Bike Riding & Weight Loss

I love riding my bike and now going on almost two months of it being my choice of excercise I'm a little obsessed ha lol. But I was wondering if there was anyone who lost a significant amount of weight bike riding ? And how you noticed the weight came off? How many times did you ride a week and for how long ? Any answers would be appreciated ❤❤❤


  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Anyone? No cyclists for weight loss ?:huh:
  • shellyk972
    shellyk972 Posts: 56 Member
    I take extreme cycling classes at my gym.. I didn't have weightloss until I started counting calories... HOWEVER, the changes in my body from the back are super! I look great from the back :) So I'd say more toning than weightloss.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Yea well I count calories and usually ride for 60/90 minutes a day ... I was just curious as to how the weight came off for sme people who used biking as excercise or a method to lose weight
  • Lorrainesealak
    Lorrainesealak Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I havent as yet but its on my to do list. My husband has bought me a new bike and I have delayed using it because to be honest I am a bit wary of riding on the roads.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Yea I'm not a runner lol I tried I just can't I dnt enjoy it. But i love riding my bike my miles go higher every week it's exciting , you should deff give it a try I would recommend it to anyone ❤
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I was bike riding (cycling?) for a few days last week but I wasn't getting my heart rate to go up (major problem if you want to lose weight). I found that my legs got tired before my heart started racing. So I think bike riding is a good step to do AFTER you get your body used to jogging/running. I bet if I did that first, I wouldn't spend so much time on speed 16 on my bike and more time on speed 4 or 5. But I do feel my leg muscles building from being on the higher speeds; but a lot of good leg muscle does when you can't get your heart rate to go up to burn the fat you wanna burn....
  • Twomirrors
    Twomirrors Posts: 47 Member

    I ride my bike 5-7 days a week, and it's my number one exercise. Sadly, I didn't weigh myself when I started MFP, but I've probably lost 25 lbs. As for how fast it came off, well, slowly at first, but now that I'm riding ridiculous amounts (2-5 hours a day when I can), it's coming off at 1lb/week. And I'm not trying to lose weight. I just can't eat back all the calories.

    If you can get a heart rate monitor, do it, because it'll give you a better idea of how much you're really burning.

    The best part, though, is that cycling is fun. Way more fun than real exercise. I love riding bikes!

    And... as you get lighter, you'll get faster. But do expect to convert fat to muscle, so you probably won't lose as many pounds as you expect. But you'll have great legs and a great butt!

    Add me as a friend!
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I was bike riding (cycling?) for a few days last week but I wasn't getting my heart rate to go up (major problem if you want to lose weight). I found that my legs got tired before my heart started racing. So I think bike riding is a good step to do AFTER you get your body used to jogging/running. I bet if I did that first, I wouldn't spend so much time on speed 16 on my bike and more time on speed 4 or 5. But I do feel my leg muscles building from being on the higher speeds; but a lot of good leg muscle does when you can't get your heart rate to go up to burn the fat you wanna burn....

    Yea I often give this some thought lol... But I have been loosing whose to tell if it's the bike or my diet.. Lol thing is my mom gave me her old mountain bike from about 3 yrs ago.. Pretty darn new and unused only thing I got it stuck on 3rd gear on the left and stuck on 7th gear on the right.. Starting off on a bike stuck on that gear is pure evil lol but now I swear it's cake work
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I bought a bike several years ago, but unless you are riding uphill all the time, it doesn't burn many calories.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I bought a bike several years ago, but unless you are riding uphill all the time, it doesn't burn many calories.

    This makes me sad.. Looks like tomorrow I'll be reversing my route to up hill lol. I usually bike on the road for about 6/7 miles then do a 5 mile mountain bike trail after.
  • Jargarita
    Jargarita Posts: 20 Member
    I have not been on a bike in quite a few years but there was one summer that I had to ride my bike every day for an hour to get home and I sure as heck lost weight! I wasn't doing anything else with my diet either.
  • bpmartyr
    bpmartyr Posts: 141
    Exercise is a very small part of weight loss. Do what you enjoy and stay in a slight calorie deficit and you will lose weight. It really is that simple. I can lose weight while doing no exercise, while walking, running, hiit, biking and resistance training as long as I am in a deficit.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I have not been on a bike in quite a few years but there was one summer that I had to ride my bike every day for an hour to get home and I sure as heck lost weight! I wasn't doing anything else with my diet either.

    ^this is encouraging ❤ lol I'd love to tone my lower body but I love my butt and thighs lol and I know you can't spot reduce but I'd like to give my arms /obliques some tough love as well.. I wouldn't want to lose 20 lbs and still look like I carry a Tire around my waist:huh: ... My goal is at 30lbs right now I'm trying to reach it a little before Christmas with dieting and my bike ❤
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Exercise is a very small part of weight loss. Do what you enjoy and stay in a slight calorie deficit and you will lose weight. It really is that simple. I can lose weight while doing no exercise, while walking, running, hiit, biking and resistance training as long as I am in a deficit.

