
Hi, my name is Fiona, I'm 27, from Glasgow. My friend, Helen, introduced me to this site, looks great.

I've tried calorie counting on my own but gave up after day 1. I'm a member of Slimming World and one time I lost 4 stone 6.5lb, half pound off my target then started to gain and now I'm 2.5 stones heavier than I was when I first started there.

I'm hoping this helps and to have support at home online would be great. I look forward to getting to know you all.

Fiona x


  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Welcome Fiona,it is great to see you here hun and hope you enjoy it and shed the weight,tis really easy as the food diary does all the hard bit for you.

    Goodluck hunny :flowerforyou:

    Helen xxx
  • becca117
    hi, welcome to the site, everyone is really friendly so just ask if you need any help. And good luck.x
  • GemmaD84
    Welcome Fiona :D Good Luck with the dieting...

    I have been on diet for 3 weeks now...losing it slowly but as long as I lose some I am happy lol.

    Thanks for adding me too :D

    Heen170 - how do you get those pictures things, in your avatar?

    Gem xx
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Hi Gem,i have sent you a message as i didnt know if i was allowed to add links here,so will send you a message:flowerforyou:
    Helen xx