Did you give birth to a teenager?

    Seriously, you can't blame the baby for gaining 150 pounds. I gained 30 with one and 25 with the other. Most of it was gone by the time I left the hospital.
    Pregnancy and the baby are NOT responsible for any more than 20 extra pounds or so....eating way too much while pregnant and using it as an excuse, instead of eating healthy and exercising gently are what caused it.

    I don't think she was asking you to judge how or how she didn't eat during her pregnancy. She has owned up to it and is here trying to do something to better herself. Lucky you for losing most of your baby weight before you left the hospital. Unfortunately, most of us aren't like you.
    I agree. In fact, it sounds as though the poster you're responding to didn't have a healthy pregnancy. The baby shouldn't account for half the weight gained. The majority should come from amniotic fluid, placenta, and extra fluid and blood in the body. It's normal to loose half your pregnancy weight gain in the first six weeks after delivery, not all of it in the first few days. I too left the hospital nearly at my prepregnancy weight--because I was underweight to begin with and under-ate, gaining a whopping 16 lbs. NOT HEALTHY and not good for baby. My Dr. decided to do a c-section a month premature, thinking that my baby was not growing appropriately because of my poor diet; later he discovered that was unnecessary because my son has Down syndrome, which he failed to diagnose during the pregnancy. Still, clearly it was not a good pregnancy, and I'm not proud to say that my pregnancy weight was nearly gone by the time I left the hospital. I'm not encouraging enormous weight gain by any means, but I don't think too little weight gain is anything to brag about either.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I lost 150 lbs!!! The only reason I gained it back was because I got pregnant with my daughter.

    Did you give birth to a teenager?

    Seriously, you can't blame the baby for gaining 150 pounds. I gained 30 with one and 25 with the other. Most of it was gone by the time I left the hospital.
    Pregnancy and the baby are NOT responsible for any more than 20 extra pounds or so....eating way too much while pregnant and using it as an excuse, instead of eating healthy and exercising gently are what caused it.

    I don't think she was asking you to judge how or how she didn't eat during her pregnancy. She has owned up to it and is here trying to do something to better herself. Lucky you for losing most of your baby weight before you left the hospital. Unfortunately, most of us aren't like you.

    My doctor was pissed I gained 60 during my pregnancy because it was twice what I should have. I only gained 50 with my second and lost most of that over the 24 hours in the hospital. I think the reply you were commenting on was pointing out that the OP didn't gain 150 because she got pregnant. She gained it because she made terrible choices while pregnant. The way the OP worded it indicated she only gained the weight because she was pregnant.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    This quote proved my point which is.....Do not listen to the crazies on here… Opinions are like butts…. Everyone has one and most of them stink! ;)

    This guy says I would be lucky to lose .25 of true fat per week.... I am almost at goal and at 16% body fat which is equivalent to an 8% for a guy. I got there doing this which according to him “will not benefit one as lean as yourself” HAH. Yes and bees can’t fly either. I totally must be fat then and stole the picture I have from someone else, heheh.

    Are you losing? Sure. My point isn't that you won't make progress, it's that you are dropping your deficit unnecessarily low. I'd like to see what your hormone levels are like, namely cortisol and leptin as well as LH pulsatility and ovarian function with a deficit of 50% maintained for longer than 5 straight days.
  • todomt
    todomt Posts: 1
    I'm thinking of going on a 1200 cal diet. What are some foods you can cook that don't starve you throughout the day yet still stay below 1200?
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I lost 150 lbs!!! The only reason I gained it back was because I got pregnant with my daughter.

    Did you give birth to a teenager?

    Seriously, you can't blame the baby for gaining 150 pounds. I gained 30 with one and 25 with the other. Most of it was gone by the time I left the hospital.
    Pregnancy and the baby are NOT responsible for any more than 20 extra pounds or so....eating way too much while pregnant and using it as an excuse, instead of eating healthy and exercising gently are what caused it.

    I was wondering if anyone would say this. I was thinking to myself that OP had one big azz baby!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I eat between 1,200-1,300 calories a day. I've tried a couple of things and this is what my body tell me I need to do in order to lose weight. I'm trying really hard to eat 40/30/30. If I focus on getting in enough protein then I don't mind eating less at all. I'm rarely hungry. When I work out I only eat back half my calories (if I'm hungry).
  • I'm on the 1200 calories a day diet. I also work out at least 30 mins a day and I've been losing.
  • Hey, I'm on the 1200 calorie diet as well. I have to keep rack of every little thing I eat, but I feel better for it, because I know exactly how much of everything I'm consuming.
  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    I am on 1200 as well. If I raise my calorie level I find myself eating more "'empty" calories. If I keep myself at 1200 I make sure to make each and every one of those calories count. When I am away from home I up my calories to 1600 because lower calorie options aren't always available at mom's or in-laws. As for all those people telling you that you aren't eating enough...You are probably getting more nutrition in your 1200 calories then they get in 2000! Show them your diary and the breakdown of nutrients you consume. Put in their food and have them compare. That will be a wake up call. 1200 calories can certainly be enough to be healthy.

    YES on making calories count!
  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    I am on 1200 as well. If I raise my calorie level I find myself eating more "'empty" calories. If I keep myself at 1200 I make sure to make each and every one of those calories count. When I am away from home I up my calories to 1600 because lower calorie options aren't always available at mom's or in-laws. As for all those people telling you that you aren't eating enough...You are probably getting more nutrition in your 1200 calories then they get in 2000! Show them your diary and the breakdown of nutrients you consume. Put in their food and have them compare. That will be a wake up call. 1200 calories can certainly be enough to be healthy.

    i like this response! i think i do the same thing too, i make sure i eat lots more veggies because i have fewer calories to play with. and funny enough, i hardly ever feel super hungry like i used to before changing my eating habits. i will barely feel hungry, eat something, and repeat. and sometimes i have a hard time to get all the calories for the day! but i do eat some or sometimes all of my exercise calories for the day, just depending on how i feel. people think a 1200 calorie diet is crazy because they are imagining you eating just like them, consuming 1000 calorie McDonald's meals in one sitting and then having no more calories left for the day.
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    MFP has me on 1200 a day too. Once I start eating clean I've noticed sometimes it is almost hard to reach the 1200 a day (if you are eating lost of fruit/veggies etc, you are full but the calories are hard to add up to 1200). I'm a shortie too (5'2") and find that if I eat more than that, I don't lose. I am working out more consistently so I do like to sometimes have a "spike" day meaning I eat more one day, just to kind of "shock" your body... I find that also helps with weight loss.
  • DavidMW1
    DavidMW1 Posts: 44 Member
    MFP has me on 1200 a day, but I find I completely lose all energy if I don't eat back a good portion of my workout calories. I try to do between 30-60 mins on my rowing machine every day, and now I'm starting to run and cycle too. I just can't keep going if I try to stick to the 1200. Still losing weight though, roughly a kilo a month, which is fine. Slow and steady.
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    How many others are out there besides me?? I'm tired of people telling me i dont eat enough so forth and so on. My DOCTOR and NUTRITIONIST put me on a 1200 calorie diet. The last time I was on a 1200 calorie diet I lost 150 lbs!!! The only reason I gained it back was because I got pregnant with my daughter. Anyways how many other 1200 calorie dieters are out there????

    Ive been on 1200 diet since April, lost 60 pounds. Always looking for more motivation and new encouragement. Add me if you like
  • I'm on the 1200-a-day diet as well, and I am losing weight steadily. :) If anyone needs support, feel free to add me. <3