Hi all

I'm not a very confident person and i don't usualy go on forums because i am shy, any way my name is Delyth and I am hoping to lose some weight. at the moment I am having the same food as my family but i weight my food and count the calories, my husband and daughter are not very suportive I have only just started last week and I am now starting to feel peckish. I still have chocolates here from christmas and my husband keeps on bringing home loads of sweets and more chocolates. Which don't help me and they always ask if I want any knowing that I am trying to lose the weight.
So I hope coming on here will help me lose the weight and get some suport.


  • Fluffington
    Hi Delyth,

    I think you need to have a word with your hubby and tell him what for!! And to hide the sweets! But welcome, I'm new as well!! I too have chocolates from Christmas and am having one a day. Luckily I'm not too much of a chocolate fan anymore so I have lots more willpower these days (although I did slip at Christmas!!).

    Anyway, good luck in reaching your desired weight :o)
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    This is a great place to come for support and motivation. I'm sorry to hear that you don't have a lot of support at home, that certainly does make weight loss even harder. Just know that you CAN do this!
  • Bradsha4
    Hello Delyth,

    You can do this!! I hate that you dont have confidence in yourself but you will gain so much by losing weight. Don't let your family bring you down....use that as a motivating factor! Maybe you doing this will make them realize they need to make a change in their life too!! This is a great website and you will find tons of support on here. :) Good luck!!
  • deltaroma
    I like to thank you all for your support and answering to my post.
  • athoob
    athoob Posts: 8
    Welcome aboard! :) Members here are very supportive :)
  • aleefula
    hi delyth,

    Im so sorry to hear you dont have support amongst your loved ones, but here is my tip, dont deprive yourself, the main criterai for losing weight is eat what you want when you want but do it consciously.

    Dont eat just because you feel that you need food to calm your anxiety. I too have a husband who is very skinny and doesnt understand what i go through, but also i understand that i cannot deprive him of potato chips or sweets just because i dont want them in the house.

    When i started my weight loss i decided that if i was going to make a change i needed to live life in my household as normal, that is still buying the chips, chocolate etc. But what i did was that in the beginning i bought things like grapes, low calorie bars such as the kellogs ones that only have 85 calories in them, whenever i felt i needed a snack i just ate a bar or a low fat yogurt.

    You will see that with a little determination in a couple of weeks you wont even notice that food being there, right now i am staring at a tin of cookies but they r just like inanimate objects now. Another suggestion is to freeze your grapes as when you eat them they will feel like a little bit of an ice cream, and remember to hydrate yourself with lots of water, usually we mistake feelings of thirst with hunger.

    Anyhow good luck and you have my support, please feel free to add me as a friend an email me if you feel down, and tell that husband of yours to get in with the programme!!! :smile: