Insanity Before and After pics??

I ordered Insanity last week and was hoping that a few of you who have done it might share some before and after pictures, how long it took you, and what kind of food you ate while doing it - like your favorite meal, etc... I am looking forward to starting as soon as it gets here, but it's stuck in so if you have any tips on what might prepare me a little more for it those are definitely welcome. Thank you!


  • Reading about eveyone's success is making me want my DVDs to get here faster!!!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I would love to see some too. Just like you I'm still waiting for mine to come!
  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm into the second week of month 2. I'd say, to prepare a little you might want to do some cardio. It's very intense cardio. Take before pics and measurements. When judging your progress, measurements are better than the scale. You'll probably notice changes in the fit of your clothing before a decrease in the numbers on a scale. Before pics will help you to see the progress that you likely won't notice because you see yourself every day. Don' t be discouraged by the scale. Drink lots of'll be sweating like never before. Eat! When you start the program, accept that you likely won't be able to keep up with the people in the DVD. Take breaks when you need them...and you will need them. Don't stop the DVD when you take a break because you'll be more likely to jump back into it quicker if you don't stop the DVD. You'll probably feel like there's no way you'll ever get through the workouts but don't give up, you'll be shocked at the improvements as time goes on. Good Luck!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I'm in week 3 of month 2, haven't seen much movement in the scale - but my clothes fit better, I'm a lot stronger, and the other day when I took out 30DS at my toddler's request (she missed Jillian, lol)it actually felt EASY. So, lots of positive changes in my physical fitness. Toss measuring success by weight out the window on this one :)

    Favorite meals? I've been doing lots of protein. I don't bother with the "recovery formula" Beachbody tries desperately to sell, but I do have some raw milk with a scoop of protein powder after the workout. I was ravenous the first week or so of Insanity but after adding in more protein that has stopped. Peanut butter and organic no sugar added jam on sprouted bread is great!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I just finished today! And I just posted this picture in another thread so I feel like I'm spamming lol but here ya go.


    I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches. I followed the program exactly as it's laid out on the calender, so I did it for 9 straight weeks. I didn't change my diet too much. I did calculate my calorie needs based on the formula that's given in the nutrition guide, but I didn't follow their nutrition plan. I even ate chocolate every day so don't feel like you need to give up all the things you love to get good results :) definitely drink a ton of water, and make sure to keep track of your measurements. When I first started, the scale jumped up 5 lbs within a week -- not true weight gain, but water retention as my muscles were healing. If you're not used to doing such intense exercise it's going to be a shock to your body at first, so just be aware that you'll probably see a slight gain too! But soon enough you'll start seeing some changes. Either weight loss or changes in your measurements. I hope you like the program. I really enjoyed it!
  • sfgonzales
    sfgonzales Posts: 110 Member
    Hope to have some great pictures next week! I finish Sunday!
  • sfgonzales
    sfgonzales Posts: 110 Member
    I haven't changed my diet too much. Just trying to eat cleaner. I drink tons of water and am so far down from 147 to about 136.
  • Thank you for all the great tips and advice! I wish you all the best in your success... it's time to do this!
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I just finished today! And I just posted this picture in another thread so I feel like I'm spamming lol but here ya go.


    I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches. I followed the program exactly as it's laid out on the calender, so I did it for 9 straight weeks. I didn't change my diet too much. I did calculate my calorie needs based on the formula that's given in the nutrition guide, but I didn't follow their nutrition plan. I even ate chocolate every day so don't feel like you need to give up all the things you love to get good results :) definitely drink a ton of water, and make sure to keep track of your measurements. When I first started, the scale jumped up 5 lbs within a week -- not true weight gain, but water retention as my muscles were healing. If you're not used to doing such intense exercise it's going to be a shock to your body at first, so just be aware that you'll probably see a slight gain too! But soon enough you'll start seeing some changes. Either weight loss or changes in your measurements. I hope you like the program. I really enjoyed it!

    WOW!! Nice results! I started insanity at 160 and hope to have similar results! :)
  • abadsvt
    abadsvt Posts: 2
    I just finished Insanity and loved it. The one thing I noticed though is you have to watch your calories if you want to loose weight. Its not just working out. When I first started the first 2 weeks of INSANITY I only lost around 2 lbs. When I started counting calories on here I lost a bunch of weight. I started at 198.6 and finished at 177 lbs. I probably could have lost an extra couple pounds if i watch my calories from the start. Stick with it and you will be happy when its all over. I am. Good luck!

  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I just finished today! And I just posted this picture in another thread so I feel like I'm spamming lol but here ya go.


    I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches. I followed the program exactly as it's laid out on the calender, so I did it for 9 straight weeks. I didn't change my diet too much. I did calculate my calorie needs based on the formula that's given in the nutrition guide, but I didn't follow their nutrition plan. I even ate chocolate every day so don't feel like you need to give up all the things you love to get good results :) definitely drink a ton of water, and make sure to keep track of your measurements. When I first started, the scale jumped up 5 lbs within a week -- not true weight gain, but water retention as my muscles were healing. If you're not used to doing such intense exercise it's going to be a shock to your body at first, so just be aware that you'll probably see a slight gain too! But soon enough you'll start seeing some changes. Either weight loss or changes in your measurements. I hope you like the program. I really enjoyed it!

    WOW - if I get results anywhere near this i would be over the moon! well done. i start Monday 27th August. x
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    OMG SERIOUSLY? WELL DONE AND NOW I HAVE INSPIRATION....did you do any other workouts with INSANITY?

    I just finished today! And I just posted this picture in another thread so I feel like I'm spamming lol but here ya go.


    I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches. I followed the program exactly as it's laid out on the calender, so I did it for 9 straight weeks. I didn't change my diet too much. I did calculate my calorie needs based on the formula that's given in the nutrition guide, but I didn't follow their nutrition plan. I even ate chocolate every day so don't feel like you need to give up all the things you love to get good results :) definitely drink a ton of water, and make sure to keep track of your measurements. When I first started, the scale jumped up 5 lbs within a week -- not true weight gain, but water retention as my muscles were healing. If you're not used to doing such intense exercise it's going to be a shock to your body at first, so just be aware that you'll probably see a slight gain too! But soon enough you'll start seeing some changes. Either weight loss or changes in your measurements. I hope you like the program. I really enjoyed it!
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I just finished today! And I just posted this picture in another thread so I feel like I'm spamming lol but here ya go.


    I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches. I followed the program exactly as it's laid out on the calender, so I did it for 9 straight weeks. I didn't change my diet too much. I did calculate my calorie needs based on the formula that's given in the nutrition guide, but I didn't follow their nutrition plan. I even ate chocolate every day so don't feel like you need to give up all the things you love to get good results :) definitely drink a ton of water, and make sure to keep track of your measurements. When I first started, the scale jumped up 5 lbs within a week -- not true weight gain, but water retention as my muscles were healing. If you're not used to doing such intense exercise it's going to be a shock to your body at first, so just be aware that you'll probably see a slight gain too! But soon enough you'll start seeing some changes. Either weight loss or changes in your measurements. I hope you like the program. I really enjoyed it!
    You look more like 149 in your before and 117 in your after. You look really good!
  • peachyxoxoxo- youre my insanity role model! lol my body is really similar in size to your beginning picture. how tall are you?
    I'm on day 3 of insanity and took my "before" pictures today so in 60 days ill post again with my after pictures...hopefully it will be major progress!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I just finished today! And I just posted this picture in another thread so I feel like I'm spamming lol but here ya go.


    I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches. I followed the program exactly as it's laid out on the calender, so I did it for 9 straight weeks. I didn't change my diet too much. I did calculate my calorie needs based on the formula that's given in the nutrition guide, but I didn't follow their nutrition plan. I even ate chocolate every day so don't feel like you need to give up all the things you love to get good results :) definitely drink a ton of water, and make sure to keep track of your measurements. When I first started, the scale jumped up 5 lbs within a week -- not true weight gain, but water retention as my muscles were healing. If you're not used to doing such intense exercise it's going to be a shock to your body at first, so just be aware that you'll probably see a slight gain too! But soon enough you'll start seeing some changes. Either weight loss or changes in your measurements. I hope you like the program. I really enjoyed it!

    WOW!! Are you sure your scale is right?? You look a lot less than 149!! Great job!
  • thibk5
    thibk5 Posts: 40
    I don't have any pictures, wish I took some before pics, but I have had great results with Insanity. I will be starting the last week on thursday and plan to do the second month again. I am 36 and a mother of three. I started at 158 and I am now 143. I have also lost 14 inches! And almost two dress sizes. My goal is 130 and I think I can make it with Insanity. I did watch my calories but allowed myself some cheat meals, especially during month 2. At the beginning of month 2 I would burn in the high 500s in calories, so it does kick your booty. I agree with a previous post that you NEED to drink your water and NEVER turn off the DVD but allow yourself breaks. Before this, I was not into exercising but find myself excited to push play on the DVD because I can see results and it keeps me motivated. At first you may not see it right away but keep with it because if you do and watch your calories it WILL work!

    Also, get a heart rate monitor! If you can, it helps keep you motivated to see the calories burned because there will be a lot! I got a Polar FT4 from Target for less than $30. Worth every penny!

  • I just finished Insanity on August 7. I had pretty good results. I started seeing real improvements closer to the end of the program, so don't get frustrated if you don't see result right off the bat. I didn't weigh so I am not sure how much I lost, but I definitely lost. Not quite sure how to post pics on this site, but you can see my results on my blog, I ate quite a few of the meals in the plan, though I found that when I created my own meals, they were more tasty. My favorite meal that I came up with was couscous, broccoli, and baked salmon layered on top of each other. This was probably a total of 400 calories for this meal. Good luck on the program. I am now getting ready to attempt ChaLean Extreme. The thing about working out is that you have to keep working out to continue to stay in shape.
  • wow, peachyxoxox you just motivated me big time to get out my insanity DVD's again, you look awesome!!! I'm yet to finish the program completely but you definitly inspired me to get back at it!!!
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I just posted my pictures on my profile yesterday. I started Insanity on Feb 24th 2012 and to date have just hit the 20lb mark. I am down to 165. the most recent pictures were taken yesterday. I did 1 round on Insanity which I lost 8lbs and since then have done a round of Asylum and and round of Asylum/Insanity hybrid. Between those 2 programs I dropped the additional 12lbs.

    I also compretitive mountain bike race which I have been dropping my time anywhere from 10-30 minutes from the same races I did last year which is a huge improvement.

    As for eating, I am def eating better than I was. But I don't follow the nutrition guide to a T. I try to eat cleaner foods but I still have my cheat days and love beer. So I just have to make up for it. For example, Saturday I was going to a festival where I knew I would be drinking, so that morning I did Insane Abs then took at 3 hour (22 mile) mountain bike ride.

    I love the program, it isn't for everyone. Asylum is by far my favorite program. It is Insanity on steroids.