Minimal weight loss. Am I doing something wrong?

I started mfp 2 weeks ago. I lost 2 pounds the first week but only half a pound the second week. Just last night I changed my settings to 0 workouts a week. This changed my caloric need from 1350 to 1330. I use the sedentary setting because my job is at night in a hospital. Some nights I have nothing to do and it turns into a desk job. I do workout and enter this in to adjust my net calories. What am I doing wrong? Why would I only lose half a pound the second week? Can I plateau this soon? Also, I'm not sure if this may effect any advice you can give me but I have been fighting a cold this past week. I was hoping that may be what is effecting my progress.


  • smokinjackd
    you are on track, stick with it.
  • AmyJMadison
    AmyJMadison Posts: 143 Member
    I think I am in the same boat. I keep hearing to not be discouraged! I lost right off the bat when I shocked my system and started mfp but now I am stuck and even gained a pinch. I can easlily see where I make mistakes and am trying to correct them. I am weak but trying! Slow and steady is the healthy way and I just need to resolve myself to not expecting instant results... slow and steady and it will happen! Chin up, right?!
  • Nikid1926
    Nikid1926 Posts: 17 Member
    I would wait and see what you get this week. In the past I have lost 3lb one week and then 1lb the next but then on the 3rd Ive gone back to 3lb again, so my weight lose averaged over 2 weeks would be 2lb per week which is good.

    I wouldn't stress or worry about it at the moment you have lost so just keep doing what your doing:0
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    It is discouraging. I guess it's better than gaining weight. Thanx.
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    Amy, what mistakes have you learned from?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You're averaging a pound a week. That's what you're supposed to be doing.

    It is slow. But it really does add up.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    It would help if you didnt punch through your metrics on a daily basis.. over all your eating seems to be fairly clean but you are really up there on your carbs.. Try changing your diet around and lower your carbs and up your protein in stead...

    All of what your body is using for fuel is the larger amount of carbs you are putting in your system. Lower those amounts and your body will work on burning more body fat first.

    That being said, I know this is a learning process, so research all you can and stay with in your daily mfp goals and you should begin to see good loss again.
  • HungryCougar
    HungryCougar Posts: 3 Member
    It's tought to say if you're doing something wrong, because you didn't say what you're doing to lose weight.
    Sorry if I'm just not using the site correctly & missing obvious info about your diet and exercise somewhere.
    Good luck.
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    Punch through my metrics? What does that mean? Mfp was a reality check on my carb intake. Crazy high I know. I do try to make it whole grains, though
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    You are going over your daily allowed goals on some things.. You CAN adjust these manually to your liking and it usually is recommended as MFP usually estimates your proteins lower than should.
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    Cougar, I'm not sure how but you can see my diary since my settings r set as public.
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanx, I will keep a closer eye on carbs and proteins instead of only checking total calories.
  • heyshell79
    heyshell79 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm watching your replies with interest as I am in the same boat. I've been doing this diligently for 3 weeks now and no weight loss at all. Granted, I've been on my cycle for a week and I gain, but I'm truly recording every bite and I'm getting discouraged. I'll stick with it because I know of no other way, but it is tough. I too work in a medical setting and will some days be very busy, and others stuck at a desk. I Plug On! :flowerforyou:
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    I agree that you're on track. I've lost my 40lbs 1 pound at a time. It takes hard work and time to acheive a fit body. there are no shortcuts or magic pills that will get you healthy.

    Don't get discouraged and keep plugging away at it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Be patient. A lot of people don't lose the same amount every single week. Some people will not lose at all for a couple of weeks and then a big chunk will be lost. Just make sure the overall trend is down and you'll be fine.
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Do what you do for three weeks and THEN determine if you are making progress or not. If not, readjust and go for your next three weeks. Eventually, you will get to where you want to be. Just don't ever give up. Like anything else, it gets easier as you go along. Just stay on here on a daily basis and pay close attention to how your successful friends on here are doing it. It will happen. Just stay in it.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Loss is loss, and this is a life-long committment not a race. Two weeks is hardly enough time to gather information about how you are doing. Until you are comfortable with seeing the numbers on the scale as JUST data, I might recommend that you weigh yourself once a month. Keep doing what you are doing, pay attention to how your body feels after you eat certain things, be good to yourself. You've got this!
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    As PP said, it may help to adjust your carb/protein ratio. I have a really hard time with that. I started just trying to reduce my sugar intake and then lowering carbs in general is the next step.

    I also notice on most days you have most of your foods grouped into two meals (lunch and dinner). I'm not sure if that is just the way you are logging or if it is actually the way you are eating. It might help to eat 5-6 small meals instead of two large meals.

    Building on that, most days your breakfasts are the smallest and your dinners are the largest. It has helped me to try to flip that. Breakfast is the biggest (and highest carb) and then the meals get smaller from there. I'm not perfect at it (because it takes a lot more willpower to eat less at night!) but it does help with my weightloss.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Add the sodium tab to your diet so you can track that. Sodium will stop or slow your weightloss down if you eating to much.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Rome was not built in a day. It took you years to gain weight.

    Expect it to take a little time to lose the weight. :smile:

    All those shows on TV (i.e. Extreme Makeover, Biggest Loser) are not focused on the average person in their average environment ( I mean really... who has three months and several hours a day to work out with a personal trainer? :wink: )

    Seriously. If you lose weight too quickly it isn't helpful as a portion of that weight loss will include muscle. Lose too much muscle and you lose the engine that burns fat (which in turn makes it harder to lose weight) This is part of reason behind the ideal of one pound of loss per week.

    Ideally the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

    You are on the right track. Just remember its a marathon not a sprint.