crossfit calories

Does anyone know approx. calories burned in a typical crossfit class? Usually there is a 15 min warmup and about 20 min workout.


  • I have been trying to figure that out as well. A while back I found a site that had estimated calories per a given movement (deadlift, hang clean etc) but found it too much of a pain to try and calculate it all out. For MFP i use calisthenics (vigorous). My crossfit gym sessions are an hour including the warmup, going over movements with dowels and then the actual workout. I put in 40 minutes in MFP usually.

    Hope this helps.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    A girl I know used to wear an HRM during a WOD, but really it isn't very accurate all together because you keep burning after the workout. For a rigorous 20 minute workout (lifting weights + running) she would usually burn 200 calories and she is a 5'3" female about 120 pounds.

    When I did the workouts I would just use the circuit training calories. It seems pretty close, as long as you're moving the whole time. Approx 8-10 calories per minute.
  • smgprince
    smgprince Posts: 3 Member
    I wore a HRM to my WODs last week and it had me burning around 300 calories. That said, I had to be burning a lot more during the WOD and after because my weight loss was much higher than my diet would've allowed. Pretty much any estimation I've seen was low. I guess the only way you could tell is by using a good quality HRM with a chest strap or one of those bodybuggs, which seem to be fairly accurate.
  • _AC3_
    _AC3_ Posts: 16
    Use the circuit training calories. Crossfit is a brand (Reebok) of circuit training.
  • Sefrick
    Sefrick Posts: 11
    ^ I just tried that because I was having the same issue...I think it grossly over-estimates the number of cals burned. A CrossFit workout could be anywhere from 25 minutes to a little over an hour, depending on the exercises you're doing that day. Your heart rate stays high, but you're definitely not moving non-stop for the entire period.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Use the circuit training calories. Crossfit is a brand (Reebok) of circuit training.

    it is?
    OAKCOACH Posts: 6 Member
    This is reasonably easy to figure out. Since a mainstay of most CF gyms is "Row for Calories" you should have an idea of the perceived effort it takes to burn, say 15 calories in one minute (.75 calories per rep). Many CF exercises are about the same in terms of cal/rep: AAB, Burpee (weight dependent) Light weightlifting for instance. Some are easier (sit-up, push-up etc.). Some are harder (heavy deadlift, pull-up with weight vest, etc.). So using row as your baseline, you could guess that if you do 20 reps per minute, your "Fight Gone Bad"! Score of 300 will translate to 300 calories burned in 15 minutes, or 1200 calories per hour. If you are a beginner and are getting 150 Rx it will be half that. Some of the briefer more intense WODs will have an insane cal per hour rate if you are any good. Let's say you can hit "Fran" Rx in 5:00. I would guestimate 1.25 cal per rep, so 90 reps times 1.25 cal = 135 cal in 5:00 or 2700 calories per hour. Of course the whole point is you cannot keep this up. On the other hand, "Murph" with a weight vest is sustainable for around an hour if you are decent. Probably 600 calories for the reps and another 300 for the runs, so 900 calories per hour and 900 calories actually burned. Hope this helps.