
Hey everyone,
I need help! Since the holidays hit, I have let me diet and exercise regimine go down the tubes. I started today by going to the Y and walking for 40 minutes. I know I need to use the weight machines to build muscles, but walking helps tone down the fat, doesn't it?
Just had to ask.
Right now, I am trying to develop a habit. :happy:


  • pocostef
    I know that the last time I lost ten pounds, the only exercise I was doing was walking on my lunch breaks. So yeah, it works.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'm still pretty new to all of this, but yes, I'm pretty sure walking helps you to lose weight. The key is to make sure that you have an elevated heart rate so that you're getting forms of cardio. The faster you walk (or jog or run) the more calories you burn in the same amount of time.
    My understanding of weight lifting is that you gain muscle which will help you tone up and look fabulous and that the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism (?). If I'm wrong about that I'm sure someone who knows more about it will help explain better than I can.
    I'm also starting to walk and I'm hoping to get to a steady run. I'm using an app for my iPod called 'Get Running' and I'm really impressed with how much I was able to do. It breaks up running and walking briskly and every week slowly builds you up to a steady jog. If you're able to follow the plan then it says you can be running a steady 30 minutes in 9 weeks. I'm only on week 1 so we'll see about that. lol But I'm already impressed with how well I was able to keep up with the programed run/walk intervals.
  • theraymiles
    The truth is, creating a caloric deficit will help you lose fat.

    It doesn't matter if you're walking, running, or sprinting, as long as you create a deficit in your calories, the fat will come off.

    Also remember, working out with intensity is going to burn more fat. If you can't run, try to bring the treadmill up to a 5% incline for a minute, then walk for 2 minutes, then keep repeating these intervals until you are done!

    It's a super easy way to add a little more intensity to your workout!
  • SamSaint
    ill try to be super basic (this convo can get SO complex)
    say you:
    walk at an average pace for 30 minutes and you burn 150 calories
    OR burn 150 calories jogging in only 10 minutes
    so the argument is if you do the same time workouts - jogging is more effective.
    however it means you have to BE ABLE to jog for extended periods of time, and it doesnt take into account incline or if your outside. the best thing to do is really simple -move. your creating a habit which is really good. build on it. walk for 40 minutes every day you want to for two weeks. then when your cardio strength is building - throw in a 30 second jog. and then walk for as long as you need to recover. then do it again! its all about building your strengths.
    but yes -throw in some weights soon - while cardio is more "effective" for stripping fat, strength work is amazing -
    in a cardio session where you burn say 300 calories - you burn 300 calories and maybe 100 more recovering
    in a strength session where you burn 300 calories - you burn 300 calories and nearly as much again recovering!
    (i dont know how much of this you know! im only trying to help) good luck, and good on ya for starting!
  • mayhem1969
    mayhem1969 Posts: 27 Member
    The most important thing is that you went back to the gym. However, I think you are trying to compare apples and oranges. What are you goals? If it is losing weight both will help, but in different ways. Weight training works mostly by burning more calories throughout the day, while the body is at rest. It takes more calories to support muscle than fat, so more muscle means more caloric burn over the entire day, Cardio burns calories at the time it is being performed, but not after. The 40 minutes worth of walking is a great start back to the gym. You can also add weight training if you desire to build or tone muscle and to help burn more calories throughout the day. Typically, it is recommended that you weight train at least 3 days a week, although I have had equal success doing it twice a week. Cardio is recommended 30 minutes a day, but you can do more or less depending on your goals. If you weight train, make sure to give yourself at least 24 hours between sessions, unless you alternate upper and lower body work.
  • Panda8Angel8Faith
    Panda8Angel8Faith Posts: 46 Member
    Wow! Everyone is really supportive! That is fantastic.
    Right now, I think I am just going to stick to the walking thing for two weeks. I know my gym isn't open on Sundays, but that is a day of rest anyway...so that just might work.
    My ultimate goal is to lose weight, but I want to change my lifestyle at the same time, so I am thinking that changing the life style is going to be more important than losing the weight. If I change the lifestyle, than the weight loss will be a result of that.
    Now, if I could quit being a procrastinator, things would get done. hee hee.
    Thank you to everyone for your help and insight. It is greatly appreciated! :happy: