pushups and situps

I need advice! I am 185 trying to be down to 145 by xmas....I have a treadmill and free weights
Anybody had sucess with doing both and any advice on what I should be doing?

Also, my boyfriend said to me that instead of doing weights I should just do situps and pushups (with good form) and that it is better than lifting weights.....Anyone heard this or know if he's right or goofy? Feel free to PM me if it is easier. I need some advice! Thanks ;-)


  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Doing sit ups and push ups is not better. Its just different. its easier to increase resistance and intensity with weights though. Making progress is the key (lifting more or doing mor reps).

    A simple weight training routine (which can include press ups and sit ups if you really want) is good, but you must look at the diet if you want to drop bofy fat.
  • beckydunks
    beckydunks Posts: 65 Member
    I cant even do a push up! haha sit ups are good, but only when done correctly. done incorrectly can cause back and neck problems. but i'm no expert :)

    Do exercise that is appealing to you :)

    I do dancing games for the xbox kinect and go running when its nice :) it does the trick, good luck :)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Many many people have had great success using both a treadmill and weights! Push-ups are a great exercise, and would strongly recommend them. They are extremely versatile too.

    Sit-ups aren't a great exercise though. They put a lot of stress on your neck. Also, after awhile you have to do far to many of them to get a decent workout, which leads you to stop your exercise secondary to boredom/pain rather than fatigue. Far better ways to exercise your abs are those little wheels you get that allow you to roll yourself into the plank position, and leg raises (a pull up bar that rests on your door frame is pretty cheap and great for leg raises if you get attachements to hang).
  • lululucky1
    lululucky1 Posts: 39 Member
    Weight lifting and healthy diet is a must. Push ups and sit ups will not get u too far. Take measurements an pics, u will see the inches dropped with lifting. Treadmill is great too, just mix things up. I have had great success with p90x.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    the Jillian Michaels DVD called 30 Day Shred (also on youtube) incorporates push ups, sit ups, and light dumbbells. It takes about 27 minutes to do from warm up to cool down, and then 2-3 days a week I'll go for a 2 mile run too, which you could do on the treadmill. If you stick to it and watch your diet you'll definitely see results.