
So i have had this app on my phone and occasionaly looked at it. Until recently I have to be honest, i was happy with my weight and my appearance, not in a vain way, but just it never occured to me that i might need to work out AND like everyone else i stepped on a scaled one day and was blown away! I need to get fit, I need to be healthy and stop being lazy! So I am making a genuin effort to try and eat well (which is my biggest issue) and try and get some excercise in every other day. I am also trying to get my slender husband to work out with me or at least do a some powere walking laps around the track! Good luck to everyone and please feel free to add me as a friend I could use all of the help and motivation I can get! My current weight is 174 my goal weight is my pre baby weight of 135. Have a great day!:flowerforyou: :smooched: :wink:
