Weight loss with the help of pills???

I have twice in my life tried taking pills to loose weight, but only just the pills, no eating right, no exercise. so it didnt work. lol

Now my question is, is it worth taking them now? Does it HELP the weight loss? idk.. what do you guys think?? are any of you taking them too, or taking any other "helper" or dietry supplement??


  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    NO .... just no ....

    Eat right and exercise...
  • They 'help' you by making you not want to eat. So I guess they'll help...but once you start eating foods again, you'll put the weight back on.

    Slow and steady wins the race! :-)
  • I tried several times to eat right and excercise but could never get my appetite under control. My dr prescribed me adipex and it has helped sooo much and I didn't need it after a few weeks bc I just learned to eat right!
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    I am very pessimistic about "dietary supplements" of any kind. You may be able to lose weight by taking those pills, but more than likely you will gain it all back and then some. Do your body and health a favor and avoid them altogether is my advice. The only good kind of pill you can take would be an all inclusive vitamin pill. Eat right and exercise and you will start seeing changes, they won't be right away, but in the long run your health will thank you for it.
  • I was on phentramine a couple of times. lost the weight, but once I was off, I gained the weight back plus some extra. not worth your health taking them. not good for your heart. eat right and move your body! the best thing for your health. I have lost more weight doing it right, then when I was on pills. :)
  • Thank you for your opinions! I have come to realize that it is not worth it because of their side effects, i would always get the rapid heart palpitations! but this time I am going to do it right, just eating right and exercising! plus i dont wanna say i "cheated" in some sort of way! thank you everyone!

    I guess that sometimes I really do wish i can do this to see RAPID results my cousin was almost my size she started doing lipsculpture, taking shots, and doing pills and now shes sooo thin! but really doing alll 3 is really bad! imma just gonna stick to all natural! and i hope i have the will power to stick it thru! :)
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm glad you decided against taking pills for weight loss. It's so rewarding to be able to say you did it with just diet/exercise. Good luck on your weight loss journey!! :)
  • gashay
    gashay Posts: 2 Member
    Just got a prescription for Phentermine. I haven't had it filled yet and am a little nervous about some of the side effects-especially the heart palpitations. I do think that would be the jump start I need. After taking them for 60 days, I could maintian the weight loss by mainting good eating habits and exercising. just started gaining weight in the last 2 years so watching what I eat is new for me.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Go read the list of side effects and withdrawal symptoms. Then read it again. Imagine those then think about JUST eating right and exercising (even if its only walking).

    Ive been there with Phentermine. It SUCKED. I felt so horrible (mentally, physically and emotionally). Not worth any amount of weight loss.
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    I think it was Fen-Phen that cause the heart valves to erupt in some people. Not a big fan...
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Diet pills are not worth it!!! Slow and steady wins the race!!! Eat right and exercise!!!!!
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    No diet pills, just a multivitamin for active metabolism before my workouts.
  • Natural suppliments DO help. Raspberry ketones for example is a good fat burner and it is 100% natural product from mother nature, NOT man made chemical CRAP that you dont even know whats in it! ONLY if you are COMMITED TO YOURSELF, only if you are truly madly DETERMINED to lose your weight, and you give it your ALL. Pills wont fix years of abuse to your body by themselves. You have to commit, eat rite, and excersise as well.

    Everyone who says "you will just gain it all back" have pessimistic attitudes which is NOT an asset while trying to lose weiht/gain health. You will re-gain the weight ON ANY AND ALL DIETS, as long as you return to your former abusive (to your body) habits!!

    Get your MIND in the right place and success WILL follow. Commit for the LONG TERM, not just until you reach your goal.

    If you truly want something, you will FIND A WAY.
    If not, you will FIND AN EXCUSE.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just got a prescription for Phentermine. I haven't had it filled yet and am a little nervous about some of the side effects-especially the heart palpitations. I do think that would be the jump start I need. After taking them for 60 days, I could maintian the weight loss by mainting good eating habits and exercising. just started gaining weight in the last 2 years so watching what I eat is new for me.

    I felt awful when I took Phentermine. I didn't take it for weight loss, my doctor prescribed it for the crushing fatigue I was having from lupus. But I did lose weight. It wasn't pleasant. I felt on edge all the time, like an exposed nerve ended. And food didn't taste right. I quit pretty quickly. But I didn't gain anything back because I used MFP. Good luck either way!
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    Honestly, you can lose weight with proper nutrition much faster than by using pills. By making 90% of my diet whole plant foods, I've lost 27 lbs in 7 weeks. If you might be interested in giving this way of eating a try, google "Eat to Live".
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I blame Xenadrine for a lot of health problems I had in college...I got really sick on it and thought it was ok just because you could get it in the stores. I was really young and dumb. Yes, I lost a lot of weight, but I was not healthy whatsoever.

    If it is under the supervision of a doctor, that is another thing...but all these diet pills that are out on the market are scary.