    I am mostly sedentary (minus chasing kids and doing house cleaning - Yes, a man that is the home maker). And I have lost 64 lbs since April being at a 1,000 kcalorie deficit and eating clean.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    ME! ME! ME! LOL!

    I started my "Journey" (so clich'e but its the best way to describe it :wink: ) In June 2011 at 227. Obese. By using MFP with a large calorie deficit (2 lbs a week), I started mountain biking on the weekends. About 2 months later, I started riding to work a few times a week. I kept this up and by October 2011, I had lost about 50 pounds.

    I DO NOT recomend that large of a calorie deficit (caused a plateau and metabolic damage that I am still fighting today) but the cycling helped tons. I still cycle and mountain bike regularly :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Exercise is a very small part of weight loss. Do what you enjoy and stay in a slight calorie deficit and you will lose weight. It really is that simple. I can lose weight while doing no exercise, while walking, running, hiit, biking and resistance training as long as I am in a deficit.

    I am mostly sedentary (minus chasing kids and doing house cleaning - Yes, a man that is the home maker). And I have lost 64 lbs since April being at a 1,000 kcalorie deficit and eating clean.

    Ha well that's awesome you deserve two awards one for being an awesome father and & for that weight you've dropped. The thing that confuses me abut MFP is if I'm already at a deficit at 1200 calories or if I'm supposed to burn into that 1200 because Im honestly aiming for 2 lbs a week or 8/10 lbs a month
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    I ride almost everyday. It's my main exercise.

    Aug. 1 - 7 miles
    Aug. 2 - 7 miles
    Aug. 3 - 17 miles
    Aug. 5 - 19 miles
    Aug. 6 - 21 miles
    Aug. 7 - 14 miles
    Aug.10 - 8 miles
    Aug.11 - 21 miles
    Aug.12 - 11 miles
    Aug.13 - 7 miles
    Aug.14 - 26 miles
    Aug.16 - 5 miles
    Aug.17 - 7 miles
    Aug.18 - 24 miles
    Aug.19 - 7 miles
    Aug.20 - 7 miles
    Aug.21 - 23 miles
    Aug.23 - 15 miles
    Aug.25 - 11 miles
    Aug.27 - 18 miles - 275 total.

    I've lost 56 pounds in 6 months.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    ME! ME! ME! LOL!

    I started my "Journey" (so clich'e but its the best way to describe it :wink: ) In June 2011 at 227. Obese. By using MFP with a large calorie deficit (2 lbs a week), I started mountain biking on the weekends. About 2 months later, I started riding to work a few times a week. I kept this up and by October 2011, I had lost about 50 pounds.

    I DO NOT recomend that large of a calorie deficit (caused a plateau and metabolic damage that I am still fighting today) but the cycling helped tons. I still cycle and mountain bike regularly :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ^this is awesome ❤ I know for certain I'm going to continue even after I stop dieting because I'm hooked like seriously I really am lol. I never thought I would see the day when my work out clothes filled my hamper 6x more then my outting clothes lol. How did u mess up ur metabolism ? And how did u even realize it was messed up to begin with well if u don't mind me asking
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I bought a bike several years ago, but unless you are riding uphill all the time, it doesn't burn many calories.

    This makes me sad.. Looks like tomorrow I'll be reversing my route to up hill lol. I usually bike on the road for about 6/7 miles then do a 5 mile mountain bike trail after.

    I don't buy that it doesn't burn many calories unless you're constantly coasting. o_O Riding works the largest muscle group in the body, so it just doesn't make sense that it wouldn't burn many. That being said, your burn would be relative to your instensity and riding uphill would definitely increase it. Have you ever used a heart rate monitor while you ride? At what level do you feel your working out?

    My hubby just put some air in our tires and I'm excited about riding, but I'm not ready for the roads yet so I'll try to find a nice bike trail.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I ride almost everyday. It's my main exercise.

    Aug. 1 - 7 miles
    Aug. 2 - 7 miles
    Aug. 3 - 17 miles
    Aug. 5 - 19 miles
    Aug. 6 - 21 miles
    Aug. 7 - 14 miles
    Aug.10 - 8 miles
    Aug.11 - 21 miles
    Aug.12 - 11 miles
    Aug.13 - 7 miles
    Aug.14 - 26 miles
    Aug.16 - 5 miles
    Aug.17 - 7 miles
    Aug.18 - 24 miles
    Aug.19 - 7 miles
    Aug.20 - 7 miles
    Aug.21 - 23 miles
    Aug.23 - 15 miles
    Aug.25 - 11 miles
    Aug.27 - 18 miles - 275 total.

    I've lost 56 pounds in 6 months.

    You people and your determination and with the excercise I love... ❤❤❤❤ I love it in 6 months that's seriously amazing ❤ I was fretting that it would do nothing for me because honestly I don't enjoy anything like I do biking