New to site, 38 yr old mom losing weight with my girls

Hi to all! Loving this app! Very encouraged by success stories. My daughters and I are going into week 3 of a healthy life style. So far my 15 has dropped 9 lbs, my 13 year old 10 and I have lost 8. I am currently at 144 would like to get down to 125-130 (my height is 5'2). Would love pointers on snack options, we are low sugar, high fiber low carbs. Trying to make it more interesting for my girls. My oldest and are I are power walking 5 miles a day @ 5mph. Keeping cals between 1000 to 1200 for me, 1400-1600 for my girls. Any pointers, advice would be appreciated. Proud of my girls and their determination !


  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Hi - good on you for taking this step with your daughters. Are you sure 1400-1600 is enough for your daughters? Do they do any other sports besides walking with you? I'm not sure what it should be but it seems kinda low?
    Don't overthink the healthy snacks. Keep them simple and fresh. Fruit & vege sticks. yoghurts. Anything on the natural food scale.
  • Thank you! Yes, not sure the healthiest range. Our doctor gave us guidelines, my oldest daughter is only 4 ft 10. I feel like I have to get on them to get their calories in, especially my oldest. She is getting paranoid about putting healthy fats such as natural peanut butter in her body. We measure everything, even still she gets nervous after she has weight loss I think she is worried. I might jump her to 1700 cals as her high school is huge and she is extremely active. Thanks for the advice!
  • roreca
    roreca Posts: 9
    YEA for you and your girls!!!! I try to take my 11 year daughter running with me because it motivates me. Guess I don't want to quit in front of her, lol!!! We also have some great hiking trails by us to take advantage of. If possible, that would be a great family fun exercise that gets away from the typical power walk. Good luck- you can add me as a friend!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I sent you a request because it seems we have a lot in common. I'm a mom to two boys and am trying to make this lifestyle change with them. My oldest, who is 12, and I started running/walking 3 miles a few times a week.
  • I have just recently started using the app also. I lost 3 pounds; don't know when and can't tell. But I love the app and how keying in EVERYTHING THAT I EAT AND DRINK is helping me to make super wise choices about food. I also love how after I work out, it adds calories back on those days I want a Panera chocolate chip cookie. I can have it, but I have to work out in order to get it. I have encouraged a couple of my friends to join also as well as my husband. It's nice to know there are a lot of people out there who are wanting to make lifestyle changes to be healtier. I enjoy reading the comments because that is another form of encouragement for me to keep going. I want to lose 15 pounds.
  • AthenaArcher
    AthenaArcher Posts: 41 Member
    I am a mom of teenage girls too! welcome to MFP!
  • Welcome to MFP. Congrats on your family success so far. I am a mom to six and I think it is cool that you all are doing it together.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Hi. It seems like we have a lot in common. I'm 38 years old and 5'2" although I only have one son who'll be turning 3 in October. I'll send you a friend request.