Lap Band Folks

Calling all those who have had the lap band put in. How are you doing since your surgery and have you reached your goal? I had my surgery last October and so far I have lost 75lbs. It's been a great journey so far. I have my days believe me, but I'm determined to reach my goal. I haven't been on MFP in a while but decided today that I need to start back and continue with it because it's a great tool. Looking for some friends that are on the same journey as I am, a better YOU with the help of the Lap Band System. Feel free to add me and respond to this post. Thanks guys!!!


  • jodels76
    jodels76 Posts: 9 Member
    My surgery was in October 2009 and I have lost almost 110 pounds from my heaviest weight. I've put on about 5 pounds from my lowest weight. It took me until August 2011 to reach my goal. I worked with a trainer to help me lose the last 20. Frankly, I would have been happy to just lose 75 pounds. I don't know what made me keep going, but I am so glad I did. I'm getting back into the swing of things because it's all about feeling good and not how much I weigh.

    You can go further! The lap band is a wonderful tool because it's always there so if you've decided to get back to focusing on nutrition and fitness, it's there for you now. MFP is another great tool, but it does become a big commitment.

    I'm glad you are happy with your journey. Keep going, you can reach any goal you set your mind to.
  • DeeDee1066
    DeeDee1066 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, i had my surgery last November and have lost 63#. My weight loos was slower until just the last month but is kicking in since i started with MFP and i'm running (doing Couch to 5K). We we are on a similar timeline. Good luck. keep in touch.
  • jkelly1954
    jkelly1954 Posts: 21 Member
    I had mine back in 2009 and I have only lost 35 lbs